Daily Scans
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Below are the 16 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
10:55 pm [icon_uk]
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An SD1.0 repost and a genuine "Grail Piece" acqusition!! :) Chances are that if you owned ANY DC licensed merchandise in the late 70's or early 80's it either featured art by, or based on, work done by Jose-Luis Garcia-Lopez and Dick Giordano, two stalwarts of the organisation, who produced acres of top notch, lovely licensing art.
The art would be used from notepads to action figures, from t-shirts to underoos, and so had to be both simple and stylish, easily reproduced and instantly recognisable. They could hardly have asked for better!
The attached pics are scanned as best I can, and hopefully might bring a little happiness to your desktop should you wish to tweak them that way.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: catwoman/selina kyle, char: joker, char: penguin/oswald cobblepot, char: riddler/edward nigma, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: dick giordano, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, medium: model sheets
08:27 pm [scottyquick]
[Link] | A really sweet little story by George Perez and Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez that I read the other day and thought y'all might like.
Collected, along with many other cool stories, in the pretty Wonder Woman: Destiny Calling.
Tags: char: philippus of themyscira, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: george perez, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, theme: amazons are really freaking badas
05:42 pm [icon_uk]
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You can take the boy out of the circus, but... Someone who has just done me a brilliant sketchcard (which you'll see soon enough, believe me it's a thing of utter beauty) mentioned he'd like to see a sample of the "Robin goes back to the circus" stories that we've posted here and on S_D 1.0, so this repost from there is for Sonny, a thoroughly nice guy who I hope will see fit to join us here if he's interested.
I know that when he was in the Titans Dick got used to be carried through the air by Starfire, but honestly....
It's a purely fun blast from the past from DC Comics Presents #31, written by Gerry Conway and drawn by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez with inks from Dick Giordano (Always a killer combination for classic DC characters) - Where Superman hoists an elephant, Robin battles a half-and-half hermaphrodite and Jimmy and Lois show why Clark really IS the brains of the Daily Planet's star trio.
A few of the scans aren't the greatest quality because it's an old, old comic now!
Not so much "Not Dial-up friendly" but "Actively dial-up hostile".
Tags: char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: superman/clark kent, creator: gerry conway, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, title: dc comics presents
11:19 pm [superfan1]
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Clark kent biggest fan first meeting with clark. ( Three scans under cut )
Tags: char: solomon grundy/cyrus gold, char: superman/clark kent, char: terri cross, creator: bob oksner, creator: gerry conway, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, creator: terry austin
05:07 pm [arbre_rieur]
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Wednesday Comics #1 Warning: As those of you who've picked up an issue of Wednesday Comics know, these pages are HUGE. Those with slower connections should keep that in mind.
Tags: char: supergirl/kara zor-el, char: will magnus, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: amanda conner, creator: ben caldwell, creator: dan didio, creator: jimmy palmiotti, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, group: metal men, title: wednesday comics
03:32 pm [kabukiokami]
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Atari Force (Two) - One Perfect Moment My very first post. I thought it would be appropriate to contribute to the community what I consider to be the perfect moment of the first comic that caught and held my interest, DC's Atari Force (Two)
( Really ... would that be so hard? )
Tags: creator: gerry conway, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, creator: roy thomas, publisher: dc comics, series: one perfect moment week, title: atari force
04:47 pm [faile_neume]
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One Perfect Moment: JLA
Despite the fact that these scans are hilarious, I also think they really represent what a good Justice League is all about. I'll go into detail after the pictures. This is from JLA: The Hypothetical Woman, written by Gail Simone (which would explain why it is so awesome) with art by Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: flash/kid flash/wally west, char: green lantern/john stewart, char: martian manhunter/j'onn j'onzz, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: gail simone, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, group: justice league of america, publisher: dc comics, series: one perfect moment week
01:29 pm [icon_uk]
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A little something for the long weekend.... As it's a long weekend in the UK (well, chunks of it) and the US, I thought I'd repost an "activity post" from S_D 1.0
The results last time were... memorable to say the least, and I'm hoping for more here! :)
From the brighter, happier days of 1984 comes....

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: green lantern/hal jordan, char: raven/rachel roth, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: supergirl/linda danvers, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez
11:24 am [zegas]
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Master Post: Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez Ever since the recent demise of scans_daily I had been wondering if there was any to save all of the old mega posts that I did at s_d covering a number of artists and stories that I loved. I started another LJ profile, "master_post", for the sole purpose of archiving all those old posts as well as continuing with tons more, starting with Garcia-Lopez (I've cross posted at non-scans just in case)! Please feel free to friend "master_post" and I hope you guys don't mind if I post the rare update once in a while here. In any case, I hope you like the Garcia-Lopez material!
Master Post Archives: http://master-post.livejournal.com/

Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: superman/clark kent, creator: gerry conway, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, creator: kevin nowlan, creator: len wein, publisher: dc comics
04:57 pm [suzene]
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Batman Confidential #28 - SPOILERS Damn, this was a fun arc!
Sorry if some of this looks choppy, but it's broken up to 1) stay within the posting limits and 2) preserve some of the mystery, as well as the cool reveal in the last couple of pages of the book.
BTW, those last couple of pages that I'm not showing? They make me really, REALLY want to see this team do more with this Tut guy.
I've really enjoyed the fun story and fantastic art in this arc. This one's worth your money, folks.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: king tut/victor goodman, char: riddler/edward nigma, creator: christina weir, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, creator: kevin nowlan, creator: nunzio defilippis
12:39 am [icon_uk]
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A return to what we do best... or I think I do at any rate! :) It's been noted, and not by me, that since we moved here, we've been lacking a certain something, a certain "je ne sais quoi", But I've realised je sais exactly what quoi we're missing...
And so, to rectify that, I've gone digging through my archives to come up with a selection of published pages and commission work which fits the bill. More by coincidence than anything they all feature Dick Grayson... what a surprise! :)
So, to paraphrase Stephen Sondheim in his original version of "Back in Business" from Dick Tracy (Not to be confused with Madonna's version, the Sondheim one is far more of a period piece... but I digress)
( Back in bondage and feeling grand, let the good time roll! )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, creator: george perez, creator: irv novick, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, creator: mitch ballard, creator: trevor von eeden, in-joke: bondage, in-joke: context is for the weak, in-joke: herodickery
08:08 pm [icon_uk]
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Okay, not by popular demand but it's been one of those Mondays and I want to share some silliness! This was intended partly to see if I could restore html code from stored e-mail replies to the original posting, and it looks like I can. So I'm reposting the single most popular (in terms of replies) post I ever got at the old S_D.
From 1981 (and reprinted for the Warner Bros Stores in the 1990's) I bring you (once again)...
ISBN1563891417 for those interested.
I haven't included all the recipes because, well, the images are more than enough fun!
13 images, so NOT dial up friendly.
( Even by S_D standards this is just weird! :) )
Tags: char: batgirl/oracle/barbara gordon, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: green arrow/oliver queen, char: green lantern/hal jordan, char: robin/nightwing/dick grayson, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez
06:42 pm [suzene]
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Batman Confidential #27 - Spoilers Title: Batman Confidential #27 (monthly) Length: 23 pages Posted 'Cuz: Too Awesome To Not Pimp*
A couple of days back, mysteryfan linked to DC's five-page preview of Batman Confidential here. Go on, check it out if you haven't already. No hurry.
So I picked up my copy of the book this afternoon and settled down, skimming the first five pages because, you know, I'd read them already.
( Let me say, page six justifies the book's cover price. Spoiler beneath. )
Please give DC your $2.99. I want this creative team to be brought back to make more awesome.
*I'm not sure if this is in violation of the "four pages, max" rule for recent comics, since the above is an off-site link to an official preview, not an actual post to the comm. I'll take this down if so.
Tags: char: king tut/victor goodman, char: riddler/edward nigma, creator: christina weir, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, creator: kevin nowlan, creator: nunzio defilippis, title: batman confidential
03:25 pm [mysteryfan]
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SPOILERS: Batman Confidential #27 ( Read more... )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, creator: christina weir, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, creator: kevin nowlan, creator: nunzio defilippis
03:48 pm [xdoop]
![[User Picture]](https://www.insanejournal.com/userpic/7353870/376622) [Link] |
Superman vs. Wonder Woman!

Tags: char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: gerry conway, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, in-joke: herodickery, publisher: dc comics
11:59 pm [icon_uk]
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Some more Model sheets - This time for the Amazing Amazon Continuing my series of DC licensing images by the legend which is Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez
These are all pre-Crisis reboot, but post the change from eagle-crest to double-W chest logo. So she still has the ridiculous heels, but that's life. ( Enjoy! )
Tags: char: cheetah/deborah domaine, char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, medium: model sheets, publisher: dc comics