Daily Scans
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
10:21 pm [bluefall]
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When Wondy was Awesome, part 2 (Diana Rockwell Trevor) Last chapter we saw how Perez cleanly and deftly rebooted the Wonder Woman franchise, discarding all the old continuity, the weird bondage, the creepily gender-centric weaknesses, the sexist "ooh a May-un, I must follow him home!" and outdated "we must fight Nazis!" motivations for leaving Paradise, and her jingoistic 40s-style association with the American Way. One thing he did leave, however, was her costume. Because her costume is iconic. (I blame the TV show for this. And inertia. Two reboots now, at least five perfect story-based opportunities to get her into something sane, and it just never happens.)
This obviously presented a problem, seeing as the costume no longer made sense at all in Diana's new, completely American-free context. Perez attempted to cope with this conundrum by giving Diana's costume itself its own sort of backstory, which is what this chapter is concerned with. Because Perez being Perez, he didn't just write a story about the bathing suit; he wrote an intricate, moving epic that spans two generations, connects Steve and Diana on a personal level and Themyscira and Man's World on a historical one, and solidifies and reinforces one of the most fundamental traits of the very concept of "Wonder Woman."

( Under the cut. )
Next time: Perez will probably make you cry over a character you've never heard of, and Polly proves the awesome is hereditary.
Tags: char: acantha of themyscira, char: apollo/dc, char: artemis of bana-mighdall, char: cottus, char: demeter/dc, char: diana rockwell trevor, char: euboea of themyscira, char: hades/dc, char: hera/dc, char: hermes/dc, char: hestia/dc, char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: menalippe of themyscira, char: mnemosyne of themyscira, char: pan/dc, char: persephone/dc, char: philippus of themyscira, char: poseidon/dc, char: steve trevor, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, char: zeus/dc, creator: george perez, group: amazons, publisher: dc comics, series: when wondy was awesome, series: world of wondy
11:06 pm [bluefall]
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When Wondy was Awesome, part 1 (Birth of a Wonder) Alright, both by request and because I myself feel something at a loss with it gone, here commences the repost of my When Wondy was Awesome series from our LJ incarnation.
We'll begin, as is proper, at the beginning - the origin of the character as she is now. The concept of Wonder Woman, of course, is one of the oldest in Big Two comics, as she was first created by Marston back in 1941. However, once the Golden Age ended and the character passed into other hands, she became something of an albatross to the company - they were under contract to keep publishing her, but they didn't really know what to do with her, and her title quickly devolved into a miserable sexist mess from which it never entirely recovered.
Thus, with Crisis on Infinite Earths, Editorial completely erased Wonder Woman from past continuity, deciding she would enter the DCU for the first time in the late 80s - allowing them to start over and try to really do her justice. After a long (and terrifying to read about for fear of what might have been) process, they finally found a team that they thought could both create a new and viable character, and preserve the essence of the one who came before; thus Diana passed into the hands of Greg Potter and the now-definitive George Perez.

( And hot damn was that a good call. )
Next time: The nonsensical American flag bathing suit is made to make some small sliver of sense, we learn what kind of person inspires an amazon and why we should care about Steve Trevor, and Diana kills a hecatoncheries, as we tackle the second, less prominent but no less awesome half of Wonder Woman's origin.
Tags: char: antiope of bana-mighdall, char: aphrodite/dc, char: ares/dc, char: artemis of bana-mighdall, char: athena/dc, char: decay, char: deimos/dc, char: demeter/dc, char: etta candy, char: harmonia/dc, char: hephaestus/dc, char: hermes/dc, char: hestia/dc, char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: julia kapatelis, char: matthew michaelis, char: menalippe of themyscira, char: philippus of themyscira, char: phobos/dc, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: steve trevor, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: george perez, group: amazons, publisher: dc comics, series: when wondy was awesome, series: world of wondy