Posts Tagged: 'our+character+oureach+program'

Sep. 22nd, 2017




So I have some plots for most of my characters(but always willing for more, if anyone wants anything with them!)

But I am having trouble thinking of much for my new girl, Kimberly. Anyone have any plots they would like with her?

Aug. 13th, 2017


Chrissie's Summer Update

Friends, Romans, countrymen . . . HELLO!

I am so pumped for this game to be starting up again. That break was needed and I feel ready to go. :D So, here's a summer update. I'm going to do a little explaining but gonna keep it brief because I probably have too many characters of reasons.

Chrissie's Toons Summer Update )

Muah! So happy to see so many of your wonderful faces again! :D

~ Chrissie!

Jun. 12th, 2017



Summer Plans

Peer Pressure and all

Character Summer Plans )



Summer Post

Follow the example. I'll do mine!

Theo's Characters )

Chrissie's Summer Plans

I'm stealing this idea from Khush who stole it from Lee. Give credit where it's due, right? Most of my characters will be gone in the summer, and some will be played while away and others will simply be gone. Here they be: I am going to play catch up today with all my owed tags today. >_<




Khush's Characters' Summer Plans

Lee had a great idea and I wanna follow along! :D

Here are my characters projected summer engagements: )

Jun. 10th, 2017



Summer plans

Having trouble sleeping right now so I figured I'd go ahead and post this now rather than in the morning.

character summer plans )

May. 20th, 2017



What Up, Party People

Who wants a dance thread with me and one of mine (Jack, Valentin, Ambriel, Tanek, Gilderoi, Wendy)? Holler!

Alternatively, plan your own dance shenanz down here!

Apr. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

1. Please excuse any lack of response/radio silence for the past week or so. I gave up chocolate for a month as if to prove to myself that I don't have an addiction and this ended last Sunday (originally I started at the beginning of March, but halfway through the month my nephew gave me a Milkyway Magic Star and I had to restart), so I've basically spent the last week indulging in cocoa-based depravity and very little else.

2. For some reason, not all of the replies to my comments have been coming to my inbox. It seems okay now, but if Sasha's conversations with anyone finished prematurely, it might be because of this.

3. New plot/threads, anyone?

Apr. 11th, 2017



As spring approaches, Dana will be growing new leaves and also flowers. I know it hasn't happened before, but if anyone is interested in acquired allergies or someone new wants to have allergies because of Dana, feel free.

Mar. 16th, 2017


Big news hurrr + help request

So . . . I've been accepted into a graduate school . . . in England (*internal screams*). I'm still processing this, but it's major news and means my life will soon become a huge fustercluck! I have to prepare to move overseas and then get settled, but thankfully, the really major horrifying stuff won't happen for another 4 months or so.

Also, I have to move soon because my contract is going out and my apartment complex is jerking prices up waaaay too high for me. I have options available, but I need to make a final decision. So chances are toward the end of next month, I'll be supes busy; however, I'll update the ooc as needed should things get complicated. Most of my stuff isn't coming with me during the move.

*BREATHES* OK, now for other things.


Feb. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

Anyone have any need for Ms. Williams or Kristen? I need plotties for them!

Feb. 6th, 2017


Something's brewing . . . A PLOT!

Remember that dead body found in December by the police? Well, that wasn't the last one. In fact, another was found a few days ago, too! And now, the police showed up at school, and Jae went to the office. Ruh roh . . .

This is all part of a plot I have going for Jae, and I would love to get people involved in it. Not just reacting to it either! Because reacting is a'ight, but getting involved is more fun, yeah?

Characters will know that 1) Jae went to Mr. Cavanaugh's office and 2) She will not be in classes for an undetermined amount of time. Cressida will contact the staff about Jae tomorrow to discuss what to tell students if they ask about Jae.

Now, onto getting involved. There's been two dead bodies, and one found by Lucia. Jae is missing. I'd LOVE for some students to maybe start looking into the matter. Two (Davian and Kana) know that Jae is a kumiho, but others don't, and those that do know her would know she isn't the type to go cray and start killing people. If you want to get involved with that, or think your character would get involved, please comment below.

If you play a teacher, I have a specific scene I would like to do. If you want your teacher present, I'd appreciate your presence. Preferably if the teacher is a human, but others are welcome. If you want to get involved with that comment below.

This plot, if anything is more Jae reacting than other people reacting, so if you can/want to get involved, please do!

~ Chrissie

Jan. 30th, 2017



[No Subject]

Looking for a new romantic interest for Alicia. Anyone intetested in brainstorming? Female only, obviously(sorry boys).

Dec. 18th, 2016



The "Cris Returns"-Superpost!

Hi all! I may have internet, I may not, but at least it's semi-dependable. For now. Which means that: awaaaay we go. Follow the cut, look up your name and comment for all the things we should be doing. Suggestions! Threads! Ideas! LET'S GO!

Oct. 20th, 2016



[No Subject]

I'm likely going to have at least one or two open musical practice threads at some point in the next couple of months, but for some reason I am having trouble figuring out more things for my people to get into.

Is anyone interested in playing around with my characters and coming up with some plots?

At the moment Thérèse is planning on throwing herself into her work at the school during the week, and I have a thought for something for her a bit later. Aside from that she's doing her best to put on a smile for appearances (made easier now that Ambriel and Davian got married), but she has been somewhat quiet about her own problems.

Kana is doing her best to try and be more social, but sometimes it sort of freaks her out. She's doing her best with this mentor thing, and she hopes she's doing alright with it. She will be working on costumes for the musical so anyone in the musical will need to see her. Feel free to handwave, but if you want to play with her in that let me know.

Mainly I feel like I'm having trouble developing them any, so I was just hoping to get some thoughts or volunteers for fun plots.

Oct. 15th, 2016



We Still In HERE!


This week got away from me! First work, which was insane post-hurricane (I work in a home improvement store, so you can imagine), and then another friend came down from NJ to vacation in Orlando and we took two days to go play at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. YAS! Also Harry Potter land~ which is all sorts of amazing and omg I need more butterbeer in my life. You know, you'd think one of these days I'd get around to reading/seeing the HP movies, considering our game is somewhat similar to the idea. Now is a great time to do it with all 8 movies in theaters and the new 5-movie series starting :O

ANYWAY. Short of another hurricane or work having an emergency and needing me, I have the next several days off and all I wanna do is play play play! That is, I want to board myself in my room and be left alone and get caught up on my tags (finally!) and start new things with people if anyone is up to it.

Any takers?

Not much has changed with my characters since THIS entry, except for the small tiny detail that as of THIS ENTRY, AMBRIEL AND DAVIAN HAVE OFFICIALLY ELOPED. BOOM. So from now on, you can expect to see our neighborhood Sloth demon being much more like his old self that hasn't been seen since before school started.



Oct. 9th, 2016



We in here

I am returned safe and sound! Aside from heading back to work and hurricane clean-up, I'll be catching up on all my tags in the next few days. No one messaged me anything urgent, so I'll assume it's cool if I just take my time XD

Here's a quick update on my characters that you may have already gleaned from their updates today:

Sorin: is stuck in another dimension compliments of his evil doppelgänger, Nick. Nick is plotting some bad things. Stay tuned!
Lucia: she's trying, okay? So what if no one would answer her questions with any straight answers? XD She's trying to learn about human emotions so she can cope with them.
Sara: Enjoying being a mentor and generally loving life. She will probably be one of my only characters to graduate this year without any major plot drama happening.
Davian: he took the disaster of a wedding pretty hard and has not been around, has not been talking to anyone, and has not been attending any classes. At this rate there's no way he'll graduate this year.
Van: He's really just chillin, playing his video games, and doing alright with his classes. Being a kelpie is still a giant mystery to him and no one has the answers he needs.
Galad: The young elf baron is getting quite bored! He'll start to intentionally fail his tests out of sheer boredom to break up the monotony that he's found himself in. He'd like to shake things up if he could meet someone who wasn't passive to pique his interest.
Kaden: It's autumn time and that means the bear is hungry. Very hungry. Kaden's impressive metabolism is kicking in full force and he'll always be found eating something from now until winter. His mood will get progressively more testy too. Rawr. Experienced students know not to cross him during this time and know that giving him food is never a wrong answer.
Blake: Mr. Dragonslayer is waiting for word from his sources on any news about the angels, now that they've made themselves known as a threat to society. Other than that, Blake is teaching his classes and is pretty much a hard ass when it comes to the lessons. He's not here to be your friend!

I'm open for any plots you wanna do or random scenes you want to throw at me. Just hit me up! Otherwise, I think that's all the updates I have for now and I will return you to your regularly scheduled program!


Sep. 10th, 2016


OOC — Tutoring Stuff

To save ourselves yet another group scene, I am gonna use the OOC for that. Per this entry, Alex had a big thing at Kitsune house inviting all the other houses to show up. There was plenty of food that kids could take and go if they wanted, but there were also two clipboards. One was where kids could sign up to get a tutor, and the other was for people willing to tutor.

So, please, use the comments below if you want your kid to sign up for tutoring or get a tutor. It may actually serve well for some great IC interactions too, if that's what you're looking for. :) Just figured it may help get past the whole business of trying to come up with ways to interact for some people! :)

Sep. 3rd, 2016


Par-tay Thread Plotting!

So we're all still dealing with the wedding, but as that will eventually wind down, we have a new thread up, and it's a PARTY THREAD, y'all!

It's a big festival type of thing, as you'll read, and so there's plenty for your characters to do if they do show up. Alex spared little to no expense in making it something that most people may regret not going to! Some will not care, but wev, you're missing out! XD

Anywho, I figure I'd set up an OOC if anyone wants to set up threads. Open threads are awesome for random interactions, but you can always avoid the nail-biting waiting of tossing an open by posting here with what your characters are doing if they're at the party! Just a thought.