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Nov. 13th, 2009


WHO: Paul and Ava
WHAT: Paul finally gets to go see Ava in the infirmary.

I want this place to burn. )

Nov. 12th, 2009


WHO: Siobhan Owens and Jack Donovan
WHAT: Jack finally comes face to face with his mother.

It might not mean much if we all die. )

Nov. 11th, 2009


WHO: Xantippe, Roma, and anyone else who wants to join.
WHAT: Concerto in the bathroom.

Nov. 7th, 2009


WHAT Futile efforts.

She was really sick of the crap they gave her; she'd been through it all in high school already. )


WHAT Sneaking.

his orders were wonderfully vague and gave her a lot of wiggle room. )

Nov. 5th, 2009


WHO: Paul Ballard & Madeline Costley
WHAT: Madeline is feeling distinctly bitchy with all this baby-talk going around.

You never talk about Katie. )


WHO: Paul and Joanna Ballard (played by Kait)
WHAT: Way back before Paul was still married, Joanna tells Paul exactly what her problem is.

At least acknowledge that this is a joke. )


WHO: Jack Donovan & Ophelia Picard
WHAT: Jack has questions about his mother, so he goes to the head of Siobhan's Dollhouse.

Unhealthy? What do you mean by unhealthy? )


WHO: Topher Brink & Lilah Yang
WHAT: Apparently the world is ending, and they're both lonely.

I know you're not supposed to have sex when bad things happen, because then you're the first to die. )


WHO: Brian Royce and Annabel-in-Dahlia's-body
WHAT: Yay, more bodyswitching. Poor Annabel wakes up in Dahlia's body and freaks. the fuck. out. Warning: Like apparently fucking everything having to do with Dahlia (or her body), I feel the need to put a warning in here. Mention of personal issues. Don't read this while you're going to the bathroom. I ... don't know why you would, but do me a solid (...hah) and just don't.

But I'm going to fix this. I'm going to make this better. )

Nov. 4th, 2009


WHO: Brian Royce & Dahlia Valentine
WHAT: Royce has a freakout and Dahlia smacks him on the head to get him to calm down. He's still angry when he wakes up.

He had her body and where the hell was her mind? Did they bother keeping a copy? )


WHO: Henry and Joss
WHAT: Henry finally visits Joss.

When the fuck do I have time? )


WHO: Stacy and Joan
WHAT: They share a room. Everybody's going to die. It's awkward.

It's the end of the world, Joan. )


WHO: Dee & Mark Sheffield
WHAT: Dee is having trouble adjusting, particularly with Mark and Jack screwing in the nearby bed. She goes to the gym to kick stuff and Mark runs into her.

I just keep waiting for someone to yell 'cut' and we'll all just go to lunch. )

Nov. 3rd, 2009


WHO: Jack Donovan & Mark Sheffield
WHAT: Jack can't sleep 'cause his mom is alive. Oh, and here.

It's like... it's like the way you look at your sister. I feel like that's how she'll look at me. )

Nov. 1st, 2009


WHO: Dee Sheffield & Jack Donovan
WHAT: People who seek the Dollhouse usually find the Dollhouse. Unfortunately, getting out is a much harder problem.

Shit, another one? )

Oct. 31st, 2009


WHO: Jack Donovan & Mark Sheffield
WHAT: Flashback to about six months into Jack and Mark's relationship (about... three years ago? Ish?). Jack finds Mark's bottle of anti-psychotics.

Undiagnosed, unmedicated, manic depressive anorexic. I also played baseball. )


WHO: Oz and Quebec
WHAT: They share a sandwich. Also some horror.

That's my name. )

Oct. 30th, 2009


Who: Adelle and Zulu (who is being godmodded with Joy's permission)
What: The reason Adelle is HBIC no matter what body.

Adelle really had no qualms about taking her own body down. So it was simple to slip into her own office, grab her taser and walk back to the main area. Okay, there was a stop by the wardrobe first to change into clothes she felt suited her personality better. A pretty blouse, a skirt and sensible heels. She spotted Zulu and made her way over quietly and calmly, though her expression made it clear she was not someone to fuck with. She tapped her body on the shoulder, then waited for her to turn around before punching her hard in the jaw. "That is quite enough, you little bitch," she said, tone warning the other woman not to fuck with her. Then she held the taser to her side and pressed the trigger, watching her drop.

"Somebody help me move her," she said calmly, smoothing her skirt.


WHO: Bravo and Romeo
WHAT: It be a throwdown up in here! Maybe-ish.

What the fuck happened to you? )
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