Oct. 26th, 2009


WHO: Lima Langton and Boyd Langton
WHAT: Lima screams in the night. Daddy comes to take care of her.

What did he do to you? )

Oct. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Boyd and Topher
WHEN: Right after Alpha calls Topher.
WHERE: The Lab/On the way to Grandma's house Adelle's office
WHAT: Topher tells Boyd about Alpha

He should've been sleeping, but who slept anymore? )

Sep. 26th, 2009


WHO: Boyd Langton and Claire Saunders
WHEN: Sometime after Ava leaves the infirmary and after Boyd's all "We're doomed".
WHERE: The Infirmary
WHAT: Boyd and Claire hang sometimes. Now Boyd wants to make sure that she hasn't, like ... killed herself or something.

Maybe it would have been like justice for the staff to get stuck here, but the Actives, too? )