Nov. 13th, 2009


WHO: Paul and Ava
WHAT: Paul finally gets to go see Ava in the infirmary.

I want this place to burn. )

Nov. 5th, 2009


WHO: Paul Ballard & Madeline Costley
WHAT: Madeline is feeling distinctly bitchy with all this baby-talk going around.

You never talk about Katie. )


WHO: Paul and Joanna Ballard (played by Kait)
WHAT: Way back before Paul was still married, Joanna tells Paul exactly what her problem is.

At least acknowledge that this is a joke. )

Oct. 24th, 2009


WHO: Madeline Costley & Paul Ballard
WHAT: In the aftermath of the truth epidemic, Madeline wants to have a little chat with Paul. She has a confession of her own.

Paul just stared at her for the moment. When he could finally speak, he said, 'I love you.' )

Oct. 12th, 2009


WHO: Ozzy, Quebec, Madeline and Zero (brought to you by Paul Ballard)
WHAT: Oz takes Quebec to get some ice cream after she helped him move the body. Madeline brings Zero to the kitchen to get some ice cream for saving Topher. Eventually, they all start talking about Paul's ... hero complex.

And by hero complex, we mean penis. )

Oct. 10th, 2009


WHO: Zero (brought to you by Paul Ballard) and OPEN!
WHAT: Zero's having some, uh ... trouble.

Insert Witty Text Here )


WHO: Madeline and Paul
WHAT: Guess who's turn it is to hop the Fucked Up By Alpha Train? Three guesses.

Hey. )

Oct. 5th, 2009


WHO: Quebec and Paul (and Madeline later)
WHEN: Before the West Side Story fuckup
WHERE: The kitchen
WHAT: Quebec meets Paul and then Madeline comes in and la la la chitchat. Good chitchat.

Read more... )

Oct. 4th, 2009


WHO: Jack Donovan and Paul Ballard (and some Bravo in the background)
WHEN: Right after the Bomb Squad got their personalities back, but before Jack finds out
WHERE: Staff fitness room
WHAT: Jack and Paul have a pretty gay boxing match.

Wanna punch me instead? )

Oct. 1st, 2009


WHO: Paul Ballard & Madeline Costley
WHEN: Late Wednesday night
WHERE: Paul's room
WHAT: Madeline brings Paul something to eat because apparently it will ease all his pain.

Read more... )

Sep. 27th, 2009


WHO: Madeline Costley and Paul Ballard
WHEN: Evening, tonight, omg!
WHERE: Staff apartments/dormitories
WHAT: Madeline is heading off to bed. Surely another awkward conversation will ensue.

Read more... )

Sep. 26th, 2009


WHO: Paul and Echo
WHEN: During the day, after Paul bumps into Jack
WHERE: The alcove by the stairs
WHAT: Paul checks in on Echo.

Everything is going to be all right. )


WHO: Paul Ballard and Jack Donovan
WHEN: The morning after Mark sneaks into Jack's room. Really super early in the morning.
WHERE: In the hallway in the handler dorms, or whatever they're called
WHAT: Paul bumps into Jack and catches a glimpse of Bravo in Jack's room. They have a minor altercation and Paul softens, just a little.

They won't remember all this when the morning finally comes for them. )

Sep. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Ava Kader and Paul Ballard.
WHAT: Ava thinks Paul is a whiny, holier-than-thou emo bitch whore with a superiority complex and Paul thinks Ava is an amoral harpy monster of a devil-woman whore. I'm sure it'll be nice and friendly.
WHEN: During the clusterfuck, but before this.
WHERE: Outside the handlers' breakroom.

Most everyone else just wanted to punch him )


WHO: Paul Ballard and Madeline Costley
WHAT: Madeline moves into the Dollhouse and runs into Paul. Paul is a dick. (Also written in present tense. Do Not Be Alarmed.)
WHEN: Backdated 6 months before The Present.
WHERE: A hallway in the staff living quarters.

Honestly, he could live on pad thai and pizza and Mellie used to like wearing his shirts. )