Nov. 5th, 2009


WHO: Paul and Joanna Ballard (played by Kait)
WHAT: Way back before Paul was still married, Joanna tells Paul exactly what her problem is.

At least acknowledge that this is a joke. )

Oct. 31st, 2009


WHO: Jack Donovan & Mark Sheffield
WHAT: Flashback to about six months into Jack and Mark's relationship (about... three years ago? Ish?). Jack finds Mark's bottle of anti-psychotics.

Undiagnosed, unmedicated, manic depressive anorexic. I also played baseball. )

Oct. 29th, 2009


WHO: Jack Donovan and Mark Sheffield
WHAT: Pre-Dollhouse. Jack and Mark talk about Mark's very risky investigation.

Braaaaains. )

Oct. 7th, 2009


WHO: Pasha and Topher
WHAT: Flashback. This is just after the system update team finds out what they are and half of the group bolts. Pasha calls Topher to tell him the news---and to beg for time.

Us? You and who else? )

Sep. 28th, 2009


WHO: Stacy and Joan
WHEN: Sometime in 1999.
WHERE: The handler lounge
WHAT: How Things Used To Be In The Dollhouse And Why They Sucked. Also known as: Thank God For Topher.

It's dangerous. Sensible handgun dangerous, not gilded barrel dangerous. )

Sep. 23rd, 2009


WHO: Paul Ballard and Madeline Costley
WHAT: Madeline moves into the Dollhouse and runs into Paul. Paul is a dick. (Also written in present tense. Do Not Be Alarmed.)
WHEN: Backdated 6 months before The Present.
WHERE: A hallway in the staff living quarters.

Honestly, he could live on pad thai and pizza and Mellie used to like wearing his shirts. )