Oct. 27th, 2009


WHO Mister Green and Miss Sauvageon.
WHAT Sierra is interrogating him. Airquotes optional.

He wasn't entirely sure what was going on. )


Who: Team fucking awesome frenemies, aka TFAF, aka Julian and Claire.
What: Being TFAFy.

lightening flashed ominously as she turned around to addressed him. )

Oct. 26th, 2009


WHO: Lima Langton and Boyd Langton
WHAT: Lima screams in the night. Daddy comes to take care of her.

What did he do to you? )

Oct. 25th, 2009


WHO: Ex-Sgt. Bravo Gray and Jack Donovan
WHAT: Bravo and Jack prove that programming can only do so much. Brought to you by: Jack's penis.

Really. His father had a sick sense of humor. )


WHO: Quebec Quigley and Mr. Boddy, who is dead. Oh, and anyone else.
WHAT: Mr. Boddy is dead. She has to go tell the others. Because she finds bodies.