Dec. 16th, 2009


WHO: Tango and Uniform
WHAT: Uniform finds Tango all broken and crying. Poor baby.

Put him back together! I need him! )
Tags: ,

Oct. 5th, 2009


WHO: Yankee and Uniform
WHEN: Whenever we say
WHERE: The medical area
WHAT: By the Law of West Side Story, Yankee and Uniform are totally doin' it. Yankee took over the medical area to be the Jets base, so he and Uniform are gloating.

She knew she loved him and she could list a hundred reason why, but something about it felt ... wrong )

Sep. 24th, 2009


WHO: Uniform and Joss (and open!)
WHAT: Uniform's not freaking the fuck out. In fact, she's rather hungry, so she and her handler have some breakfast.
WHEN: Sometime in the morning of the second day
WHERE: In the main room, where the food tables are set up

Insert Witty Text Here )