Nov. 4th, 2009


WHO: Henry and Joss
WHAT: Henry finally visits Joss.

When the fuck do I have time? )

Oct. 29th, 2009


WHO: Alpha and Joss
WHAT: It's Joss's turn on the Fucked Up By Alpha list. There's a lot of blood in here, guys. Don't eat while you read.

Get comfy, Josie. This is gonna take a while. )

Oct. 10th, 2009


Who: Claire/Whiskey. Topher. Dominic. Joss. Nelson. Baby Aubrey.
When: Now bitches.
What: Alpha's out. Claire's in.

Claire had been biding her time. )

Sep. 27th, 2009


WHO: Jocelyn Eldridge and Claire Saunders.
WHAT: Claire drove Joss a little crazy. She does that.
WHEN: Evening.
WHERE: Victor and Whiskey's old pod room.

She was the only one who understood )

Sep. 26th, 2009


WHO: Jocelyn Eldridge and Ezekiel Heinrich Baker.
WHAT: Henry's stuck there, so he might as well talk to his sort-of-significant other. And Joss needs to talk to someone before he goes crazy.
WHEN: Sometime after Rosie commandeered Joss's shower.
WHERE: Joss's rooom.

Joss had a list of neuroses a mile long. )

Sep. 24th, 2009


WHO: Uniform and Joss (and open!)
WHAT: Uniform's not freaking the fuck out. In fact, she's rather hungry, so she and her handler have some breakfast.
WHEN: Sometime in the morning of the second day
WHERE: In the main room, where the food tables are set up

Insert Witty Text Here )