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Dec. 13th, 2009


Who: Yankee and Foxtrot.
What: Yankee isn't the most stable individual, and he's prone to making bad choices. Like shooting himself in the head.

He put the gun up against his head, closed his eyes and pulled the trigger. )


WHO: Owen Moran & Beth Smithson
WHAT: After their ordeal with Alpha, Owen finds Beth in the gym.

You were pretty tough back there. )


WHO: Jack, Mark, Dr. McKay and Scotty
WHAT: Directly after the last log. Sorry for fucking with you guys. <3 Jack explains what went down, Mark calls the new doctor to get the bullet out of Jack's leg, and Scotty stands there and translates things.

He killed you. )


WHO: Ozymandias Vick & Artemisia Rice
WHAT: Misha goes to Ozzy after Bravo's death, shaken and disturbed by the events of the last two days.

If she died tomorrow... if he died tomorrow... )

Dec. 12th, 2009


WHO: Jack Donovan & Mark Sheffield's body
WHAT: Jack goes to his room to mourn alone. And bleed to death.

He swore he'd protect Mark and he couldn't do it. )


WHO: Alpha, Jack, Mark (and Owen, Siobhan, Dee, and Beth)
WHAT: Alpha gives Jack a Sadistic Choice. This log Does Not End Well.

Drop it. )


WHO: Jack and Alpha
WHAT: Phone call!

Insert Witty Text Here )


It really wasn't something -anyone- wanted to stumble upon )

Dec. 11th, 2009


WHO: Topher Brink & Bennett Halverson
WHAT: What starts off as a melding of two brilliant minds ends in a rather ugly fashion.

Don't pick up the phone. )


WHO: Mark, Jack and Oscar
WHAT: Mark was a cock. He apologizes to people, he and Jack have a long angsty talk, and then they laugh because Mark's last boyfriend/cop partner only has one hand.

That shit gives you cancer. )

Dec. 6th, 2009


WHO: Alpha and Claire Saunders
WHAT: Alpha's a freak. But a really, really tired freak.

We just had a misunderstanding. )


WHO: Ozzy and Misha (Quebec)
WHAT: Misha gets her memories back into her mind, and Ozzy is the first person she sees about it.

Ohhh, honey. I ain't made of marshmallows. )


WHO: Amy & Jules
WHAT: Who knows? :O

gqmfs only )

Dec. 5th, 2009


WHO: Topher Brink & Lilah Yang [Evergreen]
WHAT: Topher is getting it on with Lilah when Alpha calls.

Having fun, Topher? )

Dec. 2nd, 2009


WHO Kate & Dom
WHAT Being super spys.

Rossum wanted them to die. )


WHO: Bravo and Quebec
WHAT: They finally get to having that "Quebec, you have anorexia, mmkay?" conversation.

I'm not really your friend. )
Tags: ,

Dec. 1st, 2009


backdated to tr'd plot

WHO Havana & Edison
WHAT tr'd plot-ness.

She liked them just the way they were. Not like this. )

Dec. 2nd, 2009


WHO: Holden and Lenore.
WHAT: Lenore wakes up.

Families suck sometimes. )

Nov. 13th, 2009


WHO: Ozzy Vick and Quebec
WHAT: Quebec brings Ozzy something special and it doesn't go over well.

Pushing people to accept something they're not comfortable with is rude. )


WHO: Alpha and Dahlia Royce in Clive Ambrose's body.
WHAT: Alpha puts the Clive/Dahlia/Annabel thing back the way it should be and feeds everyone.

Groovy. )

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