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May. 4th, 2008


Final Fantasy VII, Tseng: Beyond Good, Or: Evil (Tseng); theme 45: battling the Devil

Title: Beyond Good, Or: Evil
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Tseng; Rufus and Reno
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Middle-sized Midgar AU. Bad religious overtones. Bad overtones!
Theme: 45. battling the Devil
Summary: Sometimes you need something more than a little morality.

4899 words; this is one of those which just don't budge no matter how much you pick at it or feel that it isn't right. I apologise on its behalf; it turned out more a mood piece than a plotty one.

It's dangerous, thinking in Midgar. )

May. 1st, 2008


Final Fantasy VII, Tseng: Empery (Tseng); theme 15: empire

Title: Empery
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Characters: Tseng; Veld cameo
Rating: Hard R (non-explicit sex, swearing)
Warnings: Massive AU. Massive culture abuse. Massive abuse in general.
Theme: 15. empire
Summary: He was taught that Wutai was the centre of the universe; he could not understand the empire stirring in the East until it was upon him, until it destroyed him, until it changed him, until it gave him empery.

6756 words and oh god I am so proud of this baby. This is my justification for Wutai versus Midgar in the original game, transplanted so that it makes sense.

They said: Empire is coming. By the time he understood what they meant, it was already too late. )

Apr. 26th, 2008


Final Fantasy VII, Tseng: Survivor: Icicle Inn (Tseng, Rufus, Reno), theme 7: reality show

I wish I had an excuse for this, but I really, really don't. *beams*

Title: Survivor: Icicle Inn
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Tseng in an implied Tseng/Rufus; Reno and Rufus cameo
Rating: PG (swearing)
Warnings: Uh, blatant Survivor rip off? I thank this site for the application form.
Theme: 7. reality show
Summary: Tseng is going to have to outwit, outplay and outlast whether he likes it or not.

3139 words and a cunning, cunning plan. [edit:] corrected a few things; I somehow managed to kill all the formatting inside the fic when I first posted.

They signed him up for it as prank; well, sort of. )

Apr. 6th, 2008


Final Fantasy VII, Tseng: School Days, (Tseng, Rufus, Reeve), theme 31: college students

Title: School Days (Are The Best Days Of Your Life)
Author: [info]karanguni
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Tseng
Pairing: Tseng, Rufus, Reeve cameo
Rating: PG
Warnings: This one's a lighthearted jaunt through the woods; don't expect anything too serious from the boys. *g* Set in a quasi-Midgar universe, contorted and then spat out again. 2393 words.
Summary: Tseng's brilliant, but bored; Rufus is bored, but brilliant; Reeve just wants to build things and teach his classes in peace, damn it, so count him out of the Junon University ratrace, and he wouldn't mind them leaving off the world domination either.
Theme: 31, college students

'Oh, no, Rufus, if you want to do any recruiting, do it on your own turf - leave my kids alone.' )

Apr. 5th, 2008


[Final Fantasy VII] "Apocalyptica" Society: Theme 19. post-apocalyptic

Title: Apocalyptica
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: If someone really tried to read between the lines, they would find hints of my Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aeris bias. This wasn't written with romance in mind, though.
Rating: T
Warnings: Stream of consciousness and a severe lack of beta-reading. Also, minor character warning.
Theme: 19. post-apocalyptic
Notes: I'M LATE LATE LATE WITH THIS FIC!! Which is why I hurried through it today like one hurries to the cool shade of a kiosk when barefoot at the beach under a smoldering sun. The first part has been finished since november or december - and sat on the back of my hard drive while I struggled through writer's block till yesterday. I don't think it's in perfect reading condition - the tenses had me confused at parts - but I couldn't wait to get it out of me and up for scrutinity. As for the story itself - I couldn't insert all the elements I wanted, and some things had to be left open for interpretation for fear of inserting too much explaining in the narration... but overall I really like this universe. My biggest regret is not finding a good hook to insert the "Nibelung" epithet.

This 'verse was inspired by the question: if Meteor actually hit the planet, was that convoluted plan of Sephiroth's really going to work the way he expected it to? Was the planet just going to let him suck its powers? Was the rest of humanity - and our heroes - just going to roll over and die overnight? So, for starters, I answered no to all these questions, and that would be the background to this half-dead but stubbornly struggling world...

Mar. 15th, 2008


Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 10 - Harem "In the Harem of the Empress Part 2"

Title: In the Harem of the Empress Part 2 - Complete
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Yuffie/Sephiroth, Sephiroth/Cloud
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied slavery, implied matriarchy, implied het, non-explicit violence and gore, light slash
Theme: 10 harem

“If you think he’s capable of handling weapons he should have them. Traditionally my favourite concubine and his servant should be armed, even if I don’t arm the rest of the harem.” Yuffie laughed then, a faint bitterness in her voice. “My other concubines couldn’t handle weapons, but my favourite needs to be able to defend himself, in case someone gets the idea she can use you as leverage against me, and because you’re a war prize you’d be entitled to your weapons anyway.” )

Mar. 1st, 2008


[Final Fantasy VII] Turks, "Smooth Shuffle," Theme #12 - Gangsters

Title: Smooth Shuffle
Author: [info]cleflink
Pairing: suggestion of Elena/Tseng
Rating: PG
Warnings: violence and an OC narrator (though he's really not that bad once you get to know him)
Theme: #12 - gangsters
A/N: A little bit of 1920s slang - a speakeasy was an illegal, underground locale for partaking of a drink (or three) during the Prohibition. Everything other than that should be pretty easily understood.

Summary: 1927, Chicago. One of Big Man Maud's men goes out to dig up some dirt on the Shinra gang.

Feb. 2nd, 2008


Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 10 - Harem "In the Harem of the Empress Part 1"

Title: In the Harem of the Empress Part 1
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Yuffie/Sephiroth
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied slavery, implied matriarchy, implied het
Theme: 10 harem
Notes: I meant this to be a one-shot, but I realised I wouldn't be able to fit it into one post anyway, so here's part 1. I will be putting the Sephiroth/Cloud bit in the second part, but I need to build up to it, for a change.

In the Harem of the Empress Part 1 )

Dec. 20th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] "Herder in the Night" Myth and Folklore: Theme 44. fairy tales

Title: Herder in the night
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: None
Rating: T
Warnings: Much whipping and character death... but he gets better.
Theme: 44 - Fairy Tales
Notes: Based on a popular brazilian folk tale about a young black slave who took care of the horses of an asshole master. I tried to keep most elements of the tale intact, only doing the transposition of characters as they seemed to fit in my warped little mind (like Virgin Mary = Ifalna). I also tried to maintain the relative "anonimity" of the characters, who are never named in the original (not even the main character); I had to name Cloud, though, because I had to set the pattern somewhere... and Bugenhagen because it's just impossible to figure it's him otherwise. I figure the other characters will be obvious to the readers by context and the setting itself, but if not, do tell! I'm not completely against editing a finished fic, even though it's my policy not to tinker if they've cooled off for too long, no matter how bad they seem in hindsight.

Nov. 23rd, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] "Synchronicity" 1/? - Rufus - Theme #1 Crossover

Title: Synchronicity 1/?
Author: MadamHydra
Fandom: FF7 x F.E.A.R.
Pairing: none
Rating: R
Warning: violence, cannibalism
Theme: Meta - #1 - Crossover

Claim: Rufus/Turks
Wordcount: ~7300

Summary: "It is the way of men to make monsters. And it is the nature of monsters to destroy their makers."

'Fine, then you'd better get the lube ready and brace yourself for the assf**k of the century, bitch. 'Cause it's coming. You can mark my words on that.' )

Nov. 21st, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] Turks, "In Service of the King," Theme #14 - Military

Title: In Service of the King
Author: [info]cleflink
Fandom: FFVII
Pairing: Nothing overt (although it is the Turks, so feel free to insert subtext)
Rating: G-PG
Warnings: None really. Kinda violent, but not too bad.
Theme: #14 - military

Summary: How far would you go to uphold a corrupt regime?

Oct. 1st, 2007


Honey to Gravel

Title: Honey to Gravel
Author: Konitsu
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: CidxVincent
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Cid talking as Cid does
Theme: Conmen - knowledge for this prompt cribbed mainly from movies and silly novels. Take that as you will.

“The Super 8 will be jealous.” )

Sep. 29th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] Art - "Here there be angst!" Theme #9: Pirates

Title: Here there be angst!
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: Gen
Theme: #9: Pirates
Author's Note: Used stock texture from the awesome guys at Resurgere. I tried using a more cartoonish style, but that intent got lost somewhere during the inking :/ You can see it pretty well in Zack, Tifa and Cid, the first ones I inked. Also, I don't know how Red climbed over there...

And now for something completely different! )

Aug. 30th, 2007


[Final Fantasy VII] "Shame and Regret" - Theme #3: Canon What-if

Title: Shame and regret
Author/Artist: [info]elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Gen, but could be Cloti if you squint and bend your head sideways
Rating: PG-13 for teen angst
Warnings: None
Theme: #3 - canon what-if
Tifa discovers the unpleasant side of Nibelheim.

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