April 5th, 2008

[info]jessara40k in [info]roads_diverged

Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 26 - Small Town "Small Town Prejudicies"

Title: Small Town Prejudices - Complete
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Sephiroth/Cloud
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied victimisation, implied slavery, light slash
Theme: 26 Small Town

If he could do something about the authorities in this place he would, but all his contacts, at least the ones that had survived the whole ‘child soldier/living weapon’ scandal were military, and somehow he thought Cloud would have problems with him arranging for Nibelheim to be burned to the ground. )

[info]elanor_pam in [info]roads_diverged

[Final Fantasy VII] "Apocalyptica" Society: Theme 19. post-apocalyptic

Title: Apocalyptica
Author: elanor_pam
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: If someone really tried to read between the lines, they would find hints of my Cloud/Tifa and Zack/Aeris bias. This wasn't written with romance in mind, though.
Rating: T
Warnings: Stream of consciousness and a severe lack of beta-reading. Also, minor character warning.
Theme: 19. post-apocalyptic
Notes: I'M LATE LATE LATE WITH THIS FIC!! Which is why I hurried through it today like one hurries to the cool shade of a kiosk when barefoot at the beach under a smoldering sun. The first part has been finished since november or december - and sat on the back of my hard drive while I struggled through writer's block till yesterday. I don't think it's in perfect reading condition - the tenses had me confused at parts - but I couldn't wait to get it out of me and up for scrutinity. As for the story itself - I couldn't insert all the elements I wanted, and some things had to be left open for interpretation for fear of inserting too much explaining in the narration... but overall I really like this universe. My biggest regret is not finding a good hook to insert the "Nibelung" epithet.

This 'verse was inspired by the question: if Meteor actually hit the planet, was that convoluted plan of Sephiroth's really going to work the way he expected it to? Was the planet just going to let him suck its powers? Was the rest of humanity - and our heroes - just going to roll over and die overnight? So, for starters, I answered no to all these questions, and that would be the background to this half-dead but stubbornly struggling world...

January 2010



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