March 15th, 2008

[info]ivoryandhorn in [info]roads_diverged

[Original: The City Adel] (Pevi/Ivahn) "Snowscape" Theme #41: anthropomorphic/furry

Title: Snowscape
Author: [info]ivoryandhorn
Fandom: The City Adel
Pairing: Pevi/Ivahn, of course.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A lot of swearing. Very, very light m/m
Length: 1272
Theme: #41 - anthropomorphic/furry
Author's Note: It's sorta set in a world I've been poking at cautiously, hence: the Jacks and Jills. I'll explain if anyone feels particularly interested, but otherwise I'm going to just leave it at that. Suffice to say Ivahn used to be a Jack, but now is not, and Pevi must live with the aftermath. ...Also, I didn't get a chance to actually mention this, but Pevi is a dog.

If he’d been thinking clearly he’d have realized that the fact he’d actually sat down to read a book of his own free will was a klaxon that things were Not Well. )

[info]jessara40k in [info]roads_diverged

Final Fantasy VII; Sephiroth/Cloud; Theme 10 - Harem "In the Harem of the Empress Part 2"

Title: In the Harem of the Empress Part 2 - Complete
Author: [info]jessara40k
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Pairing: Yuffie/Sephiroth, Sephiroth/Cloud
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied slavery, implied matriarchy, implied het, non-explicit violence and gore, light slash
Theme: 10 harem

“If you think he’s capable of handling weapons he should have them. Traditionally my favourite concubine and his servant should be armed, even if I don’t arm the rest of the harem.” Yuffie laughed then, a faint bitterness in her voice. “My other concubines couldn’t handle weapons, but my favourite needs to be able to defend himself, in case someone gets the idea she can use you as leverage against me, and because you’re a war prize you’d be entitled to your weapons anyway.” )

[info]laylah in [info]roads_diverged

[admin] Tags; claims

Hi there, guys!

First, a heads up: I've changed the tags for participants, so that now your tag shows not only your username but also the characters you've claimed (or the name of your fandom, if you claimed a general series). This means that if you have two claims, you can find the pieces you've done for each one separately. You can check the full tag list here. If you spot an error, please let me know. ^^

Second: It's now March. That means that if you haven't posted since December, or you made a claim in December and haven't posted yet, you need to post by the end of this month to keep your claim active. I'll be removing people from the claims list at the end of the month.

Not sure when you posted last? The tag list should make it easy for you to check. ^_^

January 2010



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