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Posts Tagged: 'player:+lily'

Dec. 12th, 2020



WHOMST: The Longbottoms 3
WHAT: Neville reveals his identity to his parents
WHEN: Dec 11; after the DE/Order clash
WHERE: St. Mungo’s
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

i just thought it was another thursday )

Dec. 5th, 2020



WHO: Benjy and Alastair
WHAT: Alastair can't catch a break
WHEN: Dec 5, after Odette's funeral; early evening
WHERE: Benjy's parents' house
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

caught in a bad dream )



Who: Terence & Graham.
What: Dealing with the aftermath of what happened and trying to figure out what to do next.
When: 5 December 1980, early evening.
Where: The IS House. Plz. He just got home from his 8, he's 'resting'.
Rating: tbd.

This whole thing was a fucking mess. )



WHO Minerva McGonagall and Alastor Moody.
WHEN December 15th, evening.
WHERE His home.
WHAT you can't prove mcg was worried about him
RATING / STATUS probably pg+ / in-progress

he skipped out on the safehouse because he's sick of Edgar and Cate )



Who Alastair & Xavier Selwyn
Where Xavier's study
What Talking
When After Odette's funeral
Rating idk they'll probably talk about death a lot

Xavier was hard to read. He always had been, even for his own child, but Alastair knew what that meant this time. )

Nov. 28th, 2020



Who: Xavier and Alastair Selwyn.
What: This day is just going from bad to worse.
Where: Starts at the ministry and goes from there.
When: Evening, November 28.
Rating: Language, so much language.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

This day was just going from bad to worse. )



WHO: Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom
WHAT: Daydrinking.
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Closest bar to St. Mungo's
RATING: Besides probable bad language, low.

Nearly was never enough. )

Nov. 23rd, 2020



Who Edgar Bones & Catherine Bones
Where Their house
What Talking and making up hopefully
When 11/23; evening
Rating TBD

so in true Edgar Bones fashion, he was just going to wing it )

Nov. 21st, 2020



WHO: Peter Pettigrew and Luna Lovegood Elska Gott
WHEN: Nov. 21st
WHERE: where peter flower sells
WHAT: purchasing flower
RATING / STATUS: low / incomplete

it was on a whim, really )

Nov. 20th, 2020



WHO: Dumbledore's Army.
WHEN: Friday evening, dinner.
WHERE: The farm.
WHAT: IC/OOC meeting to discuss horcruxes, etc. and to clear the air.
WARNINGS: Language, probably.

Read more... )

Nov. 16th, 2020



Who: Xavier and Alastair.
What: It's Alastair's turn to worry.
Where: Idek what the name of Cate's hospital is. IT'S SOMETHING OK?
When: Early afternoon, November 16.
Rating: Low.
Status: Closed/Incomplete.

Clickty click. Clickty click. )



WHO: Hector & Eris.
WHAT: He was injured on the raid and she's been watching over him.
WHEN: 15 October 1980, evening/night. (Yes I'm backdating).
WHERE: Her smaller estate home on the Wilkes Estate lands.
RATING: Not High.

There was no end to the guilt in sight )



WHO: Catherine & Edgar Bones.
WHAT: Dealing with the aftermath of what happened.
WHEN: 15 October 1980, evening/night. (Yes I'm backdating).
WHERE: St. Mungo's Hospital.
RATING: Not High. She's hospitalized.

the last thing Cate saw was Gareth Bones die before everything went black )

Nov. 15th, 2020



Who Neville Longbottom & Susan Bones
Where The Leaky Cauldron
What Listen, she's upset and he feels bad
When After the DA chat
Rating TBD, probably low unless Susan curses at him

Too bad Neville wasn't a quitter )

Nov. 13th, 2020



WHO: Benjy and Alastair
WHAT: More pain don't @ me
WHEN: Friday, November 13, 1980; evening
WHERE: Alastair's

like waking up from a fantasy )



WHO: Marauders (Open to Lily, Marlene and Emmeline)
WHAT: The Marauders get together to compare notes
WHEN: Friday evening
WHERE: The Potter's Cottage
RATING: Some Language

Everything was getting more complicated by the day )



WHO: Benjy Fenwick and Edgar Bones
WHAT: No, Alastair is not a Death Eater, definitely not >.>
WHEN: {backdated} Monday, November 9, 1980; morning
WHERE: Edgar’s house
RATING|STATUS: Low | Complete

in the changing wind, it echoes deep )

Nov. 11th, 2020



WHO: Benjy Fenwick and Alastair Selwyn
WHAT: Something cute before something awful
WHEN: {backdated} Sunday, November 8; 8pm
RATING|STATUS: TBD | In progress

when you said hello, i knew that was the end of it all )

Nov. 10th, 2020



WHO: Kyla and Moody
WHEN: After all the DE fun
WHERE: Diagon Alley area
WHAT: Some post attack clean up
RATING/STATUS: PG-13 probs | Closed incomplete
WARNINGS: None I don't think

More of a scare tactic this time you think? )

Nov. 1st, 2020



Who: Harry Potter & Lord Voldemort (Neville is going to come to his rescue).
What: Harry is going to be hurt very, very badly.
When: Halloween Night into All Saints Day.
Where: Godric's Hollow.
Rating: High.

Read more... )