Current Mod Posts

-- Activity Check: December 2019
-- Plot Calendar: December 6-10, 2019 (AND OPTIONAL PLOT POST)
-- TMI Tuesday: Alternate PBs!
-- Recent Character Intros: JJ Cornell

Posts Tagged: 'mod+post'

Feb. 16th, 2017



State Of The Union: February 6-10, 2020 & Housekeeping


All That Remains...

Hi all! Thank you again to everyone for chiming in after our request for feedback on a Remains endgame. We have LOVED playing with and getting to know all of you. This universe and its stories have been so much fun to experience together! Just like Austin has rebuilt itself into a growing, safe city, we've felt that many characters' storylines are beginning to come full circle and it seems as though many of you agree.

Overall, the results of our feedback request have made it clear that everyone would love the chance to properly 'wrap' their characters before the game's end. With this in mind, we would like to officially announce that Remains will officially end its real-time progression on April 15, 2017 (April 5, 2020). We will post the final plot calendar on April 1, 2017.

We encourage you to begin thinking about a satisfying end of this chapter of your characters' lives. Some characters may be best suited moving away from Austin to pursue new educational or career opportunities, while others may stay and move in with a loved one. Others still may be most fulfilled achieving a personal realization that has been holding them back. We will be posting memes in order to assist character development and plotting so we can all help each other reach our characters' full potential!

After April 15, 2017, we strongly encourage you all to post 'epilogue' scenes with your characters, dated for any time in the future.

...Or Is It?

What made us the happiest about feedback that we received was the fact that every single player is interested in continuing to create characters and storylines with each other, no matter the setting! We are very excited to also announce that when we post the last plot calendar on April 1, 2017, we will also be posting several setting/world ideas for us all to discuss and vote on.

If you would like to suggest a setting idea in addition to the current ideas of "Fairy Tales In The Modern World" (a la Once Upon A Time or Fables) and Superheroes & Villains, please contact us directly to submit your ideas! We would LOVE for this upcoming GPSL to be an interactive, collaborative experience.

Currently, we would like to have time from April 15, 2017 - May 15, 2017 in order to brainstorm together, create characters, solidify backstory and prospective plots, etc. before we begin our new GPSL starting May 15-20, 2017.

Thank You!

Thank you for being a significant part of memories and fun for the last two years. We hope your time in Remains has been just as fulfilling and enjoyable, and we are so excited to see what additional worlds and stories we can all create together!

Now... onwards to plot!

click me! )

Dec. 2nd, 2016



Hey gang,
Just a friendly reminder that the tagging system for all the game comms goes as following:

# year [numerical value of month] name of month --> eg. # 2019 [12] december

# username: username --> eg. # username: joe_cool

type: (for freenet)
# type: private message -- for private messages between two or a few users (eg. between Nina Clarke, Isaac Callahan and Amanda van Eeden)

# type: private post -- for private messages for a large group of users (eg. to everyone in the Greenbelt district)

# type: public post -- visable by everyone on the Freenet

# type: text -- regular texting between two or a few individuals

The tag "# type: post" is redundant and will eventually be renamed to "# type: public post" (once Joie is done with school and can let her OCD freak flag fly) so please do not use it anymore! :)

If anyone has any questions, drop a comment and we'll get to the bottom of your inquiry!


Jul. 30th, 2016



activity check reminder

Hey gang! Just a reminder that you have until tomorrow, July 31 at midnight PST to reply to the activity check if you're not currently on a slow/hiatus.

If you do not respond by the deadline, we will contact you via email. We hope to hear from you within 2 days of that email's sent date, and if so you'll simply receive an activity warning for the next month. However, if you do not respond to the email within 2 days you will be removed from the game. You may also be removed from the game if you receive 2 activity warnings in two consecutive months.

Please let us know if you have questions. Comments to this post will be screened.

Jun. 8th, 2016



A Change In The Wind [IMPORTANT - please read!]


On the morning of June 3, 2019, those who make a habit of traveling around the safe parts of Austin, Texas will notice something unusual: two white vans with blacked out windows, followed by a series of armored trucks. One van will be driven to the Lyndon B. Johnson Library while the other, followed by the trucks, will make its way to the Capitol.

A building-wide alarm will go off within the government shelter and those who live and work inside this building will notice a rush of Patrolmen heading towards the Mayor's office. Though the details of the ensuing skirmish will remain unknown to those who weren't directly involved, after about an hour's worth of time Capitol citizens will then see armed soldiers leading Mayor Reeves Olinger, in handcuffs, out the front doors and into one of the armored trucks.

An announcement will then go up on the Freenet from a new user: United States President Angelica Hemings.

That Was Then... This Is Now )

Keep Austin Weird (& Alive)

That’s all, folks! This shift has been foreshadowed since the beginning of the game, and we are so excited to put it into place on the game's first anniversary! If you have any questions that we didn't answer in the Premise and FAQs, please leave them here in a comment so all players can benefit from the answers.

Optional but encouraged: Leave your initial thoughts here, one comment per character, to start brainstorming how your characters will react to this change!

May. 12th, 2016



Happy Anniversary! Friending Button Update, & Plot Post

Happy Anniversary!

Hi everyone, and happy one year anniversary of the game! Some exciting things are coming up in June as we finally see what's been going on with the disappearances in Austin, and we're looking forward to shifting things a bit and exploring some new stuff together. Thanks to everyone who's been a part of the storylines over the last 12 months, whether you've recently joined or have been here from the beginning. We're excited to see where we go in our second year!

Friending Button Update

Please make sure to run the friending button below as we've had some personnel changes. Unfortunately, we've lost Kat (Sarge, Zik, & Dixie), Jill (Adelaide & Sol), and Amy (Roshan), but if you haven't yet added Joan's new character, Arthur, to your friends list, this is a good time to do it. Tori (Ahna) is also taking a hiatus and we look forward to her return once life slows down. ETA: We've also added Clementine's new character, TJ, to this button!

Plot Post

Do you have any long term goals for your character that haven't yet been realized in-game? What would you LOVE to have them do? We'd like to know where you want your characters to go. Though the following format isn't necessary (and you don't have to answer all the questions), give it a shot if you feel it's useful:
1. I'm glad that CHARACTER has already:
2. This hasn't happened yet, but one of my original goals for CHARACTER was:
3. If CHARACTER did this within the next three months, they'd be overjoyed:
4. CHARACTER really needs to talk about this topic with someone:

And because this is a game in a zombie/apocalyptic setting...
5. If CHARACTER had to deal with this, it would be their worst nightmare (but also provide lots of character growth):

Apr. 10th, 2016



Mod Update & Plotting Post


Mod Update:

Hi everyone! This is Justine writing to announce a change of the guard here at [info]remains_mod. After keeping us afloat over the last four months (THANK YOU for all your hard work!), Jill and Kat are now honorary modlies and I will be stepping into modding responsibilities here along with Joie and Joan.

We'll be posting a plot update for April and May in the next few days, but we need your help! While we have a lot of ideas related to Zik's disappearance, developing suspicions about the Department of Resources and where supplies are coming from, and ending Los Nahuales' presence in Austin for good, as well as what's coming next (as well as, you know, zombies and s'mores gas and blob rain and such), we'd love to hear what YOU want to do with your characters. So....

Plotting Post:

Leave a comment for each of your characters and let us know your heart's greatest desires for them! Want them involved in any of the above plots? Aren't sure what they are? We will help you out. If you're feeling stuck with a character, or aren't sure how to get them involved in character or game plots, let us know and we'll all work together to figure it out. All plots and all ideas are welcome here!! <3

Interim Plot: Blobs!

While we get our ducks in a row, we're bringing back an old plot: blob rain! Rain and blobs will begin on the evening of April 4 in-game (4/10-12 IRL) and last until the morning of April 6 (4/16-18 IRL).

Blobs, which carry the zombie virus and are highly contagious when they come into contact with open wounds, will fall intermittently from the sky throughout this time period. They are sticky and slimy to the touch, come in various sizes, and are red. Blobs migrate extremely slowly, at a pace that is nearly imperceptible to the human eye. They travel about as quickly as a slime mold, sucking up any organic matter that they pass over. When blobs accumulate near each other, they coagulate into a large, pulsating "mega blob." These stay intact for several hours before they melt and scatter.

If your character is not already confirmed as being immune and has an open wound that comes into contact with a Blob, they will have to quarantine to determine their immunity status. If they survive their quarantine, they are immune. Quarantines are done differently in every shelter, so if you choose to expose your character to the virus, make sure you brush up on their shelter's quarantine policies on the locations page.

Got blob rain-specific questions or plots? comment to this thread and let's get started!

PS: The April 2019 document has been started. The full folder of calendar docs is also right here!

Mar. 17th, 2016




Shiny, new, omg, success

We have a new cast list. Halleluja! Please do take a gander, hover your mouse over the pictures because YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. I am slightly mad after this excursion into the world of pretty, so if I should have made mistakes, point your fingers ever so gently and I will do my penance after correcting it. Ahem. Some of you suggested pictures, some didn't work and I opted for the closest alternative. Feel free to suggest others, etc, etc. EDIT: It works best if the pics are landscape format, so wider than high, and if they have room around the PB's head because I'm picky that way and it reduces the time I spend yelling at my editing program :3)

I did include all characters that are in game at this point (I hope), I went by the old list plus latest additions, the characters currently in the works are safely tucked away in secret storage so I can add them once the time comes. Now excuse me, I will lie down.

Oooooh shiny!
