October 19th, 2016



The Internet And You

Just like in Austin -- hell, just like today -- the Internet plays a significant role in post-apocalyptic society.

Much of the incorporated United States is now secure, with zombie attacks a rare occurrence due to a citizen body experienced with defense and protection, but Internet-connected tools make it easier to coordinate safe transport from home to work and school and vice versa, learn more about ongoings outside your home in an unsafe world, and facilitate entertainment wherever you may live.

There are no restrictions on content that may be accessed via the Internet in Austin, and the WiFi speeds throughout the city are slightly slower than today's broadband wireless cable. In November, citizens will have the opportunity to purchase faster Internet for their homes.

Interested parties may use the Internet to learn more about:
  • the United States government, led by President Angelica Hemings. Note that the United States is now a three party system featuring the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and the United States Independence Party.
  • scientific research regarding the nature of immunity and what it truly means -- this international study has just begun, conducted in cooperation with researchers in the United States, the United Kingdom, Nigeria, and Hong Kong.
  • upcoming movies featuring actors & actresses unknown to most Austinites, to be released via Internet direct download.
  • new music by singers and bands unknown to most Austinites, also released via Internet direct download.

Note that we're looking to create the culture, media, and history as a collective. Unfortunately, Los Angeles/Hollywood and New York City both fell in the zombie apocalypse, so most -- if not all -- of the celebrities we're used to are likely deceased with the notable exception of Oprah, The Lumineers (who've become the new 'founding fathers' of the US musical scene in Denver and elsewhere) as well as former Minnesota governor and WWE wrestler Jesse Ventura. Feel free to create celebrities, movie titles, band names, etc. and we'll keep track of them (hopefully) in the mod journal.

When news from the United States is released, we will update the OOC journal (they will likely be included in the plot calendars as well) so your characters can react accordingly. :)

Instagram Rules
Please use your Freenet username in order to post to [info]remainstagram. Use the code provided in the community, edit the userpicture, username, caption, etc. as needed, and have fun! Don't forget to include the game day and time in the post and tag your post when you're done!

Characters can comment on Instagram posts by leaving a comment on the Insanejournal post. Just make sure to include your username in the subject line, just like we already do in [info]remains_freenet.

We'll keep membership open for now so you guys can all join up with your characters, and then in a week it will go back to moderated membership. So get your characters in there this week! :)

Leave a comment here so we can all benefit from the answers!