October 17th, 2016



Reese "Reeses Pieces" Owens.


Hello! Kirby here with my second character, Reese Isabelle Owens. Former Lara Croft wanna-be, and local history nut that's been around since 2003, born in Chi-kah-goh (no she doesn't talk like that.) She spent a lot of time traveling with her parents, never attending a "real" school as a result, even when she was stateside, up until college where she eventually met Grayson. She was Grayson's little history prodigy, and eventually his friend turned "annoyingly persistent" little sister. Since the virus she's been teaching since the make-shift classes, been bit once and was proven immune, and is also currently bartending on the side when her old friend Demi started the Bar in April.

I'm pretty open to everything, per usual. Definitely looking for some Savannah (and Nathan), Maizie since she's been around since Savannah entered his life relationships, and Olivia ties. Queer frandz

So. Yeah. Let's do stuff. *plotty hands*