August 22nd, 2016



Hey guys! Late intro, but this is Mandy with my fifth character, Shelby Thomas.

Shelby is a twenty-three year old Boston native, who has only been in Austin since early August (so a few days pretty much). She came down from Des Moines, with her grandmother, to help manage her Gram's (yet to be opened) coffee/doughnut shop in the UMCB district, the Doughnut Hole. Her full bio can be found here, but I'll try to give a snapshot of her real quick.

Before the United States became Zombieville, Shelby was a student at UMass with dreams of being a marine wildlife researcher/photographer, like her father. She was also working her ass off to make it to her second Olympics in Rio. She was a platform diver, but doesn't expect many (if any) people to know her name, since she never made the medal platform. But feel free to surprise her if you think your character might remember her 2012 showing in London.

She has the kind of personality that can be just a little too much for some people. She's bright, sassy and excessively optimistic. Shelby definitely believes that things can only get better, and treats the less than awesome things going on around her as only minor inconveniences. While in Austin she'll be splitting her time between work and classes, so there will be plenty of opportunities to interact with her at either place! She will probably also be annoyingly driven in her classes, so sorry in advance for anyone that might have to withstand that. :|

Anywho, that's about it. Shelby's coming in with zero connections to anyone in game, so I look forward to seeing what can be established with the awesome people of Austin. ♥



Hey loves! So summer is 'officially' over for me, now that the kiddo is back to school. My life has finally started to slow down and I can jump back into stuff on a regular basis. I will be catching up on my tags over the next two days, and am open for plotting. Thanks for your patience!
