May 12th, 2016



Happy Anniversary! Friending Button Update, & Plot Post

Happy Anniversary!

Hi everyone, and happy one year anniversary of the game! Some exciting things are coming up in June as we finally see what's been going on with the disappearances in Austin, and we're looking forward to shifting things a bit and exploring some new stuff together. Thanks to everyone who's been a part of the storylines over the last 12 months, whether you've recently joined or have been here from the beginning. We're excited to see where we go in our second year!

Friending Button Update

Please make sure to run the friending button below as we've had some personnel changes. Unfortunately, we've lost Kat (Sarge, Zik, & Dixie), Jill (Adelaide & Sol), and Amy (Roshan), but if you haven't yet added Joan's new character, Arthur, to your friends list, this is a good time to do it. Tori (Ahna) is also taking a hiatus and we look forward to her return once life slows down. ETA: We've also added Clementine's new character, TJ, to this button!

Plot Post

Do you have any long term goals for your character that haven't yet been realized in-game? What would you LOVE to have them do? We'd like to know where you want your characters to go. Though the following format isn't necessary (and you don't have to answer all the questions), give it a shot if you feel it's useful:
1. I'm glad that CHARACTER has already:
2. This hasn't happened yet, but one of my original goals for CHARACTER was:
3. If CHARACTER did this within the next three months, they'd be overjoyed:
4. CHARACTER really needs to talk about this topic with someone:

And because this is a game in a zombie/apocalyptic setting...
5. If CHARACTER had to deal with this, it would be their worst nightmare (but also provide lots of character growth):