all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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October 7th, 2015



who: Graham, Olivia, and maybe Cal?
what: Graham's apparent death wish
when: 10/2, early morning

I remember, we were flying low,
And hit something in the air...

Laying here, looking at the ceiling,
Someone lays a sheet across my chest.
Something warm is flowing down my fingers
Pain is flowing all through my back.

I try to move my arm and there's no feeling
And when I look, I see there's nothing there.
The face beside me stopped it's holy bleeding
The girl I knew has such a distant stare... )



would you light me up? really, set me on fire and be there when i'm burning out.

Who: Lily Graves & Danny Kwon
Where: A hallway, Fox Grove High School
What: The aftermath of a disastrous supply run, and how that consequence-laden hookup happened in the first place. #MISTAKES
When: Backstory, ~3 months ago

It had been a bad fucking day. )



I spent a year out in the desert,

Who: Noa Bellamy and Willa Davidson
Where: Willa's trailer; Dog Park
What: A little meeting that's more than overdue.
When: [slightly backdated] 10/2/15 1:00PM

I spent a year out in the sea.
I spend my nights under the stars just dreaming of sleep.
I still question where I've been,
I don't know where I will go,
I just look up at the skies like there's a sign I didn't see,
I didn't know. )



if I could say anything, anything what would it be?

WHO: Sarge and Adelaide and KITTEN
WHERE: Dog Park
WHAT: Just a pair of new neighbors being neighborly
WHEN: Backdated to 10/2, early afternoon

if you could go anywhere, anywhere what would you see?
take a step in any direction, it's make believe
if your mind is always moving it's hard to get your heart up off the ground
your mind was always moving
but your thoughts never made a sound

and we won't break if we let go
you and I already know
we were bound to be set free eventually
so here we are now
you can say anything
if I could have it go any way, it'd go like this )