all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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September 30th, 2015



What If I Lose It All?

Who: Lita Singh and Mort Leander
Where: UMCB, Lita's now patrolmen-free apartment
What: After Lita's really rough day, she's feeling like garbage and nursing a wicked hangover. Enter Mort, with sage words of wisdom, a sympathetic ear, and instant cocoa packets.
When: Backdated to September 8th, morning

Oh, sister I will help you out!
Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you,
There’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do )



WHO: Thomas Robert Lansing and some minor guest appearances from NPCs (Open if anyone wants to randomly jump in... he's having a small scale adventure.)
WHERE: The Capitol >> UMCB >> Streets of Austin
WHAT: Basically the “Where is TR Lansing?” scene sequence!
WHEN: September 7th – 9th

And I forgot to breathe 24 hours ago, now that the Earth has flipped around from ozone to mire... And I'm on the short end of the ugly stick for being fascist. Not sure what I believe in, but I'm sure of what I don't... )



hand in hand is the only way to land

Who: Marina Kovalenka, Rodeo Hawkins and later Viktor Scherbatsky
Where: Dog Park / Rodeo's trailer
What: Marina helps Rodeo contact some ghosts from her past.
When: Early morning, September 10, 2018

we slip through the streets while everyone sleeps
getting bigger and sleeker and wider and brighter
we bite and scratch and scream all night
let's go and throw all the songs we know

we missed you hissed the lovecats. )



you know i said it in a prayer like a war cry.

Who: Rodeo Hawkins & Roman Scherbatsky
Where: The gates of the Dog Park
What: The makings of a plan.
When: Tuesday September 10, early evening, after this

He been working on a plan for so long now, he gonna leave this town for sure. With a six-shot eye and a fistful of sugar cane, he gonna ride that river right out of country lane. )



Who: Willa Davidson and Bode Coldiron
Where: Dog Park
What: Discussing the Dog Park and the past, aka family, war, sex, lies (but no videotape)
When: September 10, 2018

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