all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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September 29th, 2015



all the creatures have it hard now

Who: Isaac Callahan and Demi Rafferty
Where: Isaac and Demi’s Apartment.
What: A conversation after a long day.
When: Backdated - September 9th, 2018 -- Evening, after this.

Waiting on the floor to buckle, down below their belts,
crashing into yet another, drifting continental shelf,
moving without motion, screaming without sound,
across an open ocean, flying there on temporary ground,
the old explorers had it easy, they discovered nothing new,
but returned on home with answers of sad existent clues. )



Who: Sam and Karen
When: Recently, pre-Cal detention
What: Trade-off of bad days

Something about the nature of a uniform made the eyes naturally avert, as armed men and women strode down cluttered corridors, stood sentinel at the ends of halls; an ever-present reminder of the capitol's considerable reach )



In Case You Couldn't Tell...

Who: Dr. Lalita Singh and Dr. Peter Whelan
Where: UMCB
What: Lita is overworked, under-appreciated, and looking to pick a fight. Who should happen by but her least favorite person in the whole hospital?
When: September 10th, early afternoon

...I’d rather go to hell
Than shake your hand or wish you well
Just in case you couldn’t tell... )



Who: Danny Kwon & Sofia Vlahos
Where: Fox Grove High.
What: A "first-meeting" of sorts.
When: Backdated - 18/01/24 ; Lunch.

Looking forward to working with you, then )