all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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September 19th, 2015



Who: Nina Clarke & Isaac Callahan
Where: The Department of Justice
When: Saturday, September 7, 12:15PM
What: Two lawyers start seeing eye to eye. Kind of.

Department of Awesome? Sounds like an excellent idea. )



when i get older, i know there will be a moment of reckoning.

Who: Cal [narrative]
Where: La Quinta
What: Checking out, and making a decision.
When: Morning of Saturday, September 7

The week had gone by at a crawl. )



Who: Olivia Jensen & Danny Kwon
Where: UT Austin
When: Backdated to March, 2015
What: Two high schoolers meet at a party and attempt to do what high schoolers do once inebriated.
Warnings: So much fail.

Is someone in there? I really need to go! )



Who: Willa & Nadia
Where: The Dog Park
What: Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold
When: Morning, September 1 2018 (backdated)

Is that really you? Am I imagining things? )



Who: Vic, Demi, Cal and Teagan
Where: The Chestnut Tree
Why: Cal & Demi go out to celebrate his release, they run into a few Hounds.
When: September 7, 8:30 P

Smashing through the boundaries
Lunacy has found me
Cannot stop the battery
Pounding out aggression
Turns into obsession
Cannot kill the battery )