all that remains

All That Remains

Welcome to the apocalypse. Enjoy your stay -- you might not be here very long.

May 2017



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July 2nd, 2015



where she walks no flowers bloom

Who: Adelaide Hawkins and Demi Rafferty, later Rodeo Hawkins.
Where: Capitol Building - Near the rotunda., and later the basement kitchen.
What: The first official meeting of the Kept Ladies of the Capitol club. Otherwise known as Demi spotting Adelaide and approaching her.
When: Evening.

Dancing with a ball and chain, through it all we still remain, like butterflies around a flame, till ashes, ashes, we fade away )



Who: Noa Bellamy and Viktor Scherbatsky (and a random Prospect)
Where: PetSmart, south Austin
What: Scavenging a few things for the parks four-legged inhabitants
When: Afternoon

the hours go ticking by, and the noise echoes off the walls. )



just a ride

Who: Demi Rafferty and Rodeo Hawkins
Where: The Dog Park
What: Two emotionally mature adult human beings argue for completely valid reasons.
When: Backdated to sometime around August 2017.

i climb aboard the sinking ship, biting on my busted lip
and wait for time to heal my pride, but time was never on my side
me and you were just a ride. )



the gypsy that remains

Who: Ezra and later Emilie Galloway, Johai Corauni
Where: Sister Slaugher & Miz Deliverance's old train car, elsewhere in the underground.
What: Miz Deliverance reunites with her favorite babies.
When: June 29, after this.

so i'm back to the velvet underground,
back to the floor that i love.
to a room with some lace and paper flowers,
back to the gypsy that i was.
and it all comes down to you. you know that it does. )



Who: Emilie and Ezra
Where: their place
What: bad things
When: just after this

going, going, going... )



Who: Bishop and Teagan
Where: The Dog Park
What: Unfinished Business
When: June 29, soon after this

You built your tower strong and tall Can't you see, it's got to fall someday )