Posts Tagged: 'hiatus'

Dec. 17th, 2016



Hey guys, Amy here! I want to apologize for the lack of everything RP. Everything. NaNo post slump hit hard, but I'm going to be going on a two week hiatus starting Monday. As some of you might know, I've been trying to get into school to become a medical assistant, and I was approved for the classes and all of that good stuff. So, these classes start on Monday, and I just want to see what my schedule ends up looking like before I get back into doing some of the more fun things in my life. It's been awhile since I've gone to school for anything!

So! Two week hiatus, but I'll still be around on AIM because that's literally up every time I turn on my computer. If you want to handwave anything, just let me know, whatever works best for everyone.

- Amy

Mar. 2nd, 2016



I'm sorry to have to do this again, but I'm going through some rather difficult times right now, and RP needs to take a backseat for the time being. I'm sorry to everyone I owe tags to, and hopefully things will get better soon. So for right now I'm going to have to call a hiatus. I'll be around online still, so I'm not fully disappearing, just slightly disappearing.

- Amy

Jan. 26th, 2016




I kinda put this off for a while, but I'm going to go on a hiatus. I've been hunting and pecking (as seen with Tori and Elsa), but my headspace is super weird right now.

Fingers crossed it's just this sudden ice-cold weather and snow and I'll get into the swing of things soon.

I'm also dropping Alessa. Maybe in the future she'll come back, larger than life and the perfect queen everyone deserves. But for now, she's not talking to me and I'm not going to beat a dead horse.

As always, I'm on AIM 24/7 (mostly because I forget to log out on my phone).

xox Jess

Jan. 22nd, 2016



Hey guys.

I really should have done this sooner, and I apologise for that, but I was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to if only because I'm going a little stir crazy and checking up on the reincarnates boards every now and then is making me less stir crazy.

Even so, I'm going to have to take hiatus for a short while to figure out how to look after a tiny human once more while also dealing with a threenager. However, I am still here, if slightly crazy and stressed out over not being able to name said tiny human.

I'm also considering dropping some characters by the time I come back so expect some messages from me here and there as I figure out who to cut from my line-up. xx


Jun. 26th, 2015




Hi guys.

I'm taking an official hiatus for a week or so while I try and get my shit together. I have an exam next Friday and a project that is now....about two months overdue which I haven't started and I should probably work on that a little bit.

As much as I haven't been that active for the past few weeks, every time I sit down to do work I procrastinate and look at the game instead, so it's one of those things that I need to take a step back from and actually start doing the stuff I'm meant to be doing. I should be back in a week or two after the exam, providing I've started the project. Then I might disappear again during August as I have my final exam, and I have to retake two of them which means I actually have to relearn everything. I've literally taken a couple of weeks off work to do this, so here's hoping I actually pass this time.

Oh, and you can still use my characters for rumours if you want/it helps. My aim is always on, since it's on my phone. <3

Sep. 1st, 2014



Hey everybody!

Just a quick note: this is my first week of teaching in my own classroom, and I start tomorrow. I'm super nervous and want to do well, so for this week I really need my focus to be primarily on my new job. Because of that, I'm going on hiatus for a week so that I can keep my head firmly planted in work mode and avoid distractions (I get distracted incredibly easily). I'll still be around to talk, and do modly things, but RP itself needs to go on the back burner until next week. I'm sorry if this inconveniences anybody :(

If you need my characters for anything, I'm very laid back. Just shoot me a message and we can work something out so you aren't left in a lurch.

Love you all! Thank you for understanding. <3


Jul. 19th, 2014




Hey guys,

This weekend I'll be moving house! And while I'm not moving very far (it's to another apartment in a different block, lol), I will be pretty busy with everything associated with moving. I never realised how much stuff I actually own, until it's time to pack it all away ;)

(and how many books and comics I actually own...a LOT. Which is why I'm happy I switched over to e-books, but that's another story.)

So this is just a quick heads up that I probably won't be around much over this weekend. Regular tag service will resume after that :)

<3 Michelle

p.s. If I owe any of you a tag/scene/whatever for a character of mine that is not Evgeni (so likely David or Mikael), please let me know! Stark Dad seems to be taking up most of my attention lately, the dramatic bugger >.>

p.p.s. Ari - the James & David thread I can put up as soon as I come off hiatus. Unless of course you want to post/start the thing while I'm not there, in which case, go right ahead <3

Jul. 11th, 2014




Okay SO. I meant to update about this last night but I got distracted and then I passed out and then hated myself this morning when I remembered. Tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon, I'm heading up to Lake George for family vacation to celebrate my grandpa's birthday. I'll have my phone, but no internet. The reception up there is very, very spotty (like you could send me an IM and I'll get it three hours later spotty), so I'm really not going to be able to be reached too well while I'm up there. I'll be home Thursday evening! So I'm going to be on hiatus starting tomorrow night until then, but I'm going to get all of my tags done before I go so I'm not too far behind.

Which means those of you with my phone number need to text me and keep me entertained :(

Jun. 18th, 2014



Hey, you guys! This is Sheena.

I just wanted to let everybody know that I have to go on hiatus for the time being. We're actually going to West Texas for a little while for some family stuff that's going down. I'll have limited internet access, so I'll only be on my phone for about 98% of the time there. Plus with my family not having seen each other in 1000 years, we'll probably be constantly occupied. I'll be back around when I can, but feel free to shoot me emails or on phone AIM or anything.


Apr. 29th, 2014




Hiatus for me. I'm flying out to Arizona for the rest of the week tomorrow <333

Mar. 31st, 2014



Hey, guys, I know I like just came back off a hiatus, but work is forcing extra hours + taking away one of my days off basically until the tax season is over, which means at the very least I am going to be SLOW through about the 21st, because I have school on top of the work, so finding time for RP is going to be a challenge. ♥ and then I have finals two weeks later, can it just be May now?

xoxo Lena

Mar. 25th, 2014




I kind of disappeared for.. almost two weeks? I got hit with this awesome sinus thing that I am still getting over. I am going to do my best to get caught up on all my old tags and maybe get some new posts up over the next couple of days.

You know, right after I finish sobbing over Teen Wolf.

If you want a log or anything with any of my kids, let me know!

♥ Lena (Annabeth Chase, Clary Fray, Lissa Dragomir, Primrose Everdeen, Sandy Olsen, Sookie Stackhouse, Tris Prior)

Oct. 21st, 2013




Apologies all around, I'm going to have to actually hiatus for real for a little bit. Sorry, I will get to tags as soon as possible.

Sep. 24th, 2013



Hey everybody! This is Sheena. I know I just introed some children but I'm going to be going to California for 1 week of vacation! Consider this my hiatus for the time being. I shall return soon enough! See you all on the other side!

Except Heather, who I will see during vacation.


Jun. 19th, 2013



So I really didn't want to have to do it because I absolutely hate taking hiatuses, but I don't really think I have much of a choice. I tried doing the "just be slow" thing and it makes me feel like an awful person--especially when "let's be slow" means "let's be absent for a few days at a time!" So as such, I'm going to have to take a hiatus until this move is over. Hopefully that'll be in the next couple of weeks. We're supposed to take over rent July 1st, so my roommates and I will hopefully be in, clean, and settled by then. I hate to do this, I really do, I'm just not seeing much choice.

I'll be on AIM of course; my phone is permanently logged in to seaweedbrained and I'd absolutely love to talk to you all whenever to distract myself and keep myself from going crazy. See you (hopefully) on the other side.


P.S. To the intros I have been unable to get to because of this craziness, I absolutely apologize for my lack of response. It's absolutely not intentional. Love you guys <333

Apr. 18th, 2013



Hey guys! Sincerest apologies for the late notice but I'm gonna have to call a mini-hiatus just for the weekend. I got totally swamped with work while I wasn't looking and there's a lot of event stuff going on at the comic shop this weekend so I'll pretty much be MIA from the internet until Sunday. I'll still keep up with tags that I've been doing this week as best I can, otherwise I should be back in full force on Sunday. Have a good weekend, everybody!

♥, Heather

Feb. 12th, 2013



Hey guys.

So as much as I sometimes think I'm superman in the ways of responsibility juggling and functioning on no sleep, I have come to the realization that I absolutely am not. Currently, with this temporary leave replacement on top of my full-time job working eighty hours a week.

Yeah. That's not a typo. I did the math this morning. I'm working two full-time jobs (and yet I'm still poor, thanks America).

So I'm going to have to take a hiatus. I'm hoping it won't be too long, but realistically it might be until this job concludes. Or my other one. Whichever one gives me a breather first. I'm hoping this turns permanent and I can quit my current job, but who knows. Basically, I need one of these to go away so that I can breathe and not die.

I'm going to go back and reply to things before this post, and catch up on what I've missed until this point. It'll be slow and I can't promise you it'll be completely cognitive, but other than that I really can't do anything. I'm really sorry for however this inconveniences people. I'll still be around on AIM on my phone if you need to IM me about ghosting y characters while I'm on hiatus (I'm totally cool with that if it keeps people from being hung up with their characters) and if you want to talk. If I don't answer right away it doesn't mean I hate you; I'm probably at work or sleeping.

Thanks guys.


Jan. 12th, 2013



Hey guys!

Just a quick note. Amy sent me a text saying that since she's in the process of moving they turned off her Internet and the net in her new place won't get turn on until next week at the earliest. So she asked me to let everybody know she's going on hiatus until she can connect again! She'll catch up on her tags as soon as she can and she apologizes for the tags she owes.

That is all! :)

Dec. 20th, 2012


Hey, it's Roz, and it's become apparent that I'm gonna have to throw up a notice letting you all know that I'm gonna be on hiatus until probably after the new year. Christmas jammed my schedule way more than I expected, and I've extended that to new years since I have this routine with my friends where we actually exchange gifts on new years eve and get drunk like the mature adults we currently on. Sorry I've been MIA lately and I know I owe tags and I'm one massive fail, but I will be so much better after the first, I promise.

Dec. 11th, 2012



Unexpected hiatus (is unexpected)

So my boss just told me yesterday that I'll be accompanying him on his business trip to China...which should be interesting, except for the part where I'm scrabbling to reschedule everything I had planned for this week :(

I'll be away from tomorrow (12 Dec) to the 19th, and internet will probably be spotty (they'll be keeping me busy). And then I'll be back for a couple days and then I'll be gone for my actually planned trip back to Perth to see family for Christmas, from 22 Dec to 1 Jan.

So what does this mean for most of you? Well, it means that this week (and most of next) will be a bust as far as RPing goes (I'm terribly sorry for those who I planned plot with!!), but I'll try to squeeze in things between the 20-21 Dec when I get back.

- Michelle