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these dreams will be my anchor
these dreams will be the death of me

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Posts Tagged: 'desperate+pleas'

Mar. 7th, 2011



Hey guys! Heather here. This post is long over due but uh, shit's been cray cray and I've been falling down on the job PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

... BUT. I'm here to post a little something about the Cirque.

The Reincarnate Cirque, as I'm sure you've all noticed has been mostly nonexistent lately due to the sad droppage of most of its players. Right now Kendra and Caleb are currently the only members, and a part of me would really like to see that change if anyone out there is interested in helping us pick it back up.

It would be great to get a ring master up in this bitch but we can function without one. Just some fellow, active members would be nice, otherwise I'll probably let go of the Cirque all together and have Kendra move onto something else. So! Consider this a desperate plea. If you have a character currently in game or a character coming in that you might want to be in the Cirque or join the Cirque at a later date, please let me know here! You know you want to be a part of a traveling band of lovable misfits who breathe fire, tame lions and all that jazz... ♥!

Dec. 19th, 2010



Cracky Enabling

All I want for Christmas is... someone to be a part of Josh's awesome geeky family. Especially his sister Angela, who I imagine being played by Tina Fey possibly. Come on? We need a Cassandra Caine. Or Barbra Gordon. Or Catwoman... You know you want a slice of the crazy!

Jun. 10th, 2010



Ladies and....uh, ladies. I come to you with a desperate plea of desperateness!

Since nothing fills me with more glee than fucking up the lives of my characters, I'm looking for a random half brother for Fletcher. They'd have the same father, but this would be a 'SURPRISE' sort of thing. I've got a few ideas for him: he'd be younger, possibly still in Scotland, him being the reincarnate of Silk Specter II would be lulzy, and it would fill me with glee if his PB was Shia Labeouf! Cause, seriously...

Picspam! )

Anyone who wants to make my day can find me at pixelated sadism for plot and the like. Or just comment here. I'm not picky!


Jun. 7th, 2010


Just a note, even though she didn't really have much plot, to say that I've dropped Elise. You'll be seeing no more of her. But, because I am pathetic and this idea has been driving me insane for months, I'm already in the midst of replacing her with a new character. Said character is still very much in the works right now, so if anyone needs any kind of plot or wants some kind of connection in advance, feel free to let me know. You can find her in-progress app over at [info]thedeceiver and she'll be the reincarnate of Circe from The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, if anyone's familiar with the series. If not, I'll be happy to enlighten you if you so wish.

Jun. 5th, 2010



Okay, so. I brought Dex back and he's slowly trying to get back into the swing of the reincarnate community. And I've got a second one on hold, the reincarnate of Dream from Neil Gaiman's fantastical Sandman series, with Christian Kane's pretty face. (I have a type, what can I say?)

Anyway. The point of this post is to ask if anyone would want Dream's reincarnate for anything. brother, boyfriend, bestfriend, whatever. I'm open to anything. Figured I'd throw it out there, see if he can come in with a link or two to get him started.

I'm still trying to orient myself to what I've missed and what not. But so so glad to be here, and hoping to get Dex to be a little more social this time out XD.

Jun. 2nd, 2010




I've already put it on the Wanted page but I thought I'd reiterate it here in case not everyone has seen my initial plea and you're feeling particularly inclined... >.>

PLEASE TO BE GIVING ME (and Holly) A PRINCE PHILLIP IN LUKE PASQUALINO?! You know you want to, look at how cute they are together! As an added bonus, you'd be getting.... THIS.

... You know you want to.