Posts Tagged: 'blah+blah+blah'

Oct. 19th, 2016



Hey, Allie here. Just a quick note! I did a rename on Drei's journal, so when you see [info]gypsytrash pop up, do not be alarmed. Same journal, contents haven't changed, everything should be forwarded, it's just a new name.

Sep. 28th, 2016


Sorry to interrupt the build up to all the trauma, but! Due to the fact that I'm tired of model face and a dearth of gifs, Rae will now look a lot more like Ashley Greene. That is all.

Sep. 16th, 2016



This is another PSA about PB changes in case there's any confusion. Since Rachel is one of my virus drops, I've switched Peyton's PB to Claire Holt because I'll never let go of her face ever. That is all. ♥, Heather

Sep. 14th, 2016



I just wanted to make a quick note to everybody that I changed Sean's face to Aidan Turner. Hayden just wasn't working for me, and it was making it really hard for me to play him. >.> Butnowhe'sperfectokbye.

Sep. 9th, 2014




Hi guys! Okay, so I am pretty sure I've got my schedule under control. I'll have to get to bed by ten my time (EST) Sun-Thursday when I have school the next day (and for those of you who know me well, know that that is an amazing feat for me considering I'm used to going to bed at the time I'm now required to wake up), but I can successfully come back into the land of RP. I'm used to my classroom and my aides, and I love what I'm doing, so I'M GOOD NOW.

That said, please bare with me while I try to get caught up. I LOVE YOU ALL.

Jul. 3rd, 2014



Hey guys!

Not a new character! Just wanted to give the heads up that I changed Melissa's PB from Ashley Rickards to Phoebe Tonkin. Ashley just wasn't working for me with her. So I don't want you guys to be all surprised when you see Phoebe's face all everywhere.

Apr. 6th, 2014



Hey guys.

This is just a quick note to let you guys know what's going on. My friend Neisha was diagnosed with breast cancer this week and she just started chemo. It's stage 2, so that means she's got a good chance of survival (93% survival rate, I did a lot of research in a nervous panic), but the recovery process is still going to be agonizing on her. She's a single mom with a young son and unable to work since the treatments leave her really susceptable to disease through immunity deficiency and she was working as a CNA at a hospital so. Ripe with disease.

Anyway, I'm going to be attempting to help her for a while with whatever she needs be it company, somebody to run her son somewhere, or whatever, which means I'm going to have a little less free time than usual. Not a ton more, so I'll be able to keep up with things, but my brain will be elsewhere so I'm hoping for a little leniency. The biggest thing is that I'll be less reachable when I'm not at my computer; I want my time with her to be my time with her and nothing else. So if you message me and I don't respond, chances are you've messaged my phone and I'll respond later.

I love you guys so much. I just want y'all to know that. <3333


Jan. 21st, 2013



Just to let you all know, apparently the bath I took this morning triggered my labour. While I'm not heading to hospital just yet, I might be soon, and in the mean time, I'm spending a fair while wanting to punch walls while I try and ignore these stupid contractions.

I'll be attempting to get a post up for Chris and one for Ed before I have to leave, and following up on replies, but be pre-warned; I'm super uncomfortable and you might be waiting a few days on any replies now. Not that I'm usually the most active person anyway.

Hopefully I'll remember to turn off my computer before I go to the hospital too, so whether or not I'm on AIM any more might be a good indicator as to where I am. Love you guys! <3

Nov. 6th, 2012




Needless to say, I'm back from hiatus. And if anybody want to scene, I have a whole roster of people capable of that. And I also have a working computer cord. and it isn't loose, and doesn't wiggle in the socket. It's pretty fucking glorious. I cannot contain my excitement.

Nov. 2nd, 2012



Hey all -

Just wanted to formerly apologize for how little I've been around lately. I just started a second job (at a comic shop!!!) so I was still adjusting to that when my first job basically threw me into the work week from hell this past week, before I could change my schedule. So that's why I've been a little scarcer than usual, I swear I'm not purposefully ignoring any of you or your awesome posts at all. In fact I'm going to go catch up right now before work BUT I wanted to clear that up first and let you all know that if I'm still a little slow for a bit? That's why. I'M NOT IGNORING PEOPLE ON PURPOSE. You guys are great, I'm really loving all the activity I've been seeing from everyone lately. To me, you are perfect. ♥

- Heather

Nov. 1st, 2012



Okay, so the worst of the hurricane is passed me, I'm not longer required to take little tikes out trick or treating, and I'm PRETTY sure I got my stupid wifi under control (CableVision so nicely informed us that the storm knocked out a bunch of their cables so they were fixing it and APPARENTLY that knocked out the rest of us for the night, but I love that there was no forewarning. WHATEVER.)

What that means is that I'm back, and I have the next couple of days off, so I'm hitting the game full force. I know I have a lot to catch up on, some threads in the parties with people and an awesome thread with our lovely Mal/Zoe/River group to tag. And an UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF IC INTROS to respond to. Uhh. Wow. So I'm going to tackle my threads and the IC journal entries first, please don't be insulted if I miss your intro/don't respond right away. I'm literally going three pages back on this thing because of stupid Sandy, but I do want to plot with you all. My AIM is seaweedbrained and my e-mail is requiem.for.a.jew[at]gmail[dot]com if your new character wants specific plot that you already have in your mind for any of my characters. Normally I don't do this, but like I said, SUPER BEHIND THANK TO THE FRANKENSTORM.

Thanks for all of your cooperation, guys. I really appreciate it.

P.S. This guy here as of today is dead since he's dying at the party. I haven't gotten to actually play it out yet because of circumstances beyond my control, but yes. That is what's happening.

Mar. 3rd, 2012


Quick and unimportant announcement, but I'm moving my CDJ to [info]elegy, where you will find my Reincarnates page here!

Feb. 25th, 2012


Apologies for the spam of my characters, as well as for my latest poof... my mom was diagnosed with cancer and I've basically been getting by on the bare minimum trying to cope and arrange things so I can be there for her surgery on top of grad school and work and trying to get signed up for even more school and... you get the picture. So. SORRY EVERYBODY.

Feb. 15th, 2012


Right. Since I'm commenting with her I should probably post this. >.> So I mayhavechangedDani'spbagain. *COUGH* So yes. Dani is now Amber Tamblyn. Carry on.

Dec. 30th, 2011


Dear Reincarnates,

This is a pb change. I got a notice that my paid account was running out (SHUT UP) so I would have to go down to 100 icons, and I got overwhelmed, so I figured if I was going to be overwhelmed anyway I should do it with a new face that better fits Jordan. So voila. Lyndsy Fonseca's now an open pb, and Jordan's now Alexandra Daddario. :)

Nov. 15th, 2011



It's a trend this week, but I promise, this is the last time. Kellan's the new face for Hunter. Mike Vogel just wasn't doing it for me anymore. THANK YOU ALL.

Aug. 22nd, 2011


Just a quick note to say that Allie is now Alexis Bledel instead of Lizzie Caplan, because apparently icon makers only want to make icons of Lizzie from Mean Girls. Thanks guys!

Aug. 7th, 2011



HELLO LADIES. Heather here.

Just a quick, unimportant announcement so there's no confusion when placing future holds: I have switched out two of my character's PB's in the hopes that they will work better with me then they have been. My unhappy muses for Robin Hood and Willow Rosenberg demanded it, apparently they both wanted to be red heads or bust. SO from now on I'll be using Kate Mara for Riley (this journal) and Lauren Ambrose for Ashley ([info]littlepezwitch).

But that's boring news. The good news is Kat Dennings and Isabel Lucas are now free for anyone that might want to make use of them. HAVE AT IT. ♥

Jul. 20th, 2011


So. HI. I've got a couple of things to say. So I'ma say them. And then you all can have your game back.

Firstly, I am so proud of all of you. Seriously. That meme couldn't have been more of a success. The comments I was reading had me tearing up, and I am so thankful to be in a game where the players all care for each other as much as we do. We're a family. We're protective of each other, supportive, and goddamn we fight like siblings. And I love you all.

Secondly, I have a new character. This is Jamie Loran, the reincarnate of Number Six from I Am Number Four--so yes, that makes her an alien. A pretty badass one, actually, so I encourage you all to watch I Am Number Four (or read the book) just for that. She's 22, grew up in a small town in Indiana, and hated school so she only finished high school. At the moment, she's working on the Agency's Black Ops team because her powers are just perfect for that kind've job, and masquerading as a bartender. She lives in Albany, and loves music. Seriously. She plays guitar, and it keeps her sane. And! Her older brother Uri? Totally Number Four, but I'll let Allie tell you all about him. For more info go here!

So yes. She needs pretty much everything. Friends. Family. Enemies. Love interests. Co-workers. That pesky mother of hers who she's never met and is completely missing...

OH. I also got a new screenname. I'll still be on worlds on me for the most part, but just know I also have seaweedbrained, so if you randomly get IMed from that name, do not be afraid! It is I, Tracy!

Jul. 15th, 2011




Just dropping by with a quick note that I changed my AIM SN tonight on a whim. From this point forth I can be reached on AIM at loonylupins. (pumpkinnneater just wasn't doing it for me anymore, sigh.)

I've put it on the contacts list as well but I thought I'd let everyone know here just so I know I've told everyone in case you need to get a hold of me and I never seem to be on-line anymore. Well, that's just crazy talk since I'm ALWAYS on-line, so clearly I'm just signed into my new SN! Add me!

♥, Heather