Posts Tagged: 'meme'

Dec. 23rd, 2016





Comment to this post with your individual character journals & the character's names in the subject lines (you don't have to comment with everyone, just the ones you want to include in this meme). Then let people respond to each of your characters with theirs to include descriptions/links to the holiday gifts their characters are giving yours, and vice versa (see: the first example below)! We're considering this an IC meme, not OOC, so the gifts are very real. Make sure you actually meant to send someone a pair of edible underwear or some furry handcuffs, since it will be considered game canon.

Happy holidays!


Dec. 16th, 2014




Allie posted this meme on Plurk but I thought it was a good idea to take to the comms so everyone has a chance to see it and continue to participate. Especially with the holidays coming up! Have fun. :)

Comment with three things on your characters' X-mas lists. They can be serious, cracky, or a mix of both. Also, if people want to respond to characters' posts with the gifts they're actually giving them in game for Christmas (or Hanukkah!), feel free. They can also be serious or cracky. Go!

Feb. 14th, 2014



It's meme time!

It's Valentines Day and you want to show how much you care. Whether it's a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, best friend, family member - today is a day to tell them how you feel! Got a secret crush on someone? Now is the time to come clean! Even enemies can get into the holiday spirit by doing something to show the true depths of their hate. Send out letters and gifts to that lucky person! All submissions IC.

Dec. 25th, 2013




It's Christmas time and people like presents. So post your character's Christmas gifts to people in game here! They can be IC or wacky OOC gifts, just make sure to clarify in case people decide to address them later. And hey, when in doubt, mistletoe is always a delightfully dangerous option...


Aug. 16th, 2013




Premise: AU Week starts this Sunday, August 18th, and ends August 25th, the last day of the AC. The basic idea? Our resident Scarlet Witch got restless and decided to reshape the world for awhile with three simple words. No More Mutants.

... Kidding! But it is No More War.

After she speaks these words the world as our characters know it turns topsy turvy into an alternate universe where the reincarnate war has ended, because the non-reincarnate world has taken over and governments have put the reincarnate community in chains. This is a week of a sort of post-apocalyptic, reincarnate depression where reincarnates are either dead, in prison, on the run, forced to do work for the non-reincarnate governments, maybe even slaves for other countries? Basically, what happens to your individual characters are entirely up to you within these basic guidelines, and there can absolutely be new 'resistance groups' active in protest of this new oppressive regime, however successful or unsuccessful they may be.

So! tl;dr, please use this meme to post anything you're looking for to do with your characters during this week, make suggestions, comment to other people's posts to plot and scheme with them, everything! Go wild! ♥, Heather

Jun. 14th, 2013



Re-posted for your pleasure~


❀ Post with your characters.
❀ Other post with their characters if they want to know what yours thinks of them.
❀ RESPOND HONESTLY—OOC or IC are both acceptable, but if it's IC, characters can't lie.
❀ Reply to other threads to hear what characters think about yours.
❀ If you want your character give an opinion unprompted, you can do that, too!
❀ Let awkwardness/humor/potential plottings ensue!

Jun. 6th, 2013




Because, I'm kinda sorta getting notifs again and I'm up two hours before my alarm is supposed to go off.


❀ Post with your characters.
❀ Other post with their characters if they want to know what yours thinks of them.
❀ RESPOND HONESTLY—OOC or IC are both acceptable, but if it's IC, characters can't lie.
❀ Reply to other threads to hear what characters think about yours.
❀ If you want your character give an opinion unprompted, you can do that, too!
❀ Let awkwardness/humor/potential plottings ensue!

Apr. 29th, 2013



As promised, here's your plot request meme! This is where you can request anything, whether it's something big you'd like to see happen in the game, lines or plots you'd like for an individual character, suggested characters for people to bring in (which you can also submit to the wanted page) – anything at all! This is also a good place to brainstorm ideas for characters you might be having trouble with and need a little extra something to keep them going, so really, go crazy. GO CRAZY!!!

... I've run out of things to say, I'm just gonna leave it at that. KAY LOVE YOU ALL BYE. ♥

Mar. 31st, 2013



Happy Sunday everyone! The sun is shining and while the forecast down here is calling for snow tomorrow I say SCREW THAT and LETS HAVE ANOTHER MEME.

Give me a pairing and I will write a love note from one to another. The pairing can be my character and yours, mine and someone else's or anything that strikes your fancy as long as I know who they are.

Comment with your own characters and collect requests from others.

It's a little more involved but it's just as fun. Love notes have a habit of being lovely, horrendous, scary, not all serious and embarrassing so run with it, my doves and most importantly HAVE FUN DOING IT 8D

Feb. 27th, 2013


Hiya! Nik here and no, this isn't a character intro. This is me distracting myself (and hopefully everyone else) with a meme! Dear beloved and most gracious mods, if this is not allowed please feel free to tear this post down and kick me for it.

This meme is an oldie but definitely a goldie. I've run across it multiple times in different games and it's always been equal parts fun and heart breaking. Without further ado I present the...


Post as your character and confess their deepest darkest secrets!
Comment to other people's comments and tell their characters your characters' deepest darkest secret thoughts pertaining to them! You can also go anon if you like
Have fun 8D Be hideous!

Feb. 14th, 2011




Hello ladies! This is mod!Rae here, with a special announcement.

This weekend, we will be unleashing a monster in the form of a POSTSECRET MEME. The idea here is pretty simple: Come up with a secret from one to (gulp) all of your characters and slap it on a postcard for them! We've come up with a few guidelines, though for the most part GO CRAZY AND BE CREATIVE.

1) Keep the images postcard sized. If it's big enough to be a background, try resizing.
2) Don't use this as a way to vent OOC frustrations, should you have them. Let's try to keep it nice!
3) You can submit as many secrets as you like, since you'll be posting all of them yourselves. But remember, if we break IJ, we're blaming it on that game next door...

Now. On to the more fun stuff. There are a number of good places to find good, generic backgrounds for your secrets, such as deviantART and flickr. If you want to go all out and have it be in your 'character's' handwriting? I suggest dafont or fonts for peas (which has a great selection of girlie writing). Also, should you be too cheap to splurge on Photoshop (like myself), there's always GIMP which is free and not a terrible program (there are brushes and the like available at deviantART and everything)!

If anyone else would like to post helpful resources on this post, please do! This weekend a post will go up, at which point we'll give you the rundown on how posting will work. The general idea, however, is that everyone can post their own secrets in anonymous comments so that the mods don't end up sorting through two hundred secrets. Cause that's no fun, when we'd rather spend the time making our own.

Got questions? You know where to find us!


Jan. 7th, 2011



So for those of you that friended my CDJ, this meme has already been circulating... But we actually decided this is a pretty damn good plot meme so we thought we'd open it up to the group! You don't have to post this for all your characters, just the ones you want. Feel free to use this to get plot, throw away plot, just think up crazy shit that never has to amount to anything. And have fun! LET THE MEME MADNESS BEGIN.

Write the following about one or more of your characters:

(a) three facts about them from my personal headcanon.
(b) a reason they're amazing.
(c) five things that I'd like to see happen to them.
(d) three people that I might ship that character with and why.

Dec. 20th, 2010




Just like last year, we've decided to give you an awesome place to post the gifts from your characters! Leave a link or a reasonably sized graphic (so you don't freak out anyone's computer with a slower connection), along with the to and from and a nice little message or something if your character is creative. I hope this made sense, I'm pretty tired.

Happy gaming and HAPPIER HOLIDAYS.

Oct. 31st, 2010


Hey errybody! In honor of the holiday, we thought it would be fun to do a meme. A costume meme, to be more exact!

It's not terribly complicated. Post links or pics here of your character's costume! Feel free to comment around and all that, but most importantly, HAVE FUN!


Sep. 27th, 2010




So, for those of you who don't check the calendar obsessively like I do, we have another plot week coming up! Starting Sunday, October 3rd-9th, we'll be doing an AU (alternate universe) plot week. What does that mean? Well I'll tell you!

AU week is a week that will drag anyone and everyone in the reincarnate community into an alternate universe. The week will center around one general plot line that we can all branch off of. And... this is where I fail, because I realized that we haven't actually decided on what that general plot line will be, so that could be part of the meme too? If anyone has any suggestions. I was thinking something simple and along the lines of, 'In a world where CORE had won instead of Camelot', but I'm open to suggestions!

The second purpose for this meme is for everyone to put forth their own ideas about what they want for their characters during this plot week and to plot with other people accordingly. Anything goes, really, and for the record you don't need to give all your characters AU plot lines if you don't want to. It only lasts for a week after all, so don't feel pressured to think up something for everyone in that short amount of time!

This is a free-for-all – just post anything and everything you can think of that you need for a certain character or any ideas you might have regarding this plot week, so people can respond with their thoughts, etc etc. And have fun! ♥

Jun. 22nd, 2010


Meme time!

Hey, guys! It's been a little while since we've done a meme, so we the mods have decided to bring you one! This one is pretty similar to one we did awhile back in OTS, but hopefully it's different enough to keep things interesting. :)

Here's the premise: It's 2015. For the past five years, the reincarnate war has been escalating almost on a daily basis, and now it's finally at the breaking point. There's no clear winner or loser, but everyone knows the war is about to be over, because things can't keep going on like this. They just can't.

So, the question is – what have your characters been doing for the past five years? Have they been fighting, hiding, procreating, avoiding everything, trying to live normally in a very abnormal world? Are they even alive? If they died, who killed them? If they've started a family, what are their kids' names? Are they happy in spite of the chaos, or are they just waiting for things to finally get better?

There's no real purpose to this meme – it's just for fun, but just in case we decide to do a future!plot week, this could also be really handy. Barring that, this is also a good way to figure out where you want your characters to end up in the next five years, whether we ever get that far or not. So go crazy, get creative, comment on other people's futures, and most of all, have fun! ♥

May. 21st, 2010



I would marry this meme...

Hey errybody! Rae here. Bella and I are bored, so we decided to post a meme. Since Heather is out of town, and we want her to be able to play, try to keep this going as long as possible, mmkay? Today's meme is the 'fuck, kill, or marry' meme. For those of you that don't know the rules, take a gander:

Post a comment with a random assortment of three of your characters. Respond in-character (since choices would change from character to character) with who they would rather FUCK, KILL, or MARRY. Three characters per post, three options per response. Easy enough, right?

ETA: Go nuts, and post different combinations if it tickles your fancy. Hell, got with just reincarnates, if you wants. In other words, go crazy! Just keep it in multiples of three!

Usual meme rules apply. Don't take it IC, don't be a cockwaffle, HAVE FUN, etc.

Happy meme-ing!