Posts Tagged: 'plot+post'

Aug. 15th, 2014




Okay, for the purpose of making the training exercise easier for everyone who hasn't played the game, I'm going to put a really simple description of what they're all facing in the Lost Woods here. I'm tweaking it a little bit from the game to make it easier to understand and play out, so don't worry too much about being like AM I DESCRIBING THE MONSTER RIGHT? Because it's totally cool if you're not!

When you first enter it's like a clearing with grass everywhere and three choices of direction to go, one leads towards where you want to go and brings you to another identical clearing, one magically transports you back to the beginning, and the other brings you where monsters are. The monsters are these little plant looking things that burrow into the ground and pop up to spit nuts at you that are the size of baseballs. They die if you hit them, but they're hard to hit because they dig into the ground really fast. Those are the most common, but here's a list of the monsters from the game, so feel free to choose any of them to run into. We can just say that Lucas put them in the woods specifically for training! And that's every clearing you go through until you reach the maze (some of them have non-monster areas where you can get items and stuff, but for the sake of making it easy we're just going to stick with those three choices). Now, each choice of direction looks IDENTICAL. The one you want to go through is the one where you can hear music the loudest, so feel free to have your guys figure out the trick! The maze has giant monsters with spears that you have to get around and kind've looks like a game version of the HP maze in GoF. You can travel on top of the hedge things (we're just going to assume that's what they are) but only if you can get up there. Hint: That's the easiest way because there's no monsters up top.

Once you get through the maze there's a GIANT monster. Huge. That kind've looks like a bear/pig/human hybrid? And has a giant club he smashes that sends magic that hurts like a bitch and sends you flying backwards. You can't kill him, you just have to evade and get around him. And once you're around him you're at Lucas and you win.

If you guys have any questions, feel free to ask me! :) I'm seriously okay with using it as a general template and letting everybody have fun and go wild. I'm not a stickler so don't worry too much.

May. 21st, 2014



Hi lovely players!

So as most of you are probably aware of, two things are happening right now.

1) Next week is the end of the month.
2) The leader of the Resistance just offered a cure for the virus.

So what this means is simple! Between now and next week, hospitals are going to be receiving the cure and administering it to patients. This is all going to happen in the background (so no worries about messaging Sheena about getting the cure from Roman, because that's all taking place in the background with the hospitals and the clinic). So yes, characters are going to be getting the cures in the next few days.

However, a couple of things need to be kept in mind. This is a cure being offered by the Resistance, so people are going to be weary of it. Would you automatically take a drug offered by the same people responsible for mass murders? If you said yes I worry about you, so I'm going to assume that answer is 'no.' However, in the next day or two people are going to be forced into action, and taking the cure will be the only choice. So if you have any characters that you want to actually die from this disease, now is the time to complete that.

Heather's going to be posting Agency and Camelot posts tomorrow to help everyone through this plot transition, so look out for that! Thank you guys so much for your enthusiasm and participation in this plot month. We were really happy to see so many jumping on the plot bandwagon.

Any questions, feel free to comment here! We'll try to answer them to the best of our ability! Thanks so much guys!


Feb. 9th, 2014



Hello lovely players!

As we said earlier, we've got a plot week this week for you all! So whip out your Zombie Survival Guides, pull out your katanas, and get ready! We're going zombie!

  • This plot week is an AU Plot Week, so make sure all of your threads are posted in [info]reincarnateau with the tags !au & !plot week. This is another thread-intensive plot week as the internet is definitely down during this zombie apocalypse. No journal posts!

  • Since it's an AU plot week, none of the events that take place during it effect the main world. For instance, Sam and Dean Winchester in the AU plot could die in a blaze of guns, guts, and glory, but their normal selves are just chilling in a library in Minnesota. This also means that you can play out both universes; the AU plot is available for play, but you can absolutely keep playing out regular, non-zombie plot on the main boards and journals.

  • This particular zombie virus was produced by mundie reincarnate experiments that resulted in a botched "reincarnate cure", and then was taken over and unleashed by the Resistance. Now the Resistance is in charge of the corrupt government in control of the virus (think Resident Evil-ish). As such, there are groups of survivors working to take them down.

  • Edit: Date all threads for 2015, this AU is happening a year from now to show how things could have ended up!

Because this is an AU plot that doesn't affect the main timeline/universe/what-have-you, Heather and I thought it would be for the best that this be a plot month instead of a week so that nobody feels they have to rush, so this plot will continue through the end of this AC. It'll start tomorrow as soon as Heather and I put up the first post!

We're also going to do something similar to the future plot week where we chart people's statuses. So comment here with whether your character is alive, dead, or zombiefied! And, of course, with any questions you may have.

Have fun everybody!

-Tracy :)

Aug. 18th, 2013



Hey guys! Tracy here! To help with a bit of organization and for us all to keep track of who's where during plot week, I've created a visual kind've wanted poster thing so people can see what characters are at large, what characters are dead, etc. It's highly customizable, so if you comment with your character and where they're at if they're not on the list already, I can easily add them. These are posters put out at the beginning of the alternate universe--so if you plan to have somebody captured, escape, killed, etc. during the actual week, I can edit them and update them as it happens! Those that start off working for the government I've left off the list. Obviously if they're working for the government they're not going to be on a wanted list. ALSO! I'm going to update it as I do them, so the list will keep growing (and there's less of a chance of me losing everything from IJ messing up!) so keep checking back! I'm doing them in alphabetical order.

Cut because it's image heavy! )

Aug. 3rd, 2013



Heyyy guys.

This post is extremely belated, but yesterday I came down with a cold and was actually forced to take time off work so I decided to push through the nasal congestion and finally talk to you about plot weeks! Remember those? We mentioned them awhile ago... even voted on some... so a million years later, we're finally getting down to business. In case anyone needs a refresher (or wasn't around when we were first doing this), the original plot weeks post and voting of such was here, and the voting results were here.

Since AU Week and the Future theme were the winners, we'll be doing those first, and here's what I've proposed.

Plot week madness this way! )

Aaaaand that's all I got, folks. Let me know what you think! And don't forget about the suggestion box if any of you have any more ideas for future plot weeks. We're going to get to all of them eventually because plot weeks are awesome, so sometime in the near future we'll do another poll after we knock out a few more from the results. Thanks, guys! ♥, Heather

May. 9th, 2013



Hey, guys! As promised, here's your plot week post. I've compiled a list of potential plot weeks and themes for the AU comm; the difference between the two is that the plot weeks are game-wide and have real consequences in game, while the AU themes will probably last a month/an AC or so and will be totally optional. We're always taking suggestions, so this isn't by any means a comprehensive list. Just a good place to start so we can finally kick the fun times off. :)

More behind the cut! )

Oct. 23rd, 2012



Hello lovelies! Just a quick update about our upcoming Halloween extravaganzas~

A flier is going to be posted in a bit in regards to the Resistance's Haunted House. Basically the idea is these fliers are going to be passed along by hand and word of mouth, made sure that it falls into reincarnates hands by 'accident'. The Resistance has made it to look like it's a party sponsored by mundies for mundies (so mundies who attend get fooled and reincarnates get blamed later), when in reality they've designed it to attract both mundies and reincarnates alike for maximum carnage. So if reincarnates RSVP? They'll get an actual person on the line posing as a member of said company (FEED, because they're FEEDING THE EARTH, technically >>) sponsoring the event. It's designed to be a pretty big deal and a party people wouldn't want to miss. There will be another mod update with more details on the actual house of horrors and what to expect in there closer to Halloween, but for now, feel free to have your characters start noticing the party fliers. Everyone's invited! Come at your own risk. ;)

For the Camelot Halloween party, obviously it's by personal invitation only, so it's not going to be publicized. But if you have a character who knows people in Camelot and you want them to go, that can be arranged! And coming to Camelot's parties is a great way to get recruited too if you're interested in having a character join. Just remember any non-Camelot members have to swear the secrecy oath before being allowed near the castle. It's designed to protect Camelot's location, and v. bad things happen to people who try and blab where they are. Think Harry Potter and the DA/Room of Requirement secrecy oath, but worse. Ya'll don't want that, trust. Also for new people who might have missed the first post about this, go here!

♥, Heather!Mod

Jan. 5th, 2012



Back to the Future

So! I know we have big plot coming up in a month or so, but I just thought I would post here and see if any of the time travelers/techies/whovians would be interested in plotting something with Brian and the Quantum Leap accelerator? Brian keeps tinkering with it, but has never actually used it, and he's never actually "leaped" anywhere since the Doc leaped into him.

Granted, I don't actually want him to wind up stuck switching bodies all the time, or vanishing from the game yet, but it just seems a shame to let a perfectly good plot device go to waste.

Questions? Comments? Refusals? Walking out? Slamming of doors? Hit me up here or aim or chat or whatevs!

Nov. 14th, 2011



Hello lovelies! Just a quick note, the plot meme is still technically going as there were a few belated submissions so if you guys get the chance, go back and see if there's anything else you haven't responded to yet (or if you haven't made any plot requests yet and want to, feel free to do that too!). Let's keep this plot love going! ♥

Sep. 6th, 2011




Holly has been tasked with a job in the Resistance to sniff out new territories for the Resistance to pillage and plunder. SO if any of you have fictional territories (or even real businesses that you might want involved in this battle for power) connected to your characters sources in game that you wouldn't mind being temporarily or permanently overrun by Resistance baddies in some way (as both are optional, if you don't want it to stay in their hands forever there's always the option of asking Camelot for help or rioting yourselves... Yay violence!) please say so here and give me the names of said territories! We're gearing up for a pretty fun battle for land here but that will really only work if people have land and territories to fight over. As for businesses, Skin and Happy Endings are already firmly under the Resistance's influence so if any of you want to get involved that way somehow with establishments you've created, having Camelot and Resistance leaning businesses warring on the side is fun too.

If you have any questions about this before committing feel free to ask them here or ping me on AIM!

((Also in the interest of actual OOC confirmation, yes it's true. The O&R department of the Agency has put up some tighter restrictions on the reincarnate objects coming in so keep that in mind for your future apps. If you have a character who is a brand new reincarnate after the date listed in that post and you want them to have a dangerous object of some kind from their reincarnate's source, it's going to be much harder to get. Not entirely impossible, but it will actually have to be handled IG instead of just receiving them in the application. So feel free to ask questions about that too!))

♥, Heather

Aug. 16th, 2011



HEY BITCHES. So. First of all. Good job on a pretty successful game-wide group thread, etc etc.

And! This is the official screened post to announce the anon characters you tagged into the party thread with. Let's make this easy and just say, whether you already revealed them or not, announce it here with a link to their subthread so we can make sure we counted them for the AC?

All comments have been set to screen on this post so we'll just unscreen them as they come in unless you specifically state in your comment that you don't want your anon to be revealed.

ALSO. Don't forget to keep contributing to this post so everyone knows what needs to be reacted to from the thread. Such as the fact that Tracy and I just killed an in-game character.

... it came to our attention after the fact that we had promised party threads to have some fun rather than death and destruction all the time. Apparently we're really bad at following through on that. WE'RE VERY SORRY AND WE PROMISE NOT TO BRING OUR DEMONS TO THE NEXT BASH. Word to the wise, don't publicize invites on the boards. >>

♥, Heather

Aug. 14th, 2011



Hellooooo ladies!

So, QUICKLY! The party thread is going great (good job everybody participating, this is awesome!), and we've gotten to that dreaded point of collapsed threads. So to keep things in order, help people out, and uh...stuff (I'm eloquent, what can I say) we're going to use this thread to announce things that happen in your person threads that the whole party would see/be affected by/etc. For instance, Sydney and Austin are going to kill the DJ. Everybody would realize the DJ's just not there anymore. Soooo. Heather or I would comment here all GUYS DJ IS DEAD.



Aug. 13th, 2011



Hello beautiful people! Heather here with a pressing question.

Since today is now the actual day of the masquerade party thread (and you all have been doing amazingly with it so far, thank you for all the enthusiastic participation and we hope to see more of it!), I thought I'd put this question out there to see what you all were thinking:

Obviously most of the fun of a masquerade ball is that you don't know the identities of most of the guests. The question is, would you all like to?

We were thinking it'd be nice not only to give people the chance to have their anon characters count for the AC, but also to give you guys the chance to have an awesome reveal if any of you want to follow up on future plot with any anon characters you interacted with, SO.

If it so pleases the group, you're all of course free to just have some fun IC reveals in the thread itself, or if it would make things easier, the mods could just set up an ooc post a day or so after the party (so Mondayish? Just so people have time to wrap up subthreads) where people can reveal who their anon characters were? Or even if you'd rather not reveal their identities at all but still want them to be included in the AC, we can set up all comments to be screened and you can indicate whether or not you want the comment to go public in your reply. UP TO YOU GUYS. But please take the time and comment here to let us know what you'd rather do.

Thanks, bbs! It's been a blast so far! Stay tuned for more fun in zee near future.

♥, Heather

Nov. 14th, 2010


Good evening, lovelies! In case you haven't checked the calendar lately, today (Sunday) marks the start of two weeks of crazy. Rejoice and be glad? XD

Basically, here's how it's going to go: from the 14th to the 20th, through some random glitch in the universe, all traces of reincarnation will disappear (except for the locations, for the extra weird). As suddenly as your characters became reincarnates, they'll go back to being (GASP) normal. Then, through another random glitch, from the 21st to the 27th, your characters will disappear and be completely replaced by their reincarnates. Simple enough, right? I hope so, because my capacity for putting words together is slowly diminishing. If you have any questions, though, feel free to ask! We're basically winging this one, so just go with it and have fun. Let the chaos begin!

Oct. 9th, 2010







Oct. 3rd, 2010



Happy AU week, everybody! Did Santa leave you good AU presents? Wait, that's not how this works.

Okay, just to recap the plan here, the next week will be an alternate universe where CORE is in control. Everything is askew. Bad people are good, good people are bad, or dead, or suddenly living in another country. Somehow a certain person who won't be named here has become a senator. It's a world gone mad.

Next Sunday we'll go back to the normal game in the normal universe, but the reincarnates will all remember that AU.

We won't be worrying about any lost time.

Got it? Good. Go nuts and have lots and lots of fun! If you have any questions, comment here or IM the mods, you can find our screen names on the contacts page.

(If you heard anything about some kind of crazy dream plot and complicated explanation, ignore it. That's all lies, dirty lies. And the product of sleep deprivation.)

Sep. 27th, 2010




So, for those of you who don't check the calendar obsessively like I do, we have another plot week coming up! Starting Sunday, October 3rd-9th, we'll be doing an AU (alternate universe) plot week. What does that mean? Well I'll tell you!

AU week is a week that will drag anyone and everyone in the reincarnate community into an alternate universe. The week will center around one general plot line that we can all branch off of. And... this is where I fail, because I realized that we haven't actually decided on what that general plot line will be, so that could be part of the meme too? If anyone has any suggestions. I was thinking something simple and along the lines of, 'In a world where CORE had won instead of Camelot', but I'm open to suggestions!

The second purpose for this meme is for everyone to put forth their own ideas about what they want for their characters during this plot week and to plot with other people accordingly. Anything goes, really, and for the record you don't need to give all your characters AU plot lines if you don't want to. It only lasts for a week after all, so don't feel pressured to think up something for everyone in that short amount of time!

This is a free-for-all – just post anything and everything you can think of that you need for a certain character or any ideas you might have regarding this plot week, so people can respond with their thoughts, etc etc. And have fun! ♥

Jun. 7th, 2010



Hey guys! A question for the masses.

We the Mods have decided that we want to do the Truth in the Water plot again (for those of you who weren't here, basically CORE polluted the water with a truth serum that made reincarnates everywhere SPILL THEIR GUTS. muahahaha), dated for some time after the CORE prisoners make their epic escape from prison this weekend. Call it a really ironic way for the ex-CORE baddies to say to the reincarnate world at large, 'We're back, bitches'?

Anyway, we haven't officially decided on when it's going to take place or for how long (I wasn't around at OTS when it happened last time, was it a weekend plot or a week or what?). Does anyone have a preference for length and when it takes place? I know Beth is going to be pretty much MIA the last weekend of June and Amy's possibly going to be MIA the whole first week of July 'cos she's moving. So let us know if there are any specific times that do or don't work for you and we'll figure out when this shizz is gonna happen.

Yay, evil!

<3, Heather

May. 21st, 2010



Jailbreak Plotting Post

Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak,
Somewhere in the town.
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak,
So don't you be around.

...probably at the jail, actually. That's a really stupid song, just saying. Way to go, Thin Lizzy.

So, here's the deal - there are a number of people in jail right now who would very much like not to be. Sam is planning her escape, and we should probably be planning too, because this is going to be epic.

For starters, we need to know who is breaking out. Anyone who is busting out, old characters or new, sign up here and we'll start plotting. Also, let us know if you have characters on the outside who will be helping.