Posts Tagged: 'hiatus'

Nov. 21st, 2012


I am going on an itty bitty hiatus. Tomorrow I am leaving town and spending the entire day cooking at my sister's. And Thursday, I have my annual... go to other people's houses to eat thing going on. I should be back in action Friday, though.

Nov. 19th, 2012



Mini hiatus

Okay, so my parents are in town visiting for the next week or so, and judging from this past weekend, it looks like there'll be precious time left for RP :( So I'll be taking a little mini-hiatus.

But don't worry - my boys (and Bia) will be back in all their glory soon :) And yes, catching up on super old journal post things ;)

- Michelle

Oct. 30th, 2012


Soooo. my computer cord melted. the socket sparked, I unplugged my computer cord. and it's melted. It just came apart. and I figured I'd put up a notice before my battery dies, bc my battery's prettty crappy. But a cord costs roughly seventy dollars, so consider this my hiatus notice. I probably won't be around for the next week. Sorry guys, this sucks. I'll try to get a new one as soon as possible. i don't know if I'm more pissed that I lost seventy dollars on a cord that was perfectly fine, or if the fact i'm probably going to miss for the first week of nanowrimo. My emotions.

sorry guys. I hope you are all faring well against Hurricane sandy, though...

- Roz

Feb. 28th, 2012



Hey guys--

Just wanted to give a quick note that I'm officially going on hiatus. Grandma isn't doing well at all, and because my family is what it is there's a lot more stress on top of it related to it. I've been at the hospital almost non-stop since Sunday, which means I've been neglecting everything else in my life so I just need some time to deal with this and get myself back together.

I love you all. Thank you for being patient with me <3333


Jan. 9th, 2012


Hey ladies and gents,

I want to first apologize for not being around as much lately. Second, some of you know about my grandma having Alzheimer's. Lately, it's progressed pretty fast, and I'm not handling it very well. In light of that, I'm going to take a hiatus to let myself process everything.

Sorry for anyone I left in the lurch--feel free to e-mail me if we have something IC in progress or planned that will need OOCly resolved.

Thanks, lovelies!

Dec. 4th, 2011


god i'm so sorry i'm currently swamped with ALL THIS SCHOOL SHIT! ask alex i told her i was going to pay her to write my sociology paper. i'm not even kidding right now if any of you want to write my damned paper in the next 48 hours i would probably pay you real money. but the point is i need to go on a mini hiatus for about one or two weeks? i might be around on aim but if i'm not i will hop on ALL THE PLOTS AND STUFF as soon as i get back, i promise! sorry i'm such a mess!

xoxo gossip cody.

ps. fuck now i want to play gossip girl.

Nov. 22nd, 2011


Okay guys, this is the moment where absolutely no one is surprised... hiatus for Allie! I know, I know, I haven't been around at all anyway (SORRY NEW PEOPLE, HI AND SEE YA LATER), which is why I'm just giving in and admitting defeat on this one. This could be anywhere from a week or two until the end of the semester, so I'm not going to give a definite ETA on it... but I'll still be around on AIM for chatting as I slog through the homework.

Seeya on the other side, guys!

Aug. 26th, 2011



Hey guys. Some stuff has come up that I have to deal with, so I'm going to need to take a hiatus. This wasn't planned, and I'd rather not have to do it, but real life dictates it must be so. Hopefully it'll only be for a couple of days, and I won't be out of contact just not very active. My head's just not in a good place at the moment.

I love you all though, and I want you to know how thankful I am you all exist. <333 Don't stop being lovely.


Aug. 15th, 2011




As you all know, I've been pretty drugged up lately from the whole wisdom teeth thing. I was going to work on being more active today once I finished moving into my new apartment. But uh... I forgot that my new apartment doesn't have internet. Until about fifteen minutes ago. Soooo, it looks like I'm going to be taking my second hiatus for the month a wee bit early. Also on the downside, I have no idea where my phone is, so THAT'S fun. Except not really. Which also means my last line to the internet has been quite firmly CUT until I can find it again. You are all free to email and text me, though who knows when I'll be able to get back to you. BUT I LOVE YOU ALL DEARLY, AND I PROMISE WHEN I COME BACK IT WILL BE FOR GOOD. <3333

Love, Lee

Jul. 8th, 2011



Hey guys, it's Lee. As you've prooobably noticed I haven't exactly been active lately. There's just been a lot of stuff going on in my life, as well as a few personal things I'm trying to deal with, and blah blah blah, so my muse has been pretty quiet for the past while. So I'm going to be taking a hiatus, which hopefully will only last a few days so I can really get back into the game ASAP. And who knows, maybe I'll even have some new characters when I come back! I'll still be on AIM lots, though.

Love you all! <3

Jun. 23rd, 2011


HI, GUYS. Bella here, and these intros are... horrendously overdue, but here they are, so. Enjoy?

First off, I have this lovely man. Eric Hunter is the latest (and hopefully permanent this time) lead singer for REDO, as well as the reincarnate of Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty. Except he's, uh. Not princely in the least. He's chivalrous up to a point, and he's the kind of guy who likes to be everyone's bff, but he's a rock star, so he tends to act like one. He sings and parties hard and sleeps around, and he likes it. He's also bassist John Matthew's best friend from childhood, so anybody who fucks with him (or any of Eric's friends and family, really) better expect get fucked with themselves, because he will not stand for that AT ALL. He also likes to take Phillip's ~Sword of Truth~ on stage with him when he's really drunk. So. All in all, fun dude. XD

Second, I have another lovely man – Brett Emery ([info]knowmytreasure) is Camelot's co-head of R&D, father of two, and the reincarnate of Rick O'Connell from The Mummy. Of the two I'm introing today, Brett's much more grounded, even though he still has Rick's adventurous spirit. He just tends to take that spirit and apply it to his family and/or Camelot, because, THANK GOD, there are no juicy mummies runnin' around these here parts. He has two sons, a thirteen-year-old and a five-month old, and he's planning to marry the mother of his second son once she says yes to him, not just because she's the reincarnate of Evy (and also his co-head), but because she's just a lovely human being in general (and also Rose Byrne-shaped).

I'm keeping these intros as short as possible, so I'm sorry if there's not much detail. Still, Eric's bio is here and Brett's is here, and any plot for either of them would be awesome! They could both use some exes (though Brett's would have to be between ten and three years ago), as well as friends, enemies, family, etc. Y'all know the drill by now. ;D

Also, I should mention that my family is going on vacation next Tuesday, and I'm obligated to go with them, LE SIGH. I'll be on full hiatus from June 29th to July 7th, since my mom's not letting me take my laptop with me. Which will be torture, but at least I'll have my phone to stay caught up, and then I'll be back soon enough, I guess. :( If you guys have anything you want to get done with me before Tuesday, comment here or IM me at foreverlapidus – I'm totally available and open for whatever! Happy gaming! <3
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Jun. 22nd, 2011


Okay. This is going to get long-winded. Forewarning. I have two announcements, so stick with me here.

First and foremost: SHEENA HERE. This time with Jakob Von Werner, who's been waiting in the wings for a few days now. He's the reincarnate of Marvel's incredibly infamous Red Skull. If you're familiar with the man, then you know that Johann's one of those comic book villains that seriously set the bar for Not To Be Fucked With. Jakob isn't any better. In the slightest. A dangerous troublemaker even at a young age, he was initially the son of Derek Von Werner, head of the German crime family, the Von Werners. Over time, Jakob grew ruthless and wanting of the position and killed his own father for the slot of top dog. The Von Werners run a great deal, and are very much the family you don't want to get tangled up in. Since becoming the boss of the family, he's ruled with a tight fist. He's heartless, eccentric, downright cruel, and just.. not a good guy, y'all. He even frightens me a little.

As per usual, all plot is adored. Everything's pretty available, and I'd love to get this bastard some connections, because everyone loves bad guys, right? ..Right? If you'd like to take a gander at his gigantic profile, it's located right over here.

Secondly, I'm going to be taking a hiatus in two days, because I have a trip coming up (I'm going home to Texas for the first time in a friggin' year) and I need to get everything situated super soon. I won't be gone for very long, possibly a week and a half at the most. But I'd like to take the next two days to get anything done if necessary. So just let me know if there's something you'd like to throw in my direction before Friday night. Other than that, I won't be going very far. I'll be on AIM, if not on my computer, on my phone. So I promise you it won't be too horrendous.

That should be it. ♥ you guys. 8D
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Jun. 13th, 2011



Just a reminder, I will be flying out to Australia on vacation Friday, and will be gone until the 30th. I'll probably be a bit scarce, and may disappear entirely until after the 4th of July, sleeping of the jet lag, etc. My apologies to those of you who get spammed with cross-posting.

We can assume my characters are going about life as usual. If anything major goes down that they would have presumably been involved in, feel free to handwave their presence or drop me a line somewhere in the interim, and I'll look forward to playing when I return!

Jun. 7th, 2011



So, uh. My computer died again. It's being taken to someone to get repaired, buuuuut IDK if that'll happen/when I'll get a replacement/whatever.


So, uh. Semi-hiatus until this gets sorted out. Again. I'm going to try to get comments and updates done, but y'know. :| /hates everything

May. 9th, 2011




My computer monitor died and I have NO IDEA when it'll be fixed/replaced. At all. TWO DAYS IN AND I'M ALREADY LONELY AND MISERABLE. Hopefully sometime this week, I'll have time to hop on during the day for a bit once i get things sorted out at the library. or, HOPEFULLY, this monitor crap will get resolved.


May. 4th, 2011



Impending Hiatus

So, I'll be going on hiatus soon, but I wanted to give a few days notice since I have a giant list of characters, many involved in large plots. If there's anything that needs to be resolved or planned before I take off, this is your three day warning.

As of Saturday I'll be going on hiatus to finish my finals projects and then fleeing the country, as I tend to do. I'll be reachable by IM and email until about a week from today, but then I'll be mostly out of touch while I'm in Foreign Lands (tm) until May 24.

When I come back I'm also going to be moving and hunting for full-time non-freelance work, so I may have to cut back on RP time and prune my character list, but, I will be back and looking for fun, so be prepared and have some fun ready for me, okay?

On that note, and probably the most important part (if you have actually read this far you get a gold star), I'm stepping down as a part of Reincarnate's lovely mod squad. I know the remaining mods can handle things and you're being left in very good hands. I'm still here to help out all y'all, but not in any official capacity. Instead of one of the game's parents, I intend to be the crazy aunt who just spoils it and teaches it bad habits, which I'm quite looking forward to.

Anyway, if there's plotting to do or things to wrap up comment here or IM me at improbablekate.

Happy gaming!

♥ - Kate

Apr. 27th, 2011


Hey, guys, this probably isn't a surprise since I haven't been around for a bit, but I'm officially going on hiatus now - my schedule has gone crazy, thanks to a couple visits that I sort of forgot all about, getting conned into working summer school to help with the future real life Dexter, and the fact that I've put off studying for/taking my GRE until the last minute (oops?). I will be trying to pop onto AIM occasionally, but plan to spend most of my time flailing about "I HAVEN'T TAKEN A MATH CLASS SINCE MY FIRST SEMESTER OF COLLEGE" and "IS THAT EVEN A REAL WORD???" >___>

<333 Enjoy that RP a little extra for me, kk?

ETA: Oh yeah, this is Allie. *cough* You didn't see me forgetting to identify myself, really.

Apr. 19th, 2011



Hello, everyone. Lindsey here, amidst a prolonged hiatus. Thank you to everyone for their well-wishes. It really meant a lot to me.

However this isn't me coming to say that I've officially crawled out of the hiatus grave. I still have one day of exams left and then I'm going on, what I think, is a well-deserved vacation. Unfortunately, where I'm going doesn't have internet, so I will be MIA for just a bit longer. I should officially be back in the first week of May.

Thanks again to everyone for being so incredibly patient and wonderful. I really appreciate it. ♥

Uh, so in the mean time, my characters can be shadowed via Tracy? Otherwise Elena is, you know, making sharp things, Inez is doing some epic recon for Camelot and trying to shy away from the booze, and Kim is being surly and is buried in schoolwork. My characters that are in creation limbo will just have to wait another few weeks, which I hope is okay with you lovely mods.


Apr. 16th, 2011



Hey guys. Its Lee. I'm officially going on hiatus, though I don't know for how long. I'm okay, but I won't have much internet or phone connection for a while. Probably a week? Maybe more. But I'll be back as soon as I can and then I can explain things properly as to what's going on. Love you, and I miss you bunches already! MWUAH! (That was me blowing a kiss. :D )

Apr. 7th, 2011



Guys, I hate to do this, but I need to take a brief hiatus to clear my head up a bit. I love you all, and I'm hoping it doesn't last past the weekend. I'm probably going to give ghost comments here or there--I'm way too addicted to go completely off--but I didn't want anybody wondering why I'm barely existent at the moment.

Love you all <33333