June 20th, 2008

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

drabble for the prompt "Flight"

Title: Coming Home
Author: [info]foreverbm
Character: Hunter

He’d always wanted to fly, but not like this. He just wanted to get home. He needed to know, to see for himself, that Ben and Michael were ok. He should never have left he knew that. He loved them and they loved him. They showed that in so many ways and he’d been too stupid to see it. They were a family; nothing he could do would ever change that.
The pilot’s announcement to buckle their seat belts startled him and he looked out the window at the airport lights below and knew it would always be his home.

[info]gmta_nz in [info]queerpittsburgh

QAF-US Drabble: "Water on Water" (Brian/Justin)

100-words drabble, for the 'rain' prompt (thank you, Kata, you're inspiring!)

Part of my Venetian series

Water on Water

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

drabble for prompt "flying"

Title: Missing You
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Post season 5
Characters: Ben, Michael, Jenny Rebecca

Ben couldn’t help but laugh at Michael who was almost bouncing up and down in his seat as the lights from Toronto airport came into view.
“Sorry!” Michael said.
Ben leaned in kissing him.
“It’s ok”
“It’s been so long since we’ve seen her”
“All of three months.” Ben laughed
“Three months is a long time to a five year old. I miss her.”
“I know you do baby.”
The plane landed and they grabbed their bags quickly.
“Daddyyyyyyyyyyyy.” JR yelled when she saw them.
Michael scooped her into his arms.
“I’ve missed you Daddy.”
”I’ve missed you too sweetheart.”