Jun. 22nd, 2008


Drabble for prompt airports/flights/flying

Title: Kids do the funniest things
Timeline: Set in my 'Hold me close' universe
Characters: Debbie, Gus, JR
A/N: Inspired by [info]gmta_nz

After Lindsay dropped them off at the airport, Debbie decided to get the children something to eat.

“Whaddya want kids? Burgers, tacos, ice-cream?”

“Ice-cream, ice-cream,” both Gus and JR screamed at once.

“Yeah, I figured you’d say that! Ice-cream it is then. And soda?”



Two hours later Debbie wasn’t so sure the ice-cream and soda were a great idea.

“Ganma Deb, I feel sick.”

“Uh-oh. Here you go sweetie, here’s a bag.”

“I think JR don’t feel well.”

She leaned over, and just as she did a stream of vomit exited JR’s mouth.

Debbie reached frantically for the towels.

Jun. 19th, 2008



the RAIN  has to stop.*sobs for rain,i love rain*

*hearts all of You who have been writing gorgeous drabbles/ficlets*

*hearts Claudia b/c of TEH drabble in which artist!Giastin is overpowered by the beauty which is Venice and then overpowered by Brian*

so my new dream:


for example you can try and explain to me wtf was Brian thinking with that hideous `fuck off` 
or Hunter thoughts while flying to Disneyland (or was it flying back??)
or Michael and Ben flying to Toronto to see the girls and JR
or Justin flying home from New York
or Drew and Emmett flying for some kick ass Sport Person of the Year Award ceremony
or Debbie and Carl`s first holiday(imagine them on a plane !!!hilarious,especially Debbie)
anyway....you catch my drift:D
oh just one more:D Giastin flying to Italyto Venice :DD