Jun. 20th, 2008


drabble for prompt "flying"

Title: Missing You
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Post season 5
Characters: Ben, Michael, Jenny Rebecca

Ben couldn’t help but laugh at Michael who was almost bouncing up and down in his seat as the lights from Toronto airport came into view.
“Sorry!” Michael said.
Ben leaned in kissing him.
“It’s ok”
“It’s been so long since we’ve seen her”
“All of three months.” Ben laughed
“Three months is a long time to a five year old. I miss her.”
“I know you do baby.”
The plane landed and they grabbed their bags quickly.
“Daddyyyyyyyyyyyy.” JR yelled when she saw them.
Michael scooped her into his arms.
“I’ve missed you Daddy.”
”I’ve missed you too sweetheart.”

Jun. 17th, 2008


Drabble - Rain

Title: Finding The Right Spot
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael
A/N: Some porn for a change :)

The rain lashed against the window as Ben worked his way down Michael’s body, his mouth concentrating on spots he knew drove Michael wild, taking particular interest in his nipples, sucking at them until they were rock hard. He continued his journey, feeling a shudder travel through Michael’s body as his tongue licked its way up his cock, before taking it into his mouth, his fingers gently circling his balls. Michael clawed at the sheets as Ben devoured his cock, sucking on it until Michael couldn’t hold on any longer screaming out his orgasm as lightening lit up the room.

Jun. 15th, 2008


Drabble for the prompt 'Rain'

Title: Playing In The Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben/Michael/Jenny Rebecca
A/N: Set when JR's about 3. I'm not that good at writing children, be aware of that please :)
Behind a cut because it's 200 words.

Playing In The Rain )


Drabble for the prompt Rain

Title: Dancing in the Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael

“This is shit” Hunter moaned “Can’t we watch X-Men!”
“Hey, it’s a classic movie” Michael snapped, snuggling up closer to Ben on the couch.
“Come on dudes, who the fuck sings or dances in the rain!”
Ben grinned at Michael, before grabbing his hand, pulling him from the couch.
“Where we going?” He laughed as Ben dragged him outside into the dark night.
“Haven’t you noticed it’s raining?” Ben pulled Michael into his arms, swinging him around.
“Christ you two are freaks!” Hunter yelled from the doorway.
Ben and Michael ignored him as they danced in the lightly falling rain.