Jun. 13th, 2008


A Drabble

See it doesn't take me long to get into things does it :)

Title: Home Sweet Home
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Melanie and Lindsay
Timeline: Post 513

Mel stopped the car and turned to her wife.
“Our new home!”
Lindsay looked out the window, taking in the green front door, peeling paint around the window frames, faded curtains against dirty windows and sighed.
“Scared?” Mel asked
Mel leaned in, tangling her fingers through Lindsay’s hair before finding her mouth, kissing her.
“We can do this.” Mel said, breaking the kiss.
“I know.” Lindsay didn’t sound convinced.
“Do you want to turn around and go back?”
“Momma, I’m hungry!” Gus’s voice came from the back seat as JR woke up screaming.
“Home sweet home.” Mel laughed.