Jul. 5th, 2008


QAF-US Drabble: "Blank Canvas" (Justin/art)

For the prompt First Time: first brushstroke.

100-word drabble.

Blank Canvas

Jun. 23rd, 2008


drabble for the prompt "Flying"

Title: Last Step
Author: [info]foreverbm
Character: Justin

He heard his flight being called and stood, grabbing his dufflebag and walked slowly towards the boarding gate. The airport was full of activity, even at this early hour, yet somehow he felt completely alone.
He pulled the boarding pass from his pocket, and his step faltered, just for a moment, before taking that final step through the gate.
The memories of the last hours passed through his mind, a slight smile touching his lips. He wondered if that last kiss he had gently dropped on his lips as he climbed from the bed, had been felt. He hoped so.

Jun. 19th, 2008


Drabble for the prompt 'Rain'

Title: Standing In The Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Character: Justin
Warning: Angst
A/N: My first time at attempting something from Justin's POV, be kind :)

Justin stood in front of Kinnetik. The name hadn’t been changed yet, the new owners ripping the inside apart first.
Every morning when he woke he told himself he wouldn’t come here, but his feet seemed to have a mind of their own. While the name remained so did part of Brian.
The sound of a large truck interrupted his thoughts and he watched through the rain as the sign was removed, replaced by a name which meant nothing to him. He dug his hands into his pockets and walked away, knowing he would never return to this spot again.

Jun. 17th, 2008


Meta on Justin

A little meta on Justin Taylor, in my IJ.

Jun. 15th, 2008



For Fathers' Day, and incorporating the rain prompt:

The rain fell in Pittsburgh on Fathers' day, but some Fathers didn’t mind. Being with their children was precious whatever the weather.

Brian was running around  the loft, desperately trying to stop Gus from destroying yet another expensive item of furniture, whilst Justin sat watching them with a wry grin on his face.

Michael was cradling JR, she was teething and hard to pacify but he loved every single minute of it.

Ben and Hunter were out in the rain, sharing a special time together.

The Fathers' all shared one thought, that they would do anything to protect their children.


QAF-Drabble: "Rain in Pittsburgh" (Brian/Justin)

Genre: 100-word drabble
Warning: Angst

Rain in Pittsburgh )

Jun. 14th, 2008


QAF-US Ficlet: "Rain in New York" (Justin, Emmett)

My first offering to this community.

Inspired by Kata's prompt, but not quite a drabble.

Length: 245 words.

Rain in New York )
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