Jun. 26th, 2008


Drabble for prompt phone calls

Title: Midnight caller
Timeline: In the HMC universe
Characters: Melanie, Michael, JR


“Mel? It’s Michael...”

“Michael, what the fuck...is JR OK?”

“Er, well, she’s been a little sick.”

“A little sick?”

“She’s thrown up a few times, and now she’s really cranky and we can’t get her to sleep.”

“What have you been doing to her?”

“Er, we went to the fairground, and you know that spinny thing they have, the one that goes round really fast?...”

Mel stifled a giggle.

“OK, put her on the phone.”

She could hear JR whimpering and began to sing to her. A few minutes later everything was quiet.

“Thanks,” Michael whispered.

“Goodnight Michael!”

Jun. 23rd, 2008


drabble - prompt 'flying'

Title: Not Fun Flying
Author: [info]foreverbm
Characters: Michael and Jenny Rebecca

JR screamed from the moment they boarded the plane. Nothing Michael did calmed her. He saw the glares of annoyance from passengers but ignored them as he jiggled his daughter on his knee.
The sympathy he’d first received from the air hostess was now wearing thin. He just wanted the plane to land.
Finally it did and he grabbed their bags, getting off as quickly as possible; her cries continuing.
They walked through the gate and JR’s tears stopped instantly when she saw Ben.
“Uncle Ben!” she yelled in glee.
Michael knew next time Ben would be coming with them.

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Drabble for prompt airports/flights/flying

Title: Kids do the funniest things
Timeline: Set in my 'Hold me close' universe
Characters: Debbie, Gus, JR
A/N: Inspired by [info]gmta_nz

After Lindsay dropped them off at the airport, Debbie decided to get the children something to eat.

“Whaddya want kids? Burgers, tacos, ice-cream?”

“Ice-cream, ice-cream,” both Gus and JR screamed at once.

“Yeah, I figured you’d say that! Ice-cream it is then. And soda?”



Two hours later Debbie wasn’t so sure the ice-cream and soda were a great idea.

“Ganma Deb, I feel sick.”

“Uh-oh. Here you go sweetie, here’s a bag.”

“I think JR don’t feel well.”

She leaned over, and just as she did a stream of vomit exited JR’s mouth.

Debbie reached frantically for the towels.

Jun. 20th, 2008


drabble for prompt "flying"

Title: Missing You
Author: [info]foreverbm
Timeline: Post season 5
Characters: Ben, Michael, Jenny Rebecca

Ben couldn’t help but laugh at Michael who was almost bouncing up and down in his seat as the lights from Toronto airport came into view.
“Sorry!” Michael said.
Ben leaned in kissing him.
“It’s ok”
“It’s been so long since we’ve seen her”
“All of three months.” Ben laughed
“Three months is a long time to a five year old. I miss her.”
“I know you do baby.”
The plane landed and they grabbed their bags quickly.
“Daddyyyyyyyyyyyy.” JR yelled when she saw them.
Michael scooped her into his arms.
“I’ve missed you Daddy.”
”I’ve missed you too sweetheart.”

Jun. 15th, 2008


Drabble for the prompt 'Rain'

Title: Playing In The Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben/Michael/Jenny Rebecca
A/N: Set when JR's about 3. I'm not that good at writing children, be aware of that please :)
Behind a cut because it's 200 words.

Playing In The Rain )