June 19th, 2008

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

Drabble for the prompt 'Rain'

Title: Standing In The Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Character: Justin
Warning: Angst
A/N: My first time at attempting something from Justin's POV, be kind :)

Justin stood in front of Kinnetik. The name hadn’t been changed yet, the new owners ripping the inside apart first.
Every morning when he woke he told himself he wouldn’t come here, but his feet seemed to have a mind of their own. While the name remained so did part of Brian.
The sound of a large truck interrupted his thoughts and he watched through the rain as the sign was removed, replaced by a name which meant nothing to him. He dug his hands into his pockets and walked away, knowing he would never return to this spot again.

[info]kata_ny in [info]queerpittsburgh


the RAIN  has to stop.*sobs for rain,i love rain*

*hearts all of You who have been writing gorgeous drabbles/ficlets*

*hearts Claudia b/c of TEH drabble in which artist!Giastin is overpowered by the beauty which is Venice and then overpowered by Brian*

so my new dream:


for example you can try and explain to me wtf was Brian thinking with that hideous `fuck off` 
or Hunter thoughts while flying to Disneyland (or was it flying back??)
or Michael and Ben flying to Toronto to see the girls and JR
or Justin flying home from New York
or Drew and Emmett flying for some kick ass Sport Person of the Year Award ceremony
or Debbie and Carl`s first holiday(imagine them on a plane !!!hilarious,especially Debbie)
anyway....you catch my drift:D
oh just one more:D Giastin flying to Italyto Venice :DD