June 15th, 2008

[info]gmta_nz in [info]queerpittsburgh

QAF-Drabble: "Rain in Pittsburgh" (Brian/Justin)

Genre: 100-word drabble
Warning: Angst

Rain in Pittsburgh )

[info]ex_pinkfrict656 in [info]queerpittsburgh


For Fathers' Day, and incorporating the rain prompt:

The rain fell in Pittsburgh on Fathers' day, but some Fathers didn’t mind. Being with their children was precious whatever the weather.

Brian was running around  the loft, desperately trying to stop Gus from destroying yet another expensive item of furniture, whilst Justin sat watching them with a wry grin on his face.

Michael was cradling JR, she was teething and hard to pacify but he loved every single minute of it.

Ben and Hunter were out in the rain, sharing a special time together.

The Fathers' all shared one thought, that they would do anything to protect their children.

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh


Theme: Black Shirts
Artist [info]foreverbm
Quanity: 24
Mixed Batch


At My Graphics Journal

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

Drabble for the prompt Rain

Title: Dancing in the Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael

“This is shit” Hunter moaned “Can’t we watch X-Men!”
“Hey, it’s a classic movie” Michael snapped, snuggling up closer to Ben on the couch.
“Come on dudes, who the fuck sings or dances in the rain!”
Ben grinned at Michael, before grabbing his hand, pulling him from the couch.
“Where we going?” He laughed as Ben dragged him outside into the dark night.
“Haven’t you noticed it’s raining?” Ben pulled Michael into his arms, swinging him around.
“Christ you two are freaks!” Hunter yelled from the doorway.
Ben and Michael ignored him as they danced in the lightly falling rain.

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

Drabble for prompt "Rain"

Title: Rain And Tears
Author: [info]foreverbm
Warning: Angst

Rain And Tears )

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

Drabble for prompt 'Rain'

Title: Rain and Sunshine
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Brian and Justin
A/N: I know, I don't know when to stop. Last for today I think I need to do some housework :)

Brian looked out the window at the driving rain. It’d been relentless for the last two days and even the thought of the thumpa thumpa of Babylon couldn’t inspire him to leave the loft. He wandered around aimlessly, bored beyond belief. Justin was sitting at the table, deep in thought, surrounded by drawings for the next issue of Rage, his hand flying furiously over the pages.
He looked up as Brian stopped in front of him, a wide smile crossing his face, reminding Brian, that no matter what the day was like; he would always have sunshine in his life.

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

Drabble for the prompt 'Rain'

Title: Playing In The Rain
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing: Ben/Michael/Jenny Rebecca
A/N: Set when JR's about 3. I'm not that good at writing children, be aware of that please :)
Behind a cut because it's 200 words.

Playing In The Rain )