June 14th, 2008

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

Some of my favorite pics

Thought I would share some of my favorite pics from QAF

Beautiful )

[info]gmta_nz in [info]queerpittsburgh

QAF-US Ficlet: "Rain in New York" (Justin, Emmett)

My first offering to this community.

Inspired by Kata's prompt, but not quite a drabble.

Length: 245 words.

Rain in New York )
Tags: ,

[info]foreverbm in [info]queerpittsburgh

Wet and Cold - a drabble

Title: Wet And Cold
Author: [info]foreverbm
Pairing/Character: Hunter

Hunter pulled his flimsy jacket tighter around himself as he trudged through the dark streets. He was soaked and desperate to find somewhere to sleep.
He hated the rain and dreamed of far away places where the sun always shone.
He stopped in front of an apartment building, something about it familiar.
A burst of thunder made him dive into the doorway and climb a flight of stairs.
At least he would be dry for the night until everyone came to light and told him to move on. He rested his head on his arms and drifted off to sleep.