xie_xie_xie ([info]xie_xie_xie) wrote in [info]queer_as_news2 on October 25th, 2008 at 12:31 pm
QAF Fandom InsaneJournal News -- 10/25/08
Hi, everyone! It's been busy, busy on InsaneJournal since the last issue came out, so let's get right to it.

Look inside for fun...

The full series marathon at [info]qaf_marathons with our lovely hostess [info]not_yet_defined has resumed now that she's done moving, and we got a doubleheader of agony this week: She did 220 and 301. Ouch. Sob. Please come by and comfort her, er, I mean, discuss the episodes! Future marathons will be held on Tuesday evenings at 9 PM Eastern Time, but you can drop by anytime to comment.

The beautiful banners above are by [info]nerilka24 (220) and [info]qafmaniac (301) -- who has also done a whole series of Season 3 icons, listed down below in the "Icons and Graphics" section -- don't miss it! They're just what you need for the marathon.

The fandom continues to be somewhat distracted by the United States presidential election. Over on InsaneJournal, we've continued to embrace that fact -- although for those getting a little too distracted by it, only ten more days to go! Until then, we've got:

The Fucking Debate: which S3 sex scene is hotter, futon!sex or climate-controlled!sex? Using meta, picspams, and yes, even fic, [info]happier_bunny and I battled that issue out, then held a snap poll to determine the winner. The results may surprise you!

The Final Fucking Election: After voting in the primary to select the hottest B/J sex scene from each season, fandom now has to choose the hottest scene overall. Will it be hotel!sex? Chair!sex? 502 reunion sex? Climate-controlled!sex? Or "I want you safe"? It's up to you to decide!

Meta: Speaking of sex scenes, [info]tweedygal wants to know: why is it "futon!sex" when it's not a futon? Discuss now at [info]qaf_coffeeclub . Then tell [info]bellaaurora about your Favorite Brian/Justin moments; talk about the effect of the election on fandom activity; dig deep into "Teacher!fic" with your fan fic discussion club leader [info]fansee at [info]qaf_coffeeclub .

And speaking of fic, it's been a good week for that, too! The prompt masturbation at [info]qaf_drabbles turned into an all-out condom battle between Daphne and Justin, with an amazing number of last minute entries as the two camps fought it out to the bitter end -- so much so that the poor host, [info]bookgirl24 had to call for a time-out so she could count! Justin, of course, won, and then won again with the next theme, Super-heroes. Sadly that made it three times in a row, so he was retired. Right now, with a theme of Coffee, Ted and Jennifer are the new challengers.

Come read, and write, at [info]qaf_drabbles !

Over at [info]qaf_retread , every day is Halloween -- with pretty much every fandom fic about the holiday getting recc'd this week! And just before that started, we got treated to two humor classics by eleveninches. Plus: freelance rec by [info]dirtylttlescret for "Fucking Rabbits" by [info]4cupcakes1988 ; rizabeau's "Songs in the Key of Love" at [info]qaf_crackfic .

Fun and games: And I mean that literally! We start off with a Queer as Folk Pumpkin Carving Contest. And don't worry if you can't be trusted with sharp knives; there are two categories, one for actualy carved pumpkins, and one for virtual carved pumpkins! Full details are here -- and to get a glimpse of a virtual Brian/Justin jack-o-lantern, see this one made by [info]outlander.

Don't miss the round-up of Halloween-themed fic, graphics, and other goodies from last year's Halloween contest at [info]qaf_scavenger.

Then get ready for your spanking! This is a contest open to all forms of media: vids, banners, headers, color bars, icons, drabbles, fics, picspams, or discussions. Hell, they'll take anything your imagination creates as long as Brian and Justin are front and center and there's some spanking involved. Sign up and get more info here! Entries are due November 11 and will be posted that night.

This is where I get to indulge my love for all the tiny iconized bits of Brian, Justin, and everything and everyone QAF! We'll start with some lovely black and white icons by [info]maybe742 -- as well as her wallpapers and Gale icons.

[info]ohfreckle contributed some 219 icons; there are 64 new icons from 510-511 by [info]pfodge, as well as her fantastic Halloween icons. And don't miss the current theme at [info]qaf_icons: Leather!

[info]qafmaniac went Season Three crazy, starting with a series of "S3 is love" icons (perfect for marathon use). That's not all, either. How about five more posts full of S3 icons from her?

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

One last note: As everyone knows by now, Gale Harold was in a motorcycle accident this week. A lot of fandom discussion centered around that since the last issue of this newsletter came out, and plenty of it was on InsaneJournal. All recent news is that he's going to be fine and disruption to his current role on "Desperate Housewives" should be minimal. Everyone in the fandom wishes him all the best, and hopes the news just keeps getting better, and that he's out of the hospital soon.

Icons in this issue: "Happy Halloween" and Emmett with skeleton by [info]pfodge; 311 and spanking icons by [info]paddies; "Something Wicked" [info]dazeyhaze; "Vote" by [info]zaipixie; Brian icon by [info]brianslave68.
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