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Prideview Apartments: Random Community


November 3rd, 2008

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Mr. exactly would you like me to explain this one? I don't really think that 'act of the rift' will go over well with the media.

September 29th, 2008

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I always forget this thing is around to be posted in.

September 4th, 2008

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Oh my goodness! That Palin woman just really aggravates me. I mean, it's completely obvious that McCain only picked her because she's female and he thinks that the Clinton supporters were only voting for her because of her gender. Anyone who votes for someone solely because of what's between their legs shouldn't be voting at all. The fact is that if McCain dies in office, she would be president. And so far all she's done is talk negatively about the Democrats and try to use the fact that she has a child with Downs Syndrome as a means of getting votes. I have no respect for that woman at all.

And Obama's running a good campaign. He chose a running mate who compliments him and strengthens him in areas he's weak, and he's not resorting to negativity. He said to leave families out of this, which shows he totally has the moral high ground. Of course, for some reason, people seem to believe the negative campaigns, so I don't know. I just really hope he wins.

Okay...ending the political ranting. I really need to get out.

July 30th, 2008

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So, my job is going well. I'm really liking it, and the magazine is getting to be really popular. My editor even talked me into setting up my own political blog, affiliated with the magazine of course. I just get to give my thoughts and discuss with people. I'm really enjoying it...though it can get a little odd sometimes. I had someone try to convince me today that Obama has a touch of the antichrist in him. I didn't have the heart to explain that there's already two of those and they live in my apartment complex.

May 18th, 2008

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Jess )

May 17th, 2008

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Can say this has never happened before.

April 9th, 2008

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Okay! That article is done! Gosh, I am just glad because my editor was totally going a little bit crazy, but now it's done and he can stop sending emails with annoyed emoticons. Seriously...I think I have the only boss who uses emoticons to express his frustration. It's actually pretty cool.

So now I get to celebrate finishing that article by...writing another article. Exciting, yes, I know. Oh, who am I kidding? I love it.

Jess? Coffee? With the added option of conversation? This both of us getting coffee at the same location, ideally. Not just the idea of coffee. I'm a big fan of coffee as a concept, but...yeah. If you want.

March 20th, 2008

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Ugh, I don't know how much longer I can do this.

And seriously, whoever the fuck it is that's been playing pop music on my floor at 2 am? STOP, before I have to hurt you. Or bust your stereo. Whichever comes first.

February 27th, 2008

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Oh it's nice to be in New York. I did not realize how fun this job was going to be. I mean, it's just so exciting getting an up close look at the presidential race. Of course, I'm a little worried for Obama with the current fear mongering that the Clinton camp is doing, but with the way the primaries have been going, I'm sure he's going to get the nomination. Which will be great...and not just because it means I'll get to keep writing about the campaign. But...right. New York. It really is great to be here. It's been a while.
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