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Prideview Apartments Random Community

Prideview Apartments: Random Community


November 3rd, 2008

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Mr. exactly would you like me to explain this one? I don't really think that 'act of the rift' will go over well with the media.

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. . . Huh. Shane? Where the hell are you, and what did you do? This isn't funny and definitely not Stars Hollow

October 14th, 2008

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Just when I think that New York isn't really all that bad, some guy stiffs me. For $6.75 worth of breakfast. I thought the dine and dash trend faded out in the 70s.

September 30th, 2008

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Luke )

September 29th, 2008

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I always forget this thing is around to be posted in.

September 4th, 2008

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Oh my goodness! That Palin woman just really aggravates me. I mean, it's completely obvious that McCain only picked her because she's female and he thinks that the Clinton supporters were only voting for her because of her gender. Anyone who votes for someone solely because of what's between their legs shouldn't be voting at all. The fact is that if McCain dies in office, she would be president. And so far all she's done is talk negatively about the Democrats and try to use the fact that she has a child with Downs Syndrome as a means of getting votes. I have no respect for that woman at all.

And Obama's running a good campaign. He chose a running mate who compliments him and strengthens him in areas he's weak, and he's not resorting to negativity. He said to leave families out of this, which shows he totally has the moral high ground. Of course, for some reason, people seem to believe the negative campaigns, so I don't know. I just really hope he wins.

Okay...ending the political ranting. I really need to get out.

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Hey, Jess, I know that we haven't spent a lot of time together lately and I haven't really seen any posts from you in a while, but April and I are planning to paint her room. I thought maybe you'd want to join us.

August 26th, 2008

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Hey Dad? Can I paint my room?

July 16th, 2008

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Well, it's not Star's Hollow, but I think I'm starting to adjust to being here in New York City. I finally found a place to open a diner here in the city. Luke's Diner II. The grand opening is this Saturday.

June 30th, 2008

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It is inordinately annoying to find yourself not only in a city you do not belong in, but in an apartment that's so obviously not yours.

Mom? DadLuke? Any chance you could explain to me why we've suddenly moved to New York without telling me?

June 22nd, 2008

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This? This is not Stars Hollow. This is New York City. Why am I in New York City when I've got a diner to run and a kid to take care of back in Stars Hollow? I haven't been to this city since. . .well, not for a very long time.

Cesar's probably going to burn my diner down. . .

June 20th, 2008

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You know you've been inside too long when you catch yourself noticing differences in the plaster on the walls of your apartment.
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