Plagued Logs


A Post-War Harry Potter RPG following the lives of our heroes after returning to Hogwarts.


December 2016



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Posts Tagged: 'michael+corner'

Dec. 8th, 2016




Stephen approached the gateway with the silver dagger in his hand. The stone arch towered above him, and he could hear the hushed voices calling to him from beyond the veil. No, not him. They were calling to Voldemort - or whatever remained of Voldemort inside him, twisted into him.

"I am the true master of death!" he called as the mist from the gate swept around him. Finally he would be reborn as Voldemort.

"You're planning on making your whole evil ruler speech to yourself, Stephen?" Michael asked, as casually as though he'd walked in on Stephen talking to himself in the mirror. "You have no cronies? No followers? Not even some snivelling, fearful weaklings hanging on your every word?" He crossed his arms over his chest and looked with some curiosity at the veil and the gate. "Are you sure your plan will work, Ste?"

I need to say goodbye to my friend )

Oct. 18th, 2016



The Binding

There was no warning, no hint of what was going to happen the moment the clock struck midnight. All at once, everyone appeared standing, sitting or laying on the cobbles of Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley. All those that lived there unconnected to the spell was removed in the same instant.

If you try to apparate away you will simply appear a few feet away within the alleys. If you look out of the door of The Leaky Cauldron you can see Charing Cross road, but attemping to walk through will result in you walking into a different random shop in Diagon or Knockturn Alley. Every other exit has apparently been blocked with an impassable, unbreakable brick wall. If you attempt to fly you will become disorientated and find yourself turned around heading back into the Alley.

There is no way out...

» Please use this thread for all initial reaction RP (unless you feel you need your own, please tell the mods)!
» Every character in the game has been transported to Diagon and Knockturn Alley in the middle of the night! They should all be there.
» Your character can duck between threads if they're running around looking for answers.
» This is a great time to use the Grab-Me Policy if you want to bump into someone randomly in the street. Please put a small OOC note in the title of your comment if grabbing someone!
» There is strictly no communication with the outside world!
» If you weren't wearing or holding something, it didn't come with you.

Oct. 3rd, 2016



Who: Renwick Gray and open to research volunteers [separate comment threads for each victim subject]
Where: Knockturn Alley
When: Whenever they show up
What: Finding a cure - or experimenting to see what isn't a cure
Rating: Potentially very high - pre-emptive trigger warning maybe?

The Ends Justify the Means )

Aug. 10th, 2016



Owl to Daphne Cornfoot


As it's birthday soon, I'd like to talk to you about doing something for him.

This is terribly unsubtle, I know. But if you can get a coffee with me soon, that would be great!


Aug. 8th, 2016



Who: Stephen Cornfoot and Michael Corner
What: A drink
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
When: Monday
Rating: tdb?

Please don't make any sudden moves, you don't know the half of the abuse )

Apr. 14th, 2016



Who: Michael and Stephen (!grabme)
What: Michael has some questions
Where: Stephen's house.
When: Backdated to just after Michael and Stephen's dream.
Rating: Confrontational.

Y'all know what this shit is all about- )

Mar. 27th, 2016



Who: Stephen Cornfoot and Michael Corner [!grab-me]
What: Punting, like old times...
Where: !Dream
When: Saturday night
Rating: High

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. )

Jan. 27th, 2016



Who: Lyra and Michael
What: Poking.
When: After Michael visits with Sophia
Where: Labs off of the hospital wing

Hmm. )



WHO: Michael and Sophia
WHAT: Sexual Tension! Or just tension. Beautiful people tension.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Hospital wing
RATING: S for Sexy.

No church in the wild. )

Jan. 22nd, 2016



Who: Stephen & Michael [!Grab-me]
What: I just called, to say...
Where: Michael'n'Ant's place above Gladrags
When: Friday Evening
Rating: TBD

Hello from the outside at least I can say that I've tried to tell you I'm sorry for breaking your heart but it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart any more )

Jan. 12th, 2016



Who: Daphne and Michael
What: Discussing Stephen's habit of drugging people.
When: Tuesday night after Daphne is allowed to Hogsmeade
Where: Michael's room
Rating: TBD

A minute or five )

Dec. 31st, 2015



New Years Eve 1998


The New Year's Eve Party

The Great Hall is still dressed in all the Christmas trimmings; great pine trees dressed with gold and silver decorations, floating candles dripping with sparkling icicles, holly and mistletoe atop beams and doorways. The enchanted ceiling shows a clear twinkling sky, stars scattered like diamonds above the room, and music fills the air with a beat so infectious it's hard not to want to dance.

The long house benches have been replaced with smaller, circular tables to make space for the dancefloor, and along one side of the hall is a grand buffet table piled high with nibbles and treats. In the center of the wall at the far end of the hall is a large clock face, slowly ticking its way up to midnight to herald in the new year...

Enter the Party! )

Dec. 28th, 2015



Who: Professor Slughorn and Michael Corner
What: Can we cure this?
Where: The Potions Classroom
When: 28th December

Take this and call me in the morning )

[OOC: Advent is over, the magic is cured, keep your thoughts to yourself! Everything is back to normal except... Well, looks like Dean Thomas might still be suffering something or another. Probably best to just leave him.]

Dec. 10th, 2015



Who: Stephen and Girl!Michael
Where: The Ravenclaw 8th year boys room
When: Wednesday
What: Have we met?
Rating: Awkward

Well, it's how I see you when I see you from below, and I feel no other sights or sounds of things I know )

Dec. 8th, 2015



Who: Benjy McEwan and Michael Corner (!grabme)
What: This kid admitted to secretly poisoning the water, or something. Benjy on the case!
When: Backdated to Monday before the Announcement
Where: Great Hall
Rating: Low, probably.

Stupid kids )

Dec. 3rd, 2015



Michael hadn't said anything to anyone about what he'd done. He hadn't taken responsibility for his actions which... well, it wasn't as though it were unlike him. Neither Pomfrey or Slughorn had spoken of the missing potion yet. And really, it was hardly the worst thing that could happen. Everyone talking in verse was nice, he felt sophisticated, and people were learning new words. The Ravenclaw in him approved very much.

He'd begun to relax in a way. It was fine. It was going to be fine. It would wear off or someone would come up with a way to stop it or- or something.

Thursday morning dawned cloudy and poetic, and Michael headed down to breakfast alone. He was almost to the top of the big marble staircase when the nausea crept over him again. His hand slammed against the bannister to steady himself, his eyes watering as the tingling rushed through him again. But this time, Michael thought, he wouldn't reach for his wand. He wouldn't be that much of an idiot!

To his alarm, his fingertips began to tingle painfully, glowing with the power that was building up inside him. It wasn't going to be stopped, it had things it needed to do.

Michael's knees buckled as, once more, the energy rushed from his body in a powerful wave across the school.

[[Rhyming time is over! Today Michael has set off a spell of unrequited lust! Augusta Longbottom, Gregory Goyle, Angelina Johnson, and Theodore Nott have all taken the brunt of it. Over the course of today, they will be posting open threads. The first person to reply to them will fall wildly in love with them. If any of the four characters don't get a reply by 0800 GMT on the 4th, they can invade any thread of their choosing, and you won't have a choice but to give in to your lust!

Have fun!]]

[[ETA. any threads or journals with rhyming in them will continue to have rhyming in them. Even if you reply to journals today, you better get your rhyming on! (mostly, selfishly, because i haven't had time to bust out any rhymes yet. fuck you all, that's why! )]]

Nov. 17th, 2015



Who: Stephen Cornfoot and Michael Corner [!Grabme]
What: Peace offerings
Where: Ravenclaw 8th year boys room
When: Tuesday afternoon
Rating: Low

Sing out, sing out, the silence only eats us from the inside up )

Sep. 23rd, 2015



Who: Michael and Dorcas (!grabme)
What: Sugar quills and ice cream
Where: Ravenclaw common room
When: Wednesday night
Rating: TBD

If only you saw what I can see- )

Sep. 21st, 2015



Who: Dorcas, Ant, Michael & Kevin
What: Sleeping. Crying. Kittens.
Where: Ravenclaw common room, sofa.
When: Monday night
Rating: Low, most likely. Brief instance of violence in a dream.

No more feelings. / Time to shut the door. / Just- no more. )

Sep. 20th, 2015



Who: Stephen Cornfoot and Michael Corner
What: Someone's been sleeping in my bed
Where: Ravenclaw Tower, 8th year boys room
When: Sunday 20th, around midday?
Rating: Low? Mid?
Started but incomplete

You're dreaming or at least you've got your eyes closed, and this dormant love you've built inside your stubborn ways, well its begging now for air, or the silent breath of change... )