Plagued Logs


A Post-War Harry Potter RPG following the lives of our heroes after returning to Hogwarts.


December 2016



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Posts Tagged: 'sophia+brown'

Sep. 5th, 2016



Who: Lyra and Sophia (With appearances by Killian)
What: Drinking, checking out the older men. Just your regular night out.
When: Backdated to Saturday night
Where: Hogsmeade, the 3B's.

Mixed drinks and a morning hangover )

Aug. 25th, 2016



Who: Sophia and Bert
What: Bert has some groveling to do
Where: Cafe in Diagon
When: BACKDATED: Saturday, the twentieth

I will remember your face 'cause I am still in love with that place. But when the stars are the only things we share, will you be there? )



The Ministry Protest

Discord has spread through the masses, and the time has come for the people to express their disapproval of the Ministry's most recent actions! Of course, a crowd of angry witches and wizards cannot be allowed to storm the Ministry and so all Floo entrances have been redirected to Diagon Alley. A small Auror presence has been put in place in order to keep the peace.

Disgruntled, the protesters take to the street to chant and demand the positive change they want to see. The cobbles are packed with people, some holding signs, others shooting sparks into the air or flying banners above the heads of those marching. The actual subject of the protest seems a little confused. Some are there specifically against the release of Lucius Malfoy, others against the Wizengamot and more against the DMLE.

All that matters is that you get a chance to be heard.

Join the Protest! )

This is a group thread. Participation does count towards activity.
~ Please keep all protest related threads contained to this thread.
~ Use subcomments as individual threads
~ It's very crowded, keep that in mind. People might overhear things you say even if they're not in the actual thread.
~ Tag yourself if you can.
~ Yes there is collateral damage.
~ Try not to get trampled!

Apr. 1st, 2016



Who: Sophia and Stephen
What: A bit of healing
Where: Stephen's cottage
When: Friday afternoon

You echo in the halls, I feel your shadow on this empty stage... )

Mar. 27th, 2016



Who: Sophia Brown and Lee Jordan [GrabMe!]
What: Buried alive
Where: !Dream
When: Saturday Night
Rating: TBD

She didn't have anything to worry about in here. )

Mar. 14th, 2016



WHO: Lavender & Sophia [grabme]
WHAT: Halp
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHERE: Sophia's room
RATING: high for mentions of violence and stuff
STATUS: closed / wip

Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard )

Mar. 11th, 2016



Who: Sophia and Bert
What: Experimenting! (But not in the fun way...probably)
Where: Private Room in the Hospital Wing
When: Friday afternoon

Tell me to wake up and do anything. I feel like I've been run over by a truck. )

Feb. 5th, 2016



Who: Bert and Sophia
What: Birthday sex!
Where: Sophia's dorm in Ravenclaw
When: BACKDATED: Thursday, late
Rating: High

Happy Birthday )

Feb. 4th, 2016



Who: Sophia Brown and Stephen Cornfoot
What: Chatting about the virus. NBD.
Where: Hog's Head
When: 7:30PM-ish

Why bother? It's gonna hurt me. )

Jan. 27th, 2016



WHO: Michael and Sophia
WHAT: Sexual Tension! Or just tension. Beautiful people tension.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHERE: Hospital wing
RATING: S for Sexy.

No church in the wild. )

Jan. 21st, 2016



Who: Dennis and Sophia
What: Just another day of healing
When: Thursday night
Where: Hospital Wing
Rating/Status: Low/Closed

Read more... )

Jan. 14th, 2016



Who: Morag MacDougal and OPEN
What: Morag has a sweet tooth
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Honeydukes
Rating: Likely low

I want candy... )

Jan. 6th, 2016



Who: Bert and Sophia
What: Not sex
Where: Nowhere sexy
When: Wednesday sex
Rating: no sex

I can't give you the stars but you can take my second-hand heart )

Dec. 31st, 2015



New Years Eve 1998


The New Year's Eve Party

The Great Hall is still dressed in all the Christmas trimmings; great pine trees dressed with gold and silver decorations, floating candles dripping with sparkling icicles, holly and mistletoe atop beams and doorways. The enchanted ceiling shows a clear twinkling sky, stars scattered like diamonds above the room, and music fills the air with a beat so infectious it's hard not to want to dance.

The long house benches have been replaced with smaller, circular tables to make space for the dancefloor, and along one side of the hall is a grand buffet table piled high with nibbles and treats. In the center of the wall at the far end of the hall is a large clock face, slowly ticking its way up to midnight to herald in the new year...

Enter the Party! )

Dec. 28th, 2015



Who: Sophia Brown and Bert Scamander
What: Newbies meeting!
Where: Quarantine in Hogsmeade
When: Monday evening

I didn’t know it was hot in the middle. I touched it once, then I touched it a second time. Cause I am that naïve; a myriad of bright ideas )