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Posts Tagged: '1998+october'

Oct. 16th, 2015



WHO: Kat & Theodore
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: Leaving the Great Hall to head for the library
STATUS: Incomplete; WIP

There's only one way to go from rock bottom - it's up... )



Who: Benjy McEwen & Dean Thomas
What: Talks with an auror.
When: October 16th - Morning.
Where: Empty Classroom
Rating: Low - Probably talks of Gore though.
Status: Incomplete/Ongoing

Read More.. )



Who: Dean Thomas & Ginny Weasley
What: Talks and Comfort.
When: [Backdated] October 15th - Late
Where: Ginny's Fancy Head Girl Room.
Rating: Low-ish
Status: Incomplete/Ongoing

Things that fail to kill me, make me level up. )

Oct. 15th, 2015



Who: Alexander and Luca
What: Alex is working on a present. Luca gives him a bit of a break.
When: Thursday after classes
Where: Gryffindor 7th year boys' dorm
Rating: TBD - probably very low

Every time I try to score a goal / There's always a keeper in front of the pole. )



Who: Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas [kinda grabme?]
What: They need to have a quick word.
When: Thursday morning
Where: Gryffindor Tower
Rating: Low

You're as subtle as a brick in the small of my back )



Left under the covers on Alex's Bed in the 7th Year Boy's room very inconspicuously )

Oct. 14th, 2015



WHO: Sabrina & Neville [!GrabMe]
WHAT: taking him a little present
WHEN: Wednesday night after dinner
WHERE: the hospital wing
STATUS: Incomplete; WIP

... )

Oct. 15th, 2015



Who: Aster & Timothy
When: Tuesday 13th October - night | BACKDATED
Where: The Astronomy Tower
What: Cuddling under the stars
Rating: Cute.

He thinks she missed the train to Mars, she's out back counting stars )

Oct. 14th, 2015



Who: Eleanor and Kevin
What: He needs to cheer her up, okay?
Where: his fancy shmancy head boy room
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: TBA

Read more... )

Oct. 13th, 2015



WHO: Meg & Kevin
WHAT: A chat with Kevin
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon after classes
WHERE: Out by the lake
STATUS: Incomplete; WIP

If I could only teach my heart to talk/If I could only get my words to walk )

Oct. 11th, 2015



WHO: Oliver & Ava
WHAT: A first date of sorts
WHEN: Backdated to Saturday night around 7 p.m.
WHERE: Oliver's room in Gryffindor tower
RATING: We'll go with PG13 for now and update if needed
STATUS: Incomplete; WIP

Someday when I'm awfully low/When the world is cold/I will feel a glow just thinking of you/And the way you look tonight )

Oct. 12th, 2015



Who: Andrew Kirke & Parvati Patil
What: Sleepwalking
When: Friday night
Where: Near the Gryffindor Common Room
Rating: TBD

My skin's smothering me, help me find a way to breathe. Time stood still the way it did before; it's like I'm sleepwalking )

Oct. 11th, 2015



Who: Seamus Finnigan & Open
What: Roughly three quarters of a bottle of whiskey.
Where: The crumbling East Wing
When: Sunday night
Rating: Drunk Seamus

A man may drink and not be drunk, a man may fight and not be slain, a man may court a pretty girl and perhaps be welcomed back again )



Who: Alex Finch & Jewllian Montague [!grab-me]
What: An overdue apology
Where: The Great Hall
When: Sunday afternoon
Rating: Low

You're so good at stretching the truth into a sugar-coated lie. )

Oct. 10th, 2015



Who: Ava & Daphne
What: Two... friends sort of reconnecting in a fit of stupid panic
Where: Hufflepuff - 7th year girls dorm
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: PG?

Barrels )



Who: Dorcas & Open
What: Trying to get her brain to work right.
Where: Ravenclaw Tower - 8th year Boys Dorm
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: TBD

Queen Alice )



Who: Roth Mulciber and Lucian Bole
What: Guard duty
Where: Lucian's "cell"
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating: Medium: complete

One could only play around in one's own head for so long )



WHO: Oliver Wood & Penelope Clearwater [!GrabMe]
WHAT: Oliver offered his bed to Penny and she accepted
WHEN: Backdated to Friday afternoon/evening
STATUS: Incomplete; WIP

Just call my name and I'll be there )

Oct. 9th, 2015



Who: Ginny Weasley and Neville Longbottom
What: Visiting the patient
Where: The hospital wing of course
When: Saturday, 9 October 1998--Late Afternoon
Why: Because her bff is AWAKE. God he's lazy.
Rating: Probable swearing from Ginny. Otherwise, nothing big.
Status: Incomplete

If you need me call me, no matter where you are, no matter how far )



Who: Kevin and Ellie
What: Random Encounter!
Where: The front lawn
When: Friday morning
Rating: PG13

I am not so good with witty titles )