There comes a moment in the lives of all when they find themselves overcome with their faults or sins. There some wake to find themselves in a mysterious city in a world called Penance. Now in this world, they find themselves marked by their respective sin and under go Trials of their nightmares within one of the 9 Realms that make up Penance...

May 2022


Posts Tagged: '%21narrative'

May. 8th, 2022



Who: Donovan Brightly
What: Trying to pretend the river isn't there only makes it more dangerous.
When: Trial Night! May 3rd! this is late but I got stuck :P
Where: 5th Circle: Anger
Status: Narrative, complete
Warnings: Unhealthy relationships, gaslighting, internalized anger, internalized blame, mentions of parentification, nongraphic mentions of physical child abuse.

Donovan tried to swallow back the anger and choked on riverwater. )

May. 7th, 2022



Who: Miss Pauling
What: Trial
When: Extended trial night (May 4-7)
Where: Violence circle
Status: Narrative, Complete
Warnings: VIOLENCE. Lots and lots of violence. Dehydration, extreme heat, heat exhaustion, blood, injury, murder, extensive murder, I cannot tag enough on the murder, bodies, disposal of bodies, death, firearms, assorted weapons, deliriousness and altered mental states, Miss Pauling being really okay with killing her friends, questioning of purpose




Who: Vaizel, others (Aion)
What: Trial night
When: Trial night! (May 4 Backdated)
Where: Third Circle, Indulgence
Status: Narrative, complete
Warnings: War, violence, death, guilt, briefly referenced sex, dishonest relationship practices, alcohol, and blackmail, conflict with authority, evasive coping

That is an order. )

May. 6th, 2022



Who: Nikola Orsinov, disembodied narrator
What: Trial (May 4 backdated)
When: Trial night (May)
Where: 1st Circle, Limbo
Status: Narrative, Complete
Warnings: Clowns, mentions of blood, people-eating horrors, identity crisis, loss of identity, multiple personalities in one body, psychological mocking, puppet themes, body horror, general horror

You could never find a sadder clown )

May. 4th, 2022



Who: Michael Afton & the many faces of Ennard
What: Trial
When: Night of May 3rd
Where: Anger Circle
Status: Narrative, Finished
Warnings: IF THE IDEA OF SOMETHING ALIVE BEING IN YOUR BODY IS UNCOMFY TO YOU DO NOT READ THIS, GORE GORE GORE, Blood, Vomiting & throwing up blood, being moved/getting puppeteered/loss of control of your body, this trial made me itchy, Ennard is kinda gross if you think about it, Elizabeth Afton gaslights, gatekeeps, and girl bosses her way in this one,

Come with me, I’ll show you how to be a metal man )



Who: Chester Penasa & a whole bunch of people, but mainly his mom
What: Trial
When: Night of May 3rd
Where: Indulgence Circle
Status: Narrative, finished
Warnings: Body horror warnin’ for Chester as always- being impaled, smoking, swearing, spoilers for my own comic lol,

For the first time in a century he felt like he was floating )



Who: World End (Feat. Hallucination of his old eve Niccolo)
What: Trial
When: May 3rd
Where: Indulgence Circle
Status: Narrative, Finished
Warnings: TRAUMATIC, On screen Cannibalism/ Vampirism (idk if u can consider it cannibalism cause he's a vampire? But I’m gonna put it anyway!), Eating of live things, If you have ANY sensitivities to eating/eating of things maybe skip this one out, graphic descriptions of hunger/vomiting/starvation, Thoughts of self inflicted vampirism, on screen character “death”, demons, ANGST, loss of control, blacking out, hurting loved ones, lots of running, it’s called Gluttony for a reason, The Italian has hover text, hover over it to see a translation, Spoilers for several recent chapters of Servamp!!

You can’t run away from your demons when they’re inside you. )



Who: Mephisto Pheles (feat. Satan)
What: Counting the seconds until he can claw his way back to the surface.
When: Trial Night!
Where: Treachery Circle
Status: Narrative, Finished
Warnings: Big ol’ warning for VIOLENCE, On screen character death, necks get twisty and not in a goodway, SPOILER WARNING FOR BLUE EXORCIST! BIG ONE! Warning for like mild gross body imagery- Mephisto’s true form has clock hands through his neck idk what to say, arguments, 1,873 words of Mephisto insulting the shit out of Satan, we’re loosin’ sins this time folks, also why do I keep writing about necks?

How can you rewind time? You turn the hands back one by one. )



Who: Narcissa Black
What: Trial
When: Trial Night
Where: Treachery
Status: Narrative, finished
Warnings: I don’t think there are any, other than Narcissa’s usual charming self

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the queen )



Who: Zidane Tribal, and a beautiful daydream
What: He knows this shit, really, but the reminders help.
When: May 3rd Trial Night
Where: 6th Circle: Sacrifice
Status: Narrative, Complete
Warnings: Depression, self-isolation, mild language, general FFIX spoilers

It’s alright. You don’t have to talk right now. Just listen. )

Apr. 21st, 2022



Who: Tsurugi Kamiya
What: Feeling the loss of a loved one
When: April 21st
Where: Demon’s Den
Status: Narrative, finished
Warnings: Violence!, A LOT BLOOD, On screen NPC death, Fighting happens- kicks, stabbing, getting hit, injuries occur, Leorio is probably gonna smack him for this, I mention Taishi Touma so he gets his own warning,

Even when is heart was as heavy as stone he still sailed through the air with grace. )

Apr. 8th, 2022



Who: Edward Elric
What: In which there is a table, a gift, and some suspicious notes.
When: Trial Night! (yeah I know this is super fuckin late)
Where: 2nd Circle: Lust
Status: Narrative, Complete
Warnings: Ed's foul mouth, FMA Manga spoilers

He'd had this temptation laid out in front of him not too long ago, too )

Apr. 6th, 2022



Who: Tsurugi Kamiya
What: Using a Star
When: Trial Night
Where: Graphite Heights, 109
Status: Narrative, Finished
Warnings: Mikuni, negative self talk, mentions of pining, discussions of what the world is like during trial night, just a short little thing,

Do you wish to use your star and remain alone with your thoughts tonight? )



Who: Yukine
What: Getting a kick in the pants
When: Trial Night!
Where: Anger Circle
Status: Narrative, finished
Warnings: Spoilers for Season 1 of Noragami, Corruption! Corruption!, Minor warning for possibly creepy eye rolling/ unusual eye placement, Mild body horror, lots of crying too

Falling in the black, slipping through the cracks. Falling to the depths, can I ever go back? Dreaming of the way it used to be, can you hear me? )

Apr. 5th, 2022



Who: Zidane Tribal
What: Zidane knows he needs to make a choice...
When: Trial Night!
Where: 1st Circle: Limbo
Status: Narrative, complete!
Warnings: Spoilers for FFIX, violence, talk of destruction and genocide and violence.

Fight me! That's what you've been doing this whole time, isn't it? )

Apr. 4th, 2022



Who: Donovan Brightly
What: Violence is Nova's job, after all.
When: Trial Night
Where: 7th Circle: Violence
Status: Narrative, complete
Warnings: SERIOUS WARNING HERE for self-harm, intentional and reckless self-endangerment, and suicide. Please take care of yourself and do not read if you are at all hesitant or about this. Also warnings for probably inaccurate gun descriptions, gun violence, choking, nausea, vomiting, dehydration, falling from a great height, abusive relationships, general violence, mentions of murder, foul language, aaaaand blood. ...I think that's everything?

Is this my trial? Listening to you talk? I could’ve done that back home. )



Who: Killua Zoldyck
What: Final Trial
When: Trial Night!
Where: Violence Circle
Status: Narrative, Finished
Warnings: A few spoilers for S1

Just promise me you'll live clean from now on. )



Who: Yuji Itadori
What: Taking back his forfeit
When: April 3rd
Where: Somewhere??? Then into Sacrifice Circle
Status: Narrative, Finished
Warnings: Breaking Bones, descriptions of chest breaking/caving in, mentions of character death- non graphic, intense shonen protag vibes, Yuji is BACK baby!

How could I have given up when I have so many people waiting for me? )



Who: Renzo Shima
What: Trial + Prev game history bump!
When: Night of April 3rd
Where: Lust Circle! But most of it is memories
Status: Narrative, complete!
Warnings: Gore- mentions of getting stabbed, Springtrap is back lol, LOTS O MEMORIES, MahiShima is back, Shima remembers all of Wild Hunt, what a fucking NARRATIVE, Warning LONG ASS READ, angst of heartbreak, teen angst if you will, feat. Yamantaka cause we miss the boy, I am very tired after writing this out

All my tears have been used up )

Apr. 3rd, 2022



Who: Belladonna, and a lovely old wooden end table
What: Sometimes you just have to slap them to get your attention! But it's made her cheeks all rosy and her eyes bright as stars
When: Trial night!
Where: 8th Circle: Fraud
Status: Narrative, complete!
Warnings: A LOT of spoilers for Which Witch?, a LOT of headcanons for Which Witch?. Black magicy things, including: rotting plants, mold, mushrooms, spores, nongraphic mention of flies/maggots, kinda gross body things, darkness, talk of necromancy

The rain falling on the pavement around them began to turn to snow. )