There comes a moment in the lives of all when they find themselves overcome with their faults or sins. There some wake to find themselves in a mysterious city in a world called Penance. Now in this world, they find themselves marked by their respective sin and under go Trials of their nightmares within one of the 9 Realms that make up Penance...

May 2022


Posts Tagged: 'mikuni+alicein'

Mar. 2nd, 2022



Who: Tsurugi Kamiya & Mikuni Alicein
What: Immediate questions that need immediate answers
When: The morning of March 3rd
Where: Granite Heights, 109
Status: Ongoing, Closed
Warnings: TBD, Mentions of Choking, Descriptions of scratches, bruises, & wounds on neck, Pain Pain Pain, angst,

I need to know. Now. Why. Why did you leave. )

Feb. 17th, 2022



Group Thread: The Mixer

Be on your best behavior or be teleported directly to the street!

MIXER | ROOM 203 | SATURDAY NIGHT | Let's all get to know each other a bit better! )

Feb. 3rd, 2022



Who: Tsurugi Kamiya & Mikuni Alicein
What: February Trial
When: Feb
Where: Fraud Circle
Status: Finished, Closed
Warnings: Angst

Was our garden of Eden still standing? )

Jan. 20th, 2022



Who: Mikuni & Tsurugi
What: Picking up Tsurugi from Killua's
When: January 14th, evening (Backdated)
Where: Graphite Heights
Status: Thread, Ongoing
Warnings: TBA

Easy does it. )

Jan. 9th, 2022



Who: Tsurugi Kamiya & Mikuni Alicein
What: Discussing the Trial
When: The morning of Jan 7th (Backdated)
Where: Graphite Heights 109
Status: Finished, closed
Warnings: Mentions of strangulation!, things are a lil spicy? (mild nsfw- kiss),

Did you have the same dream? )



Who: Mikuni & Tsurugi
What: Shared Trial
When: January 6th (Backdated)
Where: Fraud Circle
Status: Thread, Complete
Warnings: TBA, probably angst, oh and strangulation!

For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror. )

Dec. 31st, 2021



Who: Tsurugi Kamiya & Mikuni Alicein
What: Having a lonely new years
When: Midnight Dec 31st
Where: Graphite Heights, 109
Status: Thread, Finished
Warnings: Tsurugi is drunk, mentions of alcohol & drinking, mentions of physical abuse, mentions of scaring, mentions of insomnia, it's lonely, he misses his friends y'all, Tsurugi still loves his abuser and it's a problem, lmao Mikuni just admit you care about him,

Even though he was drunk, it wasn't enough to numb his loneliness )