There comes a moment in the lives of all when they find themselves overcome with their faults or sins. There some wake to find themselves in a mysterious city in a world called Penance. Now in this world, they find themselves marked by their respective sin and under go Trials of their nightmares within one of the 9 Realms that make up Penance...

May 2022


Posts Tagged: 'zidane+tribal'

May. 4th, 2022



Who: Zidane Tribal, and a beautiful daydream
What: He knows this shit, really, but the reminders help.
When: May 3rd Trial Night
Where: 6th Circle: Sacrifice
Status: Narrative, Complete
Warnings: Depression, self-isolation, mild language, general FFIX spoilers

It’s alright. You don’t have to talk right now. Just listen. )

Apr. 5th, 2022



Who: Zidane Tribal
What: Zidane knows he needs to make a choice...
When: Trial Night!
Where: 1st Circle: Limbo
Status: Narrative, complete!
Warnings: Spoilers for FFIX, violence, talk of destruction and genocide and violence.

Fight me! That's what you've been doing this whole time, isn't it? )

Mar. 3rd, 2022



Who: Zidane Tribal
What: Self-isolation has not been good for him.
When: Trial Night
Where: 6th Circle: Sacrifice
Status: Narrative, Complete
Warnings: Mental spiraling, some heavy angst, hefty FFIX spoilers, mentions of violence

When was the last time he'd touched someone? )

Feb. 5th, 2022



Who: Zidane Tribal, surprise FF9 character cameo!
What: Violence is catching up with him...
When: February 3rd, the Trial
Where: Limbo Circle
Status: Narrative, Complete!
Warnings: FF9 near-endgame spoilers! Talk of fights and violence, but nothing shown. …although, there is blood. Does blood count as gore? There's blood. A lot of blood. >.> (like... a lot)

Once you have spilt the blood, it will always be there. )

Jan. 30th, 2022



Who: Kuja & Zidane Tribal
What: Just two brothers, having a friendly brawl
When: Right after this. The last Zidane Icon is legit his entrance
Where: Mint Park
Status: Finished, Closed
Warnings: DETAILED GORE IN THE LAST TAG!, ON SCREEN CHARACTER DEATH, Descriptions of cut up arms, spoilers for Final Fantasy IX!, Violence to be had, one or both of them will die, swearing, descriptions of fighting, knife use,


Jan. 10th, 2022



Who: That's a good question
What: Head empty no thoughts
When: January 7th, upon arrival
Where: Graphite Heights
Status: Narrative, Complete!
Warnings: Severe dissociative symptoms - depersonalization, derealization. Existential horror.
ALL THE SPOILERS. Seriously, don't read unless you want all the spoilers ever. (Note: some dialogue borrowed from canon!)

The body becomes a vessel, which greets a new soul... )