p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'sunna'

Dec. 8th, 2011



Someday My Pain Will Mark You

Who: Lily and Max (special guest appearance by their deities’ enemies)
What: Lily is chased and Max reveals what he’s been up to.
Where: Around town
When: December 8th, late afternoon.

Harness your blame, walk through, with the wild wolves around you )
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Nov. 25th, 2011



Now This Is Our Final December

Who: Lily and Max
What: Lily confronts her brother about his odd hours.
Where: Apartment 605
When: Late evening.

now deep in the forest, losing all thought of spring )
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Nov. 10th, 2011



What’s a kid like me even got to lose?

Who: Lily & Adam.
What: Adam drags himself up a floor for some first aid.
Where: 605.
When: 28 October, after this.
Warnings: None.

I know my place but it don’t know me )

Oct. 10th, 2011



If I Stumble

Who: Mani and Sunna
What: The arrival of the wolves and the development of the sun and moon circling the earth.
Where: The heavens
When: A bajillion years ago.

They’re gonna eat me alive )
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Oct. 4th, 2011


and the landscape of merry and desperate drought;

Who: Lily and Idris
What: Unsettling dreams, strange, sudden rain, and one very frustrated Lily make for not the most opportune time to shoot the breeze. Idris will persevere nonetheless--he's feeling weird this weekend, not to mention particularly compassionate, as it were.
Where: The parking lot of Pax...for now.
When: 3:25 P.M., October 2nd
Warnings: TBA
Notes: The bearer of the sun and the desert meet yet again? Yes. :D The side effects of October's craziness begin!

leave your heat anchored in dust )
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Sep. 19th, 2011



she said “feed me flowers”

Who: Julian and Lily
What: A random meeting.
When: 6:04 pm
Notes: Gdoc Holder Completed!

so I glow in the sun )

Sep. 3rd, 2011


what's your appetite..?

Who: Luc and Lily.
What: Their cooking-dinner date.
Where: Apartment D1.
When: Saturday, September 03, 2011. Around 5pm.
Notes: Gdocs placeholder.

are you hungry for a taste of life..? )
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Sep. 2nd, 2011



But Don’t You See Danger

Who: Max and Lily
What: A suspicious package arrives in the mail.
Where: Apartment #605
When: Saturday Afternoon
Notes: Gdoc Holder Complete!

This Is The Challenge )
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Aug. 13th, 2011



Here She Comes

Who: Lily and Max (plus Lily's late night fling- Robert)
What: Max introduces himself to Lily’s one night stand
Where: #605
When: Early morning, just after dawn
Notes: Gdoc Placeholder! Completed!

She's A Man Eater )
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Aug. 4th, 2011



looks to me like a narrow escape

Who: Lily & Adam.
What: Lily to the rescue.
Where: Random dudebro beach, boardwalk shopping type area.
When: 7:49 PM.
Warnings: Annoying, bigoted dudebro NPC/s. Language.

but I know what I am, they know what they are, so let me be )

i'm lacking discipline, i need your help..

Who: Luc, Lily, and Julian.
What: Out drinking. PARTAAAAYYY~ HAAAY~
Where: Club CASKET.
When: Thursday, August 4, 2011. About 11pm.
Warnings: Drunken debauchery and language..
Notes: Completed!

you know once i start i cannot help myself.. )

Jul. 27th, 2011



Curiosity killed the cat

Who: Tanya and Lily
What: Tanya is bored. She decides to find something to do.
Where: 605
When: July 27, evening.
Warnings: As of now? Nope.
Notes: This is where I would say something if I knew there was something to say.

Good thing I'm not feline. )
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Jul. 24th, 2011



Now you've seen his face

Who: Lily and Kit.
What: Meeting one another while the elevator is down.
Where: The lobby
When: Saturday, July 23, 2011. Afternoon
Warnings: None yet.

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Jul. 20th, 2011



Shadows Jumpin’ All Over The Walls

Who: Max & Lily
What: The Castle siblings go out to buy their Aunt a birthday gift
Where: Fashion Island Shopping Center
When: Early evening, Saturday
Notes: Placehold for Gdoc Completed!

some of them big, some of them small )
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Jul. 13th, 2011



I swear it feels just like the clocks slow down

Who: Idris & Lily
What: Meet and greet!
Where: Newport Beach Farmer's Market
When: Sunday, 10AM
Warnings: None yet.

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Jul. 2nd, 2011



Who Are the People in Your Neighborhood

What: A get together so the residents can be sized up.
Where: 606
When: 7:30 pm till whenever she decides she's done
Warnings: TBA
Notes: TBA

Won't you be my neighbor? )

Jul. 1st, 2011



And The Story's All Over You

Who: Max & Lily
What: The Castle siblings have the opportunity to have dinner together
Where: The Castle apartment, 605
When: 7:30 pm
Notes: Placeholder for a Gdoc Nvm, done!
Warnings: TBA

with the wild wolves around you )
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Jun. 1st, 2011



What: Trouble on the home front.
Where: Pax Letale.
When: 9:13 p.m.
Warnings: TBD.
Notes: Feel free to have your characters go with the concierge or make their way down to the lobby of their own volition. The tower-dwelling critter won’t likely be noticed for a while yet. So mix and mingle - there’s more to come!
ETA: Our volunteers have been notified of the effect the demon will have on their characters. Expect strange things to be afoot in coming threads...

There had been nothing whatsoever to indicate something was amiss: no foul weather, no maintenance crews loitering about, no meddling kids or their damnable dogs. Everything had simply worked, and then, in the blinking of an eye, it suddenly did not. In the midst of a crisp, clear summer night, Pax Letale effectively shut down. All electricity ceased, the elevator stopping - as it often had - between floors five and six, lights, power, and emergency backup failing simultaneously. The concierge rummaged for the 30,000 candlepower Maglite stashed beneath the counter, loosely gripping the brushed metal handle with more annoyance than real concern. Slowly he began making his rounds, walking from floor to floor in an attempt to make contact with, and if need be round up, the tenants entrusted for the duration of his shift to his lax, distracted brand of care.

In the darkness of the tower something stirred. On silent steps it padded to the door, slithering through the smallest of cracks on an ozone-scented wisp of smoke. It began its downward progress, forked tongue flicking at the air, seeking out the presences it knew lay just beneath its feet.